unicharambigs 5     unicharambigs Tesseract unicharset ambiguities DESCRIPTION The unicharset file is used by Tesseract to represent possible ambiguities between characters, or groups of characters. The file contains a number of lines, laid out as follow: [num] <TAB> [char(s)] <TAB> [num] <TAB> [char(s)] <TAB> [num] Field one the number of characters contained in field two Field two the character sequence to be replaced Field three the number of characters contained in field four Field four the character sequence used to replace field two Field five contains either 1 or 0. 1 denotes a mandatory replacement, 0 denotes an optional replacement. Characters appearing in fields two and four should appear in unicharset. The numbers in fields one and three refer to the number of unichars (not bytes). EXAMPLE 2 ' ' 1 " 1 1 m 2 r n 0 3 i i i 1 m 0 In this example, all instances of the 2 character sequence '' will always be replaced by the 1 character sequence "; a 1 character sequence m may be replaced by the 2 character sequence rn, and the 3 character sequence may be replaced by the 1 character sequence m. HISTORY The unicharambigs file first appeared in Tesseract 3.00; prior to that, a similar format, called DangAmbigs (dangerous ambiguities) was used: the format was almost identical, except only mandatory replacements could be specified, and field 5 was absent. BUGS This is a documentation "bug": it’s not currently clear what should be done in the case of ligatures (such as fi) which may also appear as regular letters in the unicharset. SEE ALSO tesseract(1), unicharset(5)