#include "tesseract/ccutil/unicharset.h" #include "tesseract/dict/dawg.h" #include "tesseract/dict/trie.h" #include "util/utf8/public/unicodetext.h" namespace { class TatweelTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: TatweelTest() { string filename = TestDataNameToPath("ara.wordlist"); string wordlist; CHECK_OK(file::GetContents(filename, &wordlist, file::Defaults())); // Put all the unicodes in the unicharset_. UnicodeText text; text.PointToUTF8(wordlist.data(), wordlist.size()); int num_tatweel = 0; for (auto it = text.begin(); it != text.end(); ++it) { string utf8 = it.get_utf8_string(); if (utf8.find(u8"\u0640") != string::npos) ++num_tatweel; unicharset_.unichar_insert(utf8.c_str()); } LOG(INFO) << "Num tatweels in source data=" << num_tatweel; EXPECT_GT(num_tatweel, 0); } string TestDataNameToPath(const string& name) { return file::JoinPath(FLAGS_test_srcdir, "testdata/" + name); } UNICHARSET unicharset_; }; TEST_F(TatweelTest, UnicharsetIgnoresTatweel) { // This test verifies that the unicharset ignores the Tatweel character. for (int i = 0; i < unicharset_.size(); ++i) { const char* utf8 = unicharset_.id_to_unichar(i); EXPECT_EQ(strstr(utf8, u8"\u0640"), nullptr); } } TEST_F(TatweelTest, DictIgnoresTatweel) { // This test verifies that the dictionary ignores the Tatweel character. tesseract::Trie trie(tesseract::DAWG_TYPE_WORD, "ara", SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM, unicharset_.size(), 0); string filename = TestDataNameToPath("ara.wordlist"); EXPECT_TRUE(trie.read_and_add_word_list( filename.c_str(), unicharset_, tesseract::Trie::RRP_REVERSE_IF_HAS_RTL)); EXPECT_EQ(0, trie.check_for_words(filename.c_str(), unicharset_, false)); } TEST_F(TatweelTest, UnicharsetLoadKeepsTatweel) { // This test verifies that a load of an existing unicharset keeps any // existing tatweel for backwards compatability. string filename = TestDataNameToPath("ara.unicharset"); EXPECT_TRUE(unicharset_.load_from_file(filename.c_str())); int num_tatweel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < unicharset_.size(); ++i) { const char* utf8 = unicharset_.id_to_unichar(i); if (strstr(utf8, u8"\u0640") != nullptr) ++num_tatweel; } LOG(INFO) << "Num tatweels in unicharset=" << num_tatweel; EXPECT_EQ(num_tatweel, 4); } } // namespace