#!/bin/bash # (C) Copyright 2014, Google Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This script provides an easy way to execute various phases of training # Tesseract. For a detailed description of the phases, see # https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki/TrainingTesseract # display_usage() { echo -e "USAGE: tesstrain.sh --fontlist FONTS # A list of fontnames to train on. --fonts_dir FONTS_PATH # Path to font files. --lang LANG_CODE # ISO 639 code. --langdata_dir DATADIR # Path to tesseract/training/langdata directory. --output_dir OUTPUTDIR # Location of output traineddata file. --save_box_tiff # Save box/tiff pairs along with lstmf files. --overwrite # Safe to overwrite files in output_dir. --linedata_only # Only generate training data for lstmtraining. --run_shape_clustering # Run shape clustering (use for Indic langs). --exposures EXPOSURES # A list of exposure levels to use (e.g. "-1 0 1"). OPTIONAL flags for input data. If unspecified we will look for them in the langdata_dir directory. --training_text TEXTFILE # Text to render and use for training. --wordlist WORDFILE # Word list for the language ordered by # decreasing frequency. OPTIONAL flag to specify location of existing traineddata files, required during feature extraction. If unspecified will use TESSDATA_PREFIX defined in the current environment. --tessdata_dir TESSDATADIR # Path to tesseract/tessdata directory. NOTE: The font names specified in --fontlist need to be recognizable by Pango using fontconfig. An easy way to list the canonical names of all fonts available on your system is to run text2image with --list_available_fonts and the appropriate --fonts_dir path." } source "$(dirname $0)/tesstrain_utils.sh" if [[ $# -eq 0 || "$1" == "--help" || "$1" == "-h" ]]; then display_usage exit 0 fi if [ $# == 0 ]; then display_usage exit 1 fi ARGV=("$@") parse_flags mkdir -p ${TRAINING_DIR} tlog "\n=== Starting training for language '${LANG_CODE}'" source "$(dirname $0)/language-specific.sh" set_lang_specific_parameters ${LANG_CODE} initialize_fontconfig phase_I_generate_image 8 phase_UP_generate_unicharset if ((LINEDATA)); then phase_E_extract_features " --psm 6 lstm.train " 8 "lstmf" make__lstmdata tlog "\nCreated starter traineddata for language '${LANG_CODE}'\n" tlog "\nRun lstmtraining to do the LSTM training for language '${LANG_CODE}'\n" else phase_D_generate_dawg phase_E_extract_features "box.train" 8 "tr" phase_C_cluster_prototypes "${TRAINING_DIR}/${LANG_CODE}.normproto" if [[ "${ENABLE_SHAPE_CLUSTERING}" == "y" ]]; then phase_S_cluster_shapes fi phase_M_cluster_microfeatures phase_B_generate_ambiguities make__traineddata tlog "\nCompleted training for language '${LANG_CODE}'\n" fi