name: vcpkg # build and test of tesseract on windows using vcpkg and cmake. # vcpkg with -head does not work. on: #push: schedule: - cron: 0 23 * * * jobs: build: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: [windows-2019] steps: - name: Checkout Tesseract Source (--head from master branch) uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: recursive - name: Visual Studio Setup shell: cmd run: | call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" - name: Install vcpkg run: | git clone vcpkg/bootstrap-vcpkg.bat vcpkg/vcpkg integrate install - name: Build and Install Leptonica and image libraries using vcpkg run: | vcpkg/vcpkg install leptonica:x64-windows - name: Configure and Build Tesseract (--head from master branch) with cmake run: | cmake . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSW_BUILD=OFF -DOPENMP_BUILD=OFF -DBUILD_TRAINING_TOOLS=OFF "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" cmake --build build --config Release --target install - name: Display Tesseract Version run: | D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe --version - name: Create CMakeLists.txt file for basicapitest shell: bash run: | cd test cat << "EOF" > CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.19) project( basicapitest ) find_package( Tesseract REQUIRED ) find_package( Leptonica REQUIRED ) include_directories(${Tesseract_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${Leptonica_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable( basicapitest testing/basicapitest.cpp ) target_link_libraries(basicapitest ${Leptonica_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(basicapitest ${Tesseract_LIBRARIES}) add_library(libtesseract UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET libtesseract PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION D:/a/tesseract/tesseract/build/Release/tesseract50.lib) target_link_libraries(basicapitest libtesseract) EOF cat CMakeLists.txt - name: Configure basicapitest run: | cd test cmake . "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" - name: Build basicapitest run: | cd test cmake --build . --config Release - name: Download tessdata and image files used for tests run: | git clone tessdata_unittest mv tessdata_unittest/* ../ - name: Run basicapitest run: | cd test D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\test\Release\basicapitest.exe - name: Run Tesseract CLI on test images in different languages run: | D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe test\testing\phototest.tif - --oem 1 --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe test\testing\raaj.tif - -l hin --oem 1 --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe test\testing\viet.tif - -l vie --oem 1 --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe test\testing\hebrew.png - -l heb --oem 1 --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe test\testing\eurotext.tif - -l fra --oem 1 --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata_best D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe test\testing\arabic.tif - -l ara --oem 1 --psm 6 --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata - name: List languages in different test tessdata-dir run: | D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe --list-langs --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe --list-langs --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata_best D:\a\tesseract\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe --list-langs --tessdata-dir ..\tessdata_fast