#include #include "tesseract/ccutil/scanutils.h" namespace { class ScanutilsTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: string TestDataNameToPath(const string& name) { return file::JoinPath(FLAGS_test_srcdir, "testdata/" + name); } }; TEST_F(ScanutilsTest, DoesScanf) { // This test verifies that tfscanf does Scanf the same as stdio fscanf. // There are probably a gazillion more test cases that could be added, but // these brought the tesseract and unittest test results in line. string filename = TestDataNameToPath("scanftest.txt"); FILE* fp1 = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r"); FILE* fp2 = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r"); // The file contains this: // 42.5 17 0.001000 -0.001000 // 0 1 123 -123 0x100 // abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz // abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz // MF 25 6.25e-2 0.5e5 -1e+4 // 42 MF 25 6.25e-2 0.5 // 24 const int kNumFloats = 4; float f1[kNumFloats], f2[kNumFloats]; int r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%f %f %f %f", &f1[0], &f1[1], &f1[2], &f1[3]); int r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%f %f %f %f", &f2[0], &f2[1], &f2[2], &f2[3]); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); for (int i = 0; i < kNumFloats; ++i) EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(f1[i], f2[i]); const int kNumInts = 5; int i1[kNumInts], i2[kNumInts]; r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%d %d %d %d %i", &i1[0], &i1[1], &i1[2], &i1[3], &i1[4]); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%d %d %d %d %i", &i2[0], &i2[1], &i2[2], &i2[3], &i2[4]); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); for (int i = 0; i < kNumInts; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(i1[i], i2[i]); const int kStrLen = 1024; char s1[kStrLen]; char s2[kStrLen]; r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%1023s", s1); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%1023s", s2); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); EXPECT_STREQ(s1, s2); EXPECT_EQ(26, strlen(s2)); r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%20s", s1); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%20s", s2); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); EXPECT_STREQ(s1, s2); EXPECT_EQ(20, strlen(s2)); // Now read the rest of the alphabet. r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%s", s1); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%s", s2); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); EXPECT_STREQ(s1, s2); EXPECT_EQ(6, strlen(s2)); r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%s", s1); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%s", s2); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); EXPECT_STREQ(s1, s2); EXPECT_EQ(2, strlen(s2)); r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%f %f %f %f", &f1[0], &f1[1], &f1[2], &f1[3]); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%f %f %f %f", &f2[0], &f2[1], &f2[2], &f2[3]); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); for (int i = 0; i < kNumFloats; ++i) EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(f1[i], f2[i]); // Test the * for field suppression. r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%d %*s %*d %*f %*f", &i1[0]); r2 = tfscanf(fp2,"%d %*s %*d %*f %*f", &i2[0]); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); EXPECT_EQ(i1[0], i2[0]); // We should still see the next value and no phantoms. r1 = fscanf(fp1, "%d %s", &i1[0], s1); r2 = tfscanf(fp2, "%d %s", &i2[0], s2); EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2); EXPECT_EQ(1, r2); EXPECT_EQ(i1[0], i2[0]); } } // namespace