#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # File: runalltests_spa.sh # Description: Script to run a set of UNLV test sets for Spanish. # based on runalltests.sh by Ray Smith # Author: Shree Devi Kumar # Created: June 09, 2018 # # (C) Copyright 2007, Google Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################## if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "Usage:$0 unlv-data-dir version-id tessdata-dir" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d src/api ] then echo "Run $0 from the tesseract-ocr root directory!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -r src/api/tesseract ] && [ ! -r tesseract.exe ] then echo "Please build tesseract before running $0" exit 1 fi tessdata=$3 lang=$4 #timesum computes the total cpu time timesum() { awk ' BEGIN { total = 0.0; } { total += $2; } END { printf("%.2f\n", total); }' "$1" } imdir="$1" vid="$2" bindir=${0%/*} if [ "$bindir" = "$0" ] then bindir="./" fi rdir=unlvtests/reports testsets="spn.3B" totalerrs=0 totalwerrs=0 totalnswerrs=0 for set in $testsets do if [ -r "$imdir/$set/pages" ] then # Run tesseract on all the pages. $bindir/runtestset.sh "$imdir/$set/pages" "$tessdata" "spa" # Count the errors on all the pages. $bindir/counttestset.sh "$imdir/$set/pages" "spa" # Get the new character word and nonstop word errors and accuracy. cherrs=$(head -4 "unlvtests/results/$set.characc" |tail -1 |cut -c1-9 | tr -d '[:blank:]') chacc=$(head -5 "unlvtests/results/$set.characc" |tail -1 |cut -c1-9 | tr -d '[:blank:]') wderrs=$(head -4 "unlvtests/results/$set.wordacc" |tail -1 |cut -c1-9 | tr -d '[:blank:]') wdacc=$(head -5 "unlvtests/results/$set.wordacc" |tail -1 |cut -c1-9 | tr -d '[:blank:]') nswderrs=$(grep Total "unlvtests/results/$set.wordacc" |head -2 |tail -1 | cut -c10-17 |tr -d '[:blank:]') nswdacc=$(grep Total "unlvtests/results/$set.wordacc" |head -2 |tail -1 | cut -c19-26 |tr -d '[:blank:]') sumfile=$rdir/$vid.$set.sum if [ -r "unlvtests/results/$set.times" ] then total_time=$(timesum "unlvtests/results/$set.times") if [ -r "unlvtests/results/prev/$set.times" ] then paste "unlvtests/results/prev/$set.times" "unlvtests/results/$set.times" | awk '{ printf("%s %.2f\n", $1, $4-$2); }' |sort -k2n >"unlvtests/results/$set.timedelta" fi else total_time='0.0' fi echo "RELEASE TestSet CharErrors Accuracy WordErrors Accuracy\ NonStopWordErrors Accuracy TimeTaken">"$sumfile" echo "$vid $set $cherrs $chacc $wderrs $wdacc\ $nswderrs $nswdacc ${total_time}s" >>"$sumfile" fi done cat "$rdir/$vid".*.sum >"$rdir/$vid".summary mv "$rdir/$vid".*.sum unlvtests/results/ cat "$rdir/$vid".summary