/****************************************************************************** ** Filename: adaptive.c ** Purpose: Adaptive matcher. ** Author: Dan Johnson ** History: Fri Mar 8 10:00:21 1991, DSJ, Created. ** ** (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1988. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include Files and Type Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ #include "adaptive.h" #include "emalloc.h" #include "freelist.h" #include "globals.h" #ifdef __UNIX__ #include #endif #include /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int AddAdaptedClass(ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates, ADAPT_CLASS Class, CLASS_ID ClassId) { /* ** Parameters: ** Templates set of templates to add new class to ** Class new class to add to templates ** ClassId class id to associate with new class ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine adds a new adapted class to an existing ** set of adapted templates. ** Return: The class index of the new class. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Thu Mar 14 13:06:09 1991, DSJ, Created. */ INT_CLASS IntClass; CLASS_INDEX ClassIndex; assert (Templates != NULL); assert (Class != NULL); assert (LegalClassId (ClassId)); assert (UnusedClassIdIn (Templates->Templates, ClassId)); assert (Class->NumPermConfigs == 0); IntClass = NewIntClass (1, 1); ClassIndex = AddIntClass (Templates->Templates, ClassId, IntClass); assert (Templates->Class[ClassIndex] == NULL); Templates->Class[ClassIndex] = Class; return (ClassIndex); } /* AddAdaptedClass */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FreeTempConfig(TEMP_CONFIG Config) { /* ** Parameters: ** Config config to be freed ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine frees all memory consumed by a temporary ** configuration. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Thu Mar 14 13:34:23 1991, DSJ, Created. */ assert (Config != NULL); destroy_nodes (Config->ContextsSeen, memfree); FreeBitVector (Config->Protos); c_free_struct (Config, sizeof (TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT), "TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT"); } /* FreeTempConfig */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FreeTempProto(void *arg) { PROTO proto = (PROTO) arg; c_free_struct (proto, sizeof (TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT), "TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ADAPT_CLASS NewAdaptedClass() { /* ** Parameters: none ** Globals: none ** Operation: This operation allocates and initializes a new adapted ** class data structure and returns a ptr to it. ** Return: Ptr to new class data structure. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Thu Mar 14 12:58:13 1991, DSJ, Created. */ ADAPT_CLASS Class; int i; Class = (ADAPT_CLASS) Emalloc (sizeof (ADAPT_CLASS_STRUCT)); Class->NumPermConfigs = 0; Class->TempProtos = NIL; Class->PermProtos = NewBitVector (MAX_NUM_PROTOS); Class->PermConfigs = NewBitVector (MAX_NUM_CONFIGS); zero_all_bits (Class->PermProtos, WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_PROTOS)); zero_all_bits (Class->PermConfigs, WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_CONFIGS)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CONFIGS; i++) TempConfigFor (Class, i) = NULL; return (Class); } /* NewAdaptedClass */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void free_adapted_class(ADAPT_CLASS adapt_class) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CONFIGS; i++) { if (ConfigIsPermanent (adapt_class, i) && PermConfigFor (adapt_class, i) != NULL) Efree (PermConfigFor (adapt_class, i)); else if (!ConfigIsPermanent (adapt_class, i) && TempConfigFor (adapt_class, i) != NULL) FreeTempConfig (TempConfigFor (adapt_class, i)); } FreeBitVector (adapt_class->PermProtos); FreeBitVector (adapt_class->PermConfigs); destroy_nodes (adapt_class->TempProtos, FreeTempProto); Efree(adapt_class); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ADAPT_TEMPLATES NewAdaptedTemplates() { /* ** Parameters: none ** Globals: none ** Operation: ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Fri Mar 8 10:15:28 1991, DSJ, Created. */ ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates; int i; Templates = (ADAPT_TEMPLATES) Emalloc (sizeof (ADAPT_TEMPLATES_STRUCT)); Templates->Templates = NewIntTemplates (); Templates->NumPermClasses = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CLASSES; i++) Templates->Class[i] = NULL; return (Templates); } /* NewAdaptedTemplates */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void free_adapted_templates(ADAPT_TEMPLATES templates) { if (templates != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NumClassesIn (templates->Templates); i++) free_adapted_class (templates->Class[i]); free_int_templates (templates->Templates); Efree(templates); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEMP_CONFIG NewTempConfig(int MaxProtoId) { /* ** Parameters: ** MaxProtoId max id of any proto in new config ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine allocates and returns a new temporary ** config. ** Return: Ptr to new temp config. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Thu Mar 14 13:28:21 1991, DSJ, Created. */ TEMP_CONFIG Config; int NumProtos = MaxProtoId + 1; Config = (TEMP_CONFIG) c_alloc_struct (sizeof (TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT), "TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT"); Config->Protos = NewBitVector (NumProtos); Config->NumTimesSeen = 1; Config->MaxProtoId = MaxProtoId; Config->ProtoVectorSize = WordsInVectorOfSize (NumProtos); Config->ContextsSeen = NIL; zero_all_bits (Config->Protos, Config->ProtoVectorSize); return (Config); } /* NewTempConfig */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEMP_PROTO NewTempProto() { /* ** Parameters: none ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine allocates and returns a new temporary proto. ** Return: Ptr to new temporary proto. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Thu Mar 14 13:31:31 1991, DSJ, Created. */ return ((TEMP_PROTO) c_alloc_struct (sizeof (TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT), "TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT")); } /* NewTempProto */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PrintAdaptedTemplates(FILE *File, ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open text file to print Templates to ** Templates adapted templates to print to File ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine prints a summary of the adapted templates ** in Templates to File. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Wed Mar 20 13:35:29 1991, DSJ, Created. */ int i; INT_CLASS IClass; ADAPT_CLASS AClass; #ifndef SECURE_NAMES fprintf (File, "\n\nSUMMARY OF ADAPTED TEMPLATES:\n\n"); fprintf (File, "Num classes = %d; Num permanent classes = %d\n\n", NumClassesIn (Templates->Templates), Templates->NumPermClasses); fprintf (File, "Index Id NC NPC NP NPP\n"); fprintf (File, "------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < NumClassesIn (Templates->Templates); i++) { IClass = ClassForIndex (Templates->Templates, i); AClass = Templates->Class[i]; fprintf (File, "%5d %s %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", i, unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassIdForIndex (Templates->Templates, i)), NumIntConfigsIn (IClass), AClass->NumPermConfigs, NumIntProtosIn (IClass), NumIntProtosIn (IClass) - count (AClass->TempProtos)); } #endif fprintf (File, "\n"); } /* PrintAdaptedTemplates */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ADAPT_CLASS ReadAdaptedClass(FILE *File) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open file to read adapted class from ** Globals: none ** Operation: Read an adapted class description from File and return ** a ptr to the adapted class. ** Return: Ptr to new adapted class. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Tue Mar 19 14:11:01 1991, DSJ, Created. */ int NumTempProtos; int NumConfigs; int i; ADAPT_CLASS Class; TEMP_PROTO TempProto; /* first read high level adapted class structure */ Class = (ADAPT_CLASS) Emalloc (sizeof (ADAPT_CLASS_STRUCT)); fread ((char *) Class, sizeof (ADAPT_CLASS_STRUCT), 1, File); /* then read in the definitions of the permanent protos and configs */ Class->PermProtos = NewBitVector (MAX_NUM_PROTOS); Class->PermConfigs = NewBitVector (MAX_NUM_CONFIGS); fread ((char *) Class->PermProtos, sizeof (UINT32), WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_PROTOS), File); fread ((char *) Class->PermConfigs, sizeof (UINT32), WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_CONFIGS), File); /* then read in the list of temporary protos */ fread ((char *) &NumTempProtos, sizeof (int), 1, File); Class->TempProtos = NIL; for (i = 0; i < NumTempProtos; i++) { TempProto = (TEMP_PROTO) c_alloc_struct (sizeof (TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT), "TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT"); fread ((char *) TempProto, sizeof (TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT), 1, File); Class->TempProtos = push_last (Class->TempProtos, TempProto); } /* then read in the adapted configs */ fread ((char *) &NumConfigs, sizeof (int), 1, File); for (i = 0; i < NumConfigs; i++) if (test_bit (Class->PermConfigs, i)) Class->Config[i].Perm = ReadPermConfig (File); else Class->Config[i].Temp = ReadTempConfig (File); return (Class); } /* ReadAdaptedClass */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ADAPT_TEMPLATES ReadAdaptedTemplates(FILE *File) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open text file to read adapted templates from ** Globals: none ** Operation: Read a set of adapted templates from File and return ** a ptr to the templates. ** Return: Ptr to adapted templates read from File. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Mar 18 15:18:10 1991, DSJ, Created. */ int i; ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates; /* first read the high level adaptive template struct */ Templates = (ADAPT_TEMPLATES) Emalloc (sizeof (ADAPT_TEMPLATES_STRUCT)); fread ((char *) Templates, sizeof (ADAPT_TEMPLATES_STRUCT), 1, File); /* then read in the basic integer templates */ Templates->Templates = ReadIntTemplates (File, FALSE); /* then read in the adaptive info for each class */ for (i = 0; i < NumClassesIn (Templates->Templates); i++) { Templates->Class[i] = ReadAdaptedClass (File); } return (Templates); } /* ReadAdaptedTemplates */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PERM_CONFIG ReadPermConfig(FILE *File) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open file to read permanent config from ** Globals: none ** Operation: Read a permanent configuration description from File ** and return a ptr to it. ** Return: Ptr to new permanent configuration description. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Tue Mar 19 14:25:26 1991, DSJ, Created. */ PERM_CONFIG Config; UINT8 NumAmbigs; fread ((char *) &NumAmbigs, sizeof (UINT8), 1, File); Config = (PERM_CONFIG) Emalloc (sizeof (char) * (NumAmbigs + 1)); fread (Config, sizeof (UNICHAR_ID), NumAmbigs, File); Config[NumAmbigs] = -1; return (Config); } /* ReadPermConfig */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEMP_CONFIG ReadTempConfig(FILE *File) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open file to read temporary config from ** Globals: none ** Operation: Read a temporary configuration description from File ** and return a ptr to it. ** Return: Ptr to new temporary configuration description. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Tue Mar 19 14:29:59 1991, DSJ, Created. */ TEMP_CONFIG Config; Config = (TEMP_CONFIG) c_alloc_struct (sizeof (TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT), "TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT"); fread ((char *) Config, sizeof (TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT), 1, File); Config->Protos = NewBitVector (Config->ProtoVectorSize * BITSINLONG); fread ((char *) Config->Protos, sizeof (UINT32), Config->ProtoVectorSize, File); return (Config); } /* ReadTempConfig */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WriteAdaptedClass(FILE *File, ADAPT_CLASS Class, int NumConfigs) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open file to write Class to ** Class adapted class to write to File ** NumConfigs number of configs in Class ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine writes a binary representation of Class ** to File. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Tue Mar 19 13:33:51 1991, DSJ, Created. */ int NumTempProtos; LIST TempProtos; int i; /* first write high level adapted class structure */ fwrite ((char *) Class, sizeof (ADAPT_CLASS_STRUCT), 1, File); /* then write out the definitions of the permanent protos and configs */ fwrite ((char *) Class->PermProtos, sizeof (UINT32), WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_PROTOS), File); fwrite ((char *) Class->PermConfigs, sizeof (UINT32), WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_CONFIGS), File); /* then write out the list of temporary protos */ NumTempProtos = count (Class->TempProtos); fwrite ((char *) &NumTempProtos, sizeof (int), 1, File); TempProtos = Class->TempProtos; iterate (TempProtos) { void* proto = first_node(TempProtos); fwrite ((char *) proto, sizeof (TEMP_PROTO_STRUCT), 1, File); } /* then write out the adapted configs */ fwrite ((char *) &NumConfigs, sizeof (int), 1, File); for (i = 0; i < NumConfigs; i++) if (test_bit (Class->PermConfigs, i)) WritePermConfig (File, Class->Config[i].Perm); else WriteTempConfig (File, Class->Config[i].Temp); } /* WriteAdaptedClass */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WriteAdaptedTemplates(FILE *File, ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open text file to write Templates to ** Templates set of adapted templates to write to File ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine saves Templates to File in a binary format. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Mar 18 15:07:32 1991, DSJ, Created. */ int i; /* first write the high level adaptive template struct */ fwrite ((char *) Templates, sizeof (ADAPT_TEMPLATES_STRUCT), 1, File); /* then write out the basic integer templates */ WriteIntTemplates (File, Templates->Templates, unicharset); /* then write out the adaptive info for each class */ for (i = 0; i < NumClassesIn (Templates->Templates); i++) { WriteAdaptedClass (File, Templates->Class[i], NumIntConfigsIn (ClassForIndex (Templates->Templates, i))); } } /* WriteAdaptedTemplates */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WritePermConfig(FILE *File, PERM_CONFIG Config) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open file to write Config to ** Config permanent config to write to File ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine writes a binary representation of a ** permanent configuration to File. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Tue Mar 19 13:55:44 1991, DSJ, Created. */ UINT8 NumAmbigs = 0; assert (Config != NULL); while (Config[NumAmbigs] > 0) ++NumAmbigs; fwrite ((char *) &NumAmbigs, sizeof (UINT8), 1, File); fwrite (Config, sizeof (UNICHAR_ID), NumAmbigs, File); } /* WritePermConfig */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WriteTempConfig(FILE *File, TEMP_CONFIG Config) { /* ** Parameters: ** File open file to write Config to ** Config temporary config to write to File ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine writes a binary representation of a ** temporary configuration to File. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Tue Mar 19 14:00:28 1991, DSJ, Created. */ assert (Config != NULL); /* contexts not yet implemented */ assert (Config->ContextsSeen == NULL); fwrite ((char *) Config, sizeof (TEMP_CONFIG_STRUCT), 1, File); fwrite ((char *) Config->Protos, sizeof (UINT32), Config->ProtoVectorSize, File); } /* WriteTempConfig */