// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef DEVICE_SELECTION_H #define DEVICE_SELECTION_H #ifdef USE_OPENCL #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #else #include #endif #define DS_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH 256 typedef enum { DS_SUCCESS = 0, DS_INVALID_PROFILE = 1000, DS_MEMORY_ERROR, DS_INVALID_PERF_EVALUATOR_TYPE, DS_INVALID_PERF_EVALUATOR, DS_PERF_EVALUATOR_ERROR, DS_FILE_ERROR, DS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_TYPE, DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR, DS_SCORE_SERIALIZER_ERROR, DS_SCORE_DESERIALIZER_ERROR } ds_status; // device type typedef enum { DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU = 0, DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE } ds_device_type; typedef struct { ds_device_type type; cl_device_id oclDeviceID; char* oclDeviceName; char* oclDriverVersion; // a pointer to the score data, the content/format is application defined. void* score; } ds_device; typedef struct { unsigned int numDevices; ds_device* devices; const char* version; } ds_profile; // deallocate memory used by score typedef ds_status (*ds_score_release)(void* score); static ds_status releaseDSProfile(ds_profile* profile, ds_score_release sr) { ds_status status = DS_SUCCESS; if (profile != nullptr) { if (profile->devices != nullptr && sr != nullptr) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < profile->numDevices; i++) { free(profile->devices[i].oclDeviceName); free(profile->devices[i].oclDriverVersion); status = sr(profile->devices[i].score); if (status != DS_SUCCESS) break; } free(profile->devices); } free(profile); } return status; } static ds_status initDSProfile(ds_profile** p, const char* version) { int numDevices; cl_uint numPlatforms; cl_platform_id* platforms = nullptr; cl_device_id* devices = nullptr; ds_status status = DS_SUCCESS; unsigned int next; unsigned int i; if (p == nullptr) return DS_INVALID_PROFILE; ds_profile* profile = (ds_profile*)malloc(sizeof(ds_profile)); if (profile == nullptr) return DS_MEMORY_ERROR; memset(profile, 0, sizeof(ds_profile)); clGetPlatformIDs(0, nullptr, &numPlatforms); if (numPlatforms == 0) goto cleanup; platforms = (cl_platform_id*)malloc(numPlatforms*sizeof(cl_platform_id)); if (platforms == nullptr) { status = DS_MEMORY_ERROR; goto cleanup; } clGetPlatformIDs(numPlatforms, platforms, nullptr); numDevices = 0; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)numPlatforms; i++) { cl_uint num; clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, nullptr, &num); numDevices+=num; } if (numDevices == 0) goto cleanup; devices = (cl_device_id*)malloc(numDevices*sizeof(cl_device_id)); if (devices == nullptr) { status = DS_MEMORY_ERROR; goto cleanup; } profile->numDevices = numDevices+1; // +1 to numDevices to include the native CPU profile->devices = (ds_device*)malloc(profile->numDevices * sizeof(ds_device)); if (profile->devices == nullptr) { profile->numDevices = 0; status = DS_MEMORY_ERROR; goto cleanup; } memset(profile->devices, 0, profile->numDevices*sizeof(ds_device)); next = 0; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)numPlatforms; i++) { cl_uint num; unsigned j; clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, numDevices, devices, &num); for (j = 0; j < num; j++, next++) { char buffer[DS_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH]; size_t length; profile->devices[next].type = DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE; profile->devices[next].oclDeviceID = devices[j]; clGetDeviceInfo(profile->devices[next].oclDeviceID, CL_DEVICE_NAME, DS_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH, &buffer, nullptr); length = strlen(buffer); profile->devices[next].oclDeviceName = (char*)malloc(length+1); memcpy(profile->devices[next].oclDeviceName, buffer, length+1); clGetDeviceInfo(profile->devices[next].oclDeviceID, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, DS_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH, &buffer, nullptr); length = strlen(buffer); profile->devices[next].oclDriverVersion = (char*)malloc(length+1); memcpy(profile->devices[next].oclDriverVersion, buffer, length+1); } } profile->devices[next].type = DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU; profile->version = version; cleanup: free(platforms); free(devices); if (status == DS_SUCCESS) { *p = profile; } else { if (profile) { free(profile->devices); free(profile); } } return status; } // Pointer to a function that calculates the score of a device (ex: // device->score) update the data size of score. The encoding and the format // of the score data is implementation defined. The function should return // DS_SUCCESS if there's no error to be reported. typedef ds_status (*ds_perf_evaluator)(ds_device* device, void* data); typedef enum { DS_EVALUATE_ALL ,DS_EVALUATE_NEW_ONLY } ds_evaluation_type; static ds_status profileDevices(ds_profile* profile, const ds_evaluation_type type, ds_perf_evaluator evaluator, void* evaluatorData, unsigned int* numUpdates) { ds_status status = DS_SUCCESS; unsigned int i; unsigned int updates = 0; if (profile == nullptr) { return DS_INVALID_PROFILE; } if (evaluator == nullptr) { return DS_INVALID_PERF_EVALUATOR; } for (i = 0; i < profile->numDevices; i++) { ds_status evaluatorStatus; switch (type) { case DS_EVALUATE_NEW_ONLY: if (profile->devices[i].score != nullptr) break; // else fall through case DS_EVALUATE_ALL: evaluatorStatus = evaluator(profile->devices+i, evaluatorData); if (evaluatorStatus != DS_SUCCESS) { status = evaluatorStatus; return status; } updates++; break; default: return DS_INVALID_PERF_EVALUATOR_TYPE; break; }; } if (numUpdates) *numUpdates = updates; return status; } #define DS_TAG_VERSION "" #define DS_TAG_VERSION_END "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_END "" #define DS_TAG_SCORE "" #define DS_TAG_SCORE_END "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE_END "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME_END "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION "" #define DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION_END "" #define DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU_STRING "native_cpu" typedef ds_status (*ds_score_serializer)(ds_device* device, void** serializedScore, unsigned int* serializedScoreSize); static ds_status writeProfileToFile(ds_profile* profile, ds_score_serializer serializer, const char* file) { ds_status status = DS_SUCCESS; if (profile == nullptr) return DS_INVALID_PROFILE; FILE* profileFile = fopen(file, "wb"); if (profileFile == nullptr) { status = DS_FILE_ERROR; } else { unsigned int i; // write version string fwrite(DS_TAG_VERSION, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_VERSION), profileFile); fwrite(profile->version, sizeof(char), strlen(profile->version), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_VERSION_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_VERSION_END), profileFile); fwrite("\n", sizeof(char), 1, profileFile); for (i = 0; i < profile->numDevices && status == DS_SUCCESS; i++) { void* serializedScore; unsigned int serializedScoreSize; fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE), profileFile); fwrite(&profile->devices[i].type,sizeof(ds_device_type),1, profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE_END), profileFile); switch(profile->devices[i].type) { case DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU: { // There's no need to emit a device name for the native CPU device. /* fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME), profileFile); fwrite(DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU_STRING,sizeof(char), strlen(DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU_STRING), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME_END), profileFile); */ } break; case DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE: { fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME), profileFile); fwrite(profile->devices[i].oclDeviceName, sizeof(char),strlen(profile->devices[i].oclDeviceName), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME_END), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION), profileFile); fwrite(profile->devices[i].oclDriverVersion, sizeof(char), strlen(profile->devices[i].oclDriverVersion), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION_END), profileFile); } break; default: status = DS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_TYPE; break; }; fwrite(DS_TAG_SCORE, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_SCORE), profileFile); status = serializer(profile->devices+i, &serializedScore, &serializedScoreSize); if (status == DS_SUCCESS && serializedScore != nullptr && serializedScoreSize > 0) { fwrite(serializedScore, sizeof(char), serializedScoreSize, profileFile); free(serializedScore); } fwrite(DS_TAG_SCORE_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_SCORE_END), profileFile); fwrite(DS_TAG_DEVICE_END, sizeof(char), strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_END), profileFile); fwrite("\n",sizeof(char),1,profileFile); } fclose(profileFile); } return status; } static ds_status readProFile(const char* fileName, char** content, size_t* contentSize) { size_t size = 0; *contentSize = 0; *content = nullptr; FILE* input = fopen(fileName, "rb"); if (input == nullptr) { return DS_FILE_ERROR; } fseek(input, 0L, SEEK_END); size = ftell(input); rewind(input); char* binary = (char*)malloc(size); if (binary == nullptr) { fclose(input); return DS_FILE_ERROR; } fread(binary, sizeof(char), size, input); fclose(input); *contentSize = size; *content = binary; return DS_SUCCESS; } static const char* findString(const char* contentStart, const char* contentEnd, const char* string) { size_t stringLength; const char* currentPosition; const char* found = nullptr; stringLength = strlen(string); currentPosition = contentStart; for(currentPosition = contentStart; currentPosition < contentEnd; currentPosition++) { if (*currentPosition == string[0]) { if (currentPosition+stringLength < contentEnd) { if (strncmp(currentPosition, string, stringLength) == 0) { found = currentPosition; break; } } } } return found; } typedef ds_status (*ds_score_deserializer)(ds_device* device, const unsigned char* serializedScore, unsigned int serializedScoreSize); static ds_status readProfileFromFile(ds_profile* profile, ds_score_deserializer deserializer, const char* file) { ds_status status = DS_SUCCESS; char* contentStart = nullptr; const char* contentEnd = nullptr; size_t contentSize; if (profile == nullptr) return DS_INVALID_PROFILE; status = readProFile(file, &contentStart, &contentSize); if (status == DS_SUCCESS) { const char* currentPosition; const char* dataStart; const char* dataEnd; size_t versionStringLength; contentEnd = contentStart + contentSize; currentPosition = contentStart; // parse the version string dataStart = findString(currentPosition, contentEnd, DS_TAG_VERSION); if (dataStart == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } dataStart += strlen(DS_TAG_VERSION); dataEnd = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_VERSION_END); if (dataEnd == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } versionStringLength = strlen(profile->version); if (versionStringLength!=(dataEnd-dataStart) || strncmp(profile->version, dataStart, versionStringLength)!=0) { // version mismatch status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } currentPosition = dataEnd+strlen(DS_TAG_VERSION_END); // parse the device information while (1) { unsigned int i; const char* deviceTypeStart; const char* deviceTypeEnd; ds_device_type deviceType; const char* deviceNameStart; const char* deviceNameEnd; const char* deviceScoreStart; const char* deviceScoreEnd; const char* deviceDriverStart; const char* deviceDriverEnd; dataStart = findString(currentPosition, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE); if (dataStart == nullptr) { // nothing useful remain, quit... break; } dataStart+=strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE); dataEnd = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_END); if (dataEnd == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } // parse the device type deviceTypeStart = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE); if (deviceTypeStart == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } deviceTypeStart+=strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE); deviceTypeEnd = findString(deviceTypeStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_TYPE_END); if (deviceTypeEnd == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } memcpy(&deviceType, deviceTypeStart, sizeof(ds_device_type)); // parse the device name if (deviceType == DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE) { deviceNameStart = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME); if (deviceNameStart == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } deviceNameStart+=strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME); deviceNameEnd = findString(deviceNameStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME_END); if (deviceNameEnd == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } deviceDriverStart = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION); if (deviceDriverStart == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } deviceDriverStart+=strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION); deviceDriverEnd = findString(deviceDriverStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_DEVICE_DRIVER_VERSION_END); if (deviceDriverEnd == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } // check if this device is on the system for (i = 0; i < profile->numDevices; i++) { if (profile->devices[i].type == DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE) { size_t actualDeviceNameLength; size_t driverVersionLength; actualDeviceNameLength = strlen(profile->devices[i].oclDeviceName); driverVersionLength = strlen(profile->devices[i].oclDriverVersion); if (actualDeviceNameLength == (deviceNameEnd - deviceNameStart) && driverVersionLength == (deviceDriverEnd - deviceDriverStart) && strncmp(profile->devices[i].oclDeviceName, deviceNameStart, actualDeviceNameLength)==0 && strncmp(profile->devices[i].oclDriverVersion, deviceDriverStart, driverVersionLength)==0) { deviceScoreStart = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_SCORE); if (deviceNameStart == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } deviceScoreStart+=strlen(DS_TAG_SCORE); deviceScoreEnd = findString(deviceScoreStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_SCORE_END); status = deserializer(profile->devices+i, (const unsigned char*)deviceScoreStart, deviceScoreEnd-deviceScoreStart); if (status != DS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } } } } } else if (deviceType == DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU) { for (i = 0; i < profile->numDevices; i++) { if (profile->devices[i].type == DS_DEVICE_NATIVE_CPU) { deviceScoreStart = findString(dataStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_SCORE); if (deviceScoreStart == nullptr) { status = DS_PROFILE_FILE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } deviceScoreStart+=strlen(DS_TAG_SCORE); deviceScoreEnd = findString(deviceScoreStart, contentEnd, DS_TAG_SCORE_END); status = deserializer(profile->devices+i, (const unsigned char*)deviceScoreStart, deviceScoreEnd-deviceScoreStart); if (status != DS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } } } } // skip over the current one to find the next device currentPosition = dataEnd+strlen(DS_TAG_DEVICE_END); } } cleanup: free(contentStart); return status; } #endif // USE_OPENCL #endif // DEVICE_SELECTION_H