combine/extract/overwrite Tesseract data
combine_tessdata [OPTION] FILE…
combine_tessdata(1) is the main program to combine/extract/overwrite
tessdata components in [lang].traineddata files.
To combine all the individual tessdata components (unicharset, DAWGs,
classifier templates, ambiguities, language configs) located at, say,
/home/$USER/temp/eng.* run:
combine_tessdata /home/$USER/temp/eng.
The result will be a combined tessdata file /home/$USER/temp/eng.traineddata
Specify option -e if you would like to extract individual components
from a combined traineddata file. For example, to extract language config
file and the unicharset from tessdata/eng.traineddata run:
combine_tessdata -e tessdata/eng.traineddata
/home/$USER/temp/eng.config /home/$USER/temp/eng.unicharset
The desired config file and unicharset will be written to
/home/$USER/temp/eng.config /home/$USER/temp/eng.unicharset
Specify option -o to overwrite individual components of the given
[lang].traineddata file. For example, to overwrite language config
and unichar ambiguities files in tessdata/eng.traineddata use:
combine_tessdata -o tessdata/eng.traineddata
/home/$USER/temp/eng.config /home/$USER/temp/eng.unicharambigs
As a result, tessdata/eng.traineddata will contain the new language config
and unichar ambigs, plus all the original DAWGs, classifier templates, etc.
Note: the file names of the files to extract to and to overwrite from should
have the appropriate file suffixes (extensions) indicating their tessdata
component type (.unicharset for the unicharset, .unicharambigs for unichar
ambigs, etc). See k*FileSuffix variable in ccutil/tessdatamanager.h.
Specify option -u to unpack all the components to the specified path:
combine_tessdata -u tessdata/eng.traineddata /home/$USER/temp/eng.
This will create /home/$USER/temp/eng.* files with individual tessdata
components from tessdata/eng.traineddata.
-e .traineddata FILE…:
Extracts the specified components from the .traineddata file
-o .traineddata FILE…:
Overwrites the specified components of the .traineddata file
with those provided on the comand line.
-u .traineddata PATHPREFIX
Unpacks the .traineddata using the provided prefix.
Prefix refers to the full file prefix, including period (.)
combine_tessdata(1) first appeared in version 3.00 of Tesseract
Copyright (C) 2009, Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0