/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: wordlist2dawg.cpp // Description: Program to generate a DAWG from a word list file // Author: Thomas Kielbus // Created: Thu May 10 18:11:42 PDT 2007 // // (C) Copyright 2006, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Given a file that contains a list of words (one word per line) this program // generates the corresponding squished DAWG file. #include #include "classify.h" #include "dawg.h" #include "dict.h" #include "emalloc.h" #include "freelist.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "serialis.h" #include "trie.h" #include "unicharset.h" static const int kMaxNumEdges = 10000000; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int min_word_length; int max_word_length; if (!(argc == 4 || (argc == 5 && strcmp(argv[1], "-t") == 0) || (argc == 7 && strcmp(argv[1], "-l") == 0 && sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &min_word_length) == 1 && sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &max_word_length) == 1))) { printf("Usage: %s [-t | -l min_len max_len] word_list_file" " dawg_file unicharset_file", argv[0]); return 1; } tesseract::Classify *classify = new tesseract::Classify(); int argv_index = 0; if (argc == 5) ++argv_index; if (argc == 7) argv_index += 3; const char* wordlist_filename = argv[++argv_index]; const char* dawg_filename = argv[++argv_index]; const char* unicharset_file = argv[++argv_index]; if (!classify->getDict().getUnicharset().load_from_file(unicharset_file)) { tprintf("Failed to load unicharset from '%s'\n", unicharset_file); delete classify; return 1; } const UNICHARSET &unicharset = classify->getDict().getUnicharset(); if (argc == 4) { tesseract::Trie trie( // the first 3 arguments are not used in this case tesseract::DAWG_TYPE_WORD, "", SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM, kMaxNumEdges, unicharset.size(), classify->getDict().dawg_debug_level); printf("Reading word list from '%s'\n", wordlist_filename); if (!trie.read_word_list(wordlist_filename, unicharset)) { printf("Failed to read word list from '%s'\n", wordlist_filename); exit(1); } printf("Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg\n"); tesseract::SquishedDawg *dawg = trie.trie_to_dawg(); if (dawg->NumEdges() > 0) { printf("Writing squished DAWG to '%s'\n", dawg_filename); dawg->write_squished_dawg(dawg_filename); } else { printf("Dawg is empty, skip producing the output file\n"); } delete dawg; } else if (argc == 5) { printf("Loading dawg DAWG from '%s'\n", dawg_filename); tesseract::SquishedDawg words( dawg_filename, // these 3 arguments are not used in this case tesseract::DAWG_TYPE_WORD, "", SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM, classify->getDict().dawg_debug_level); printf("Checking word list from '%s'\n", wordlist_filename); words.check_for_words(wordlist_filename, unicharset, true); } else if (argc == 7) { // Place words of different lengths in separate Dawgs. char str[CHARS_PER_LINE]; FILE *word_file = fopen(wordlist_filename, "r"); if (word_file == NULL) { printf("Failed to open wordlist file %s\n", wordlist_filename); exit(1); } FILE *dawg_file = fopen(dawg_filename, "wb"); if (dawg_file == NULL) { printf("Failed to open dawg output file %s\n", dawg_filename); exit(1); } printf("Reading word list from '%s'\n", wordlist_filename); GenericVector trie_vec; int i; for (i = min_word_length; i <= max_word_length; ++i) { trie_vec.push_back(new tesseract::Trie( // the first 3 arguments are not used in this case tesseract::DAWG_TYPE_WORD, "", SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM, kMaxNumEdges, unicharset.size(), classify->getDict().dawg_debug_level)); } while (fgets(str, CHARS_PER_LINE, word_file) != NULL) { chomp_string(str); // remove newline WERD_CHOICE word(str, unicharset); if (word.length() >= min_word_length && word.length() <= max_word_length && !word.contains_unichar_id(INVALID_UNICHAR_ID)) { tesseract::Trie *curr_trie = trie_vec[word.length()-min_word_length]; if (!curr_trie->word_in_dawg(word)) { curr_trie->add_word_to_dawg(word); if (classify->getDict().dawg_debug_level > 1) { tprintf("Added word %s of length %d\n", str, word.length()); } if (!curr_trie->word_in_dawg(word)) { tprintf("Error: word '%s' not in DAWG after adding it\n", str); exit(1); } } } } fclose(word_file); printf("Writing fixed length dawgs to '%s'\n", dawg_filename); GenericVector dawg_vec; for (i = 0; i <= max_word_length; ++i) { dawg_vec.push_back(i < min_word_length ? NULL : trie_vec[i-min_word_length]->trie_to_dawg()); } tesseract::Dict::WriteFixedLengthDawgs( dawg_vec, max_word_length - min_word_length + 1, classify->getDict().dawg_debug_level, dawg_file); fclose(dawg_file); dawg_vec.delete_data_pointers(); trie_vec.delete_data_pointers(); } else { // should never get here printf("Invalid command-line options\n"); exit(1); } delete classify; return 0; }