2007-03-07 20:03:40 +00:00

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20 KiB

* File: polyaprx.cpp (Formerly polygon.c)
* Description: Code for polygonal approximation from old edgeprog.
* Author: Ray Smith
* Created: Thu Nov 25 11:42:04 GMT 1993
* (C) Copyright 1993, Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include "mfcpch.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef __UNIX__
#include <assert.h>
//#include "edgeloop.h"
#define MAXEDGELENGTH 16000 //must replace
#include "polyaprx.h"
#include "varable.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#define EXTERN
EXTERN BOOL_VAR (poly_debug, FALSE, "Debug old poly");
EXTERN BOOL_VAR (poly_wide_objects_better, TRUE,
"More accurate approx on wide things");
static int par1, par2;
#define CONVEX 1 /*OUTLINE point is convex */
#define CONCAVE 2 /*used and set only in edges */
#define FIXED 4 /*OUTLINE point is fixed */
#define ONHULL 8 /*on convex hull */
#define RUNLENGTH 1 /*length of run */
#define DIR 2 /*direction of run */
#define CORRECTION 3 /*correction of run */
//#define MAXSHORT 32767 /*max value of short*/
#define FLAGS 0
#define fixed_dist 20 //really an int_variable
#define approx_dist 15 //really an int_variable
#define point_diff(p,p1,p2) (p).x = (p1).x - (p2).x ; (p).y = (p1).y - (p2).y
#define CROSS(a,b) ((a).x * (b).y - (a).y * (b).x)
#define LENGTH(a) ((a).x * (a).x + (a).y * (a).y)
#define DISTANCE(a,b) (((b).x-(a).x) * ((b).x-(a).x) \
+ ((b).y-(a).y) * ((b).y-(a).y))
* tesspoly_outline
* Approximate an outline from c form using the old tess algorithm.
OUTLINE *tesspoly_outline( //old approximation
C_OUTLINE *c_outline, //input
float //xheight
) {
EDGEPT *edgept; //converted steps
EDGEPT *startpt; //start of outline
BOX loop_box; //bounding box
INT32 area; //loop area
FCOORD pos; //vertex
FCOORD vec; //vector
POLYPT_LIST polypts; //output polygon
POLYPT *polypt; //converted point
POLYPT_IT poly_it = &polypts; //iterator
EDGEPT edgepts[MAXEDGELENGTH]; //converted path
loop_box = c_outline->bounding_box ();
area = loop_box.height ();
if (!poly_wide_objects_better && loop_box.width () > area)
area = loop_box.width ();
area *= area;
edgept = edgesteps_to_edgepts (c_outline, edgepts);
fix2(edgepts, area);
edgept = poly2 (edgepts, area);/*2nd approximation */
startpt = edgept;
do {
pos = FCOORD (edgept->pos.x, edgept->pos.y);
vec = FCOORD (edgept->vec.x, edgept->vec.y);
polypt = new POLYPT (pos, vec);
//add to list
poly_it.add_after_then_move (polypt);
edgept = edgept->next;
while (edgept != startpt);
if (poly_it.length () <= 2)
return NULL;
//turn to outline
return new OUTLINE (&poly_it);
* edgesteps_to_edgepts
* Convert a C_OUTLINE to EDGEPTs.
edgesteps_to_edgepts ( //convert outline
C_OUTLINE * c_outline, //input
EDGEPT edgepts[] //output is array
) {
INT32 length; //steps in path
ICOORD pos; //current coords
INT32 stepindex; //current step
INT32 stepinc; //increment
INT32 epindex; //current EDGEPT
INT32 count; //repeated steps
ICOORD vec; //for this 8 step
ICOORD prev_vec;
INT8 epdir; //of this step
DIR128 prevdir; //prvious dir
DIR128 dir; //of this step
pos = c_outline->start_pos (); //start of loop
length = c_outline->pathlength ();
stepindex = 0;
epindex = 0;
prevdir = -1;
count = 0;
do {
dir = c_outline->step_dir (stepindex);
vec = c_outline->step (stepindex);
if (stepindex < length - 1
&& c_outline->step_dir (stepindex + 1) - dir == -32) {
dir += 128 - 16;
vec += c_outline->step (stepindex + 1);
stepinc = 2;
stepinc = 1;
if (count == 0) {
prevdir = dir;
prev_vec = vec;
if (prevdir.get_dir () != dir.get_dir ()) {
edgepts[epindex].pos.x = pos.x ();
edgepts[epindex].pos.y = pos.y ();
prev_vec *= count;
edgepts[epindex].vec.x = prev_vec.x ();
edgepts[epindex].vec.y = prev_vec.y ();
pos += prev_vec;
edgepts[epindex].flags[RUNLENGTH] = count;
edgepts[epindex].prev = &edgepts[epindex - 1];
edgepts[epindex].flags[FLAGS] = 0;
edgepts[epindex].next = &edgepts[epindex + 1];
prevdir += 64;
epdir = (DIR128) 0 - prevdir;
epdir >>= 4;
epdir &= 7;
edgepts[epindex].flags[DIR] = epdir;
prevdir = dir;
prev_vec = vec;
count = 1;
stepindex += stepinc;
while (stepindex < length);
edgepts[epindex].pos.x = pos.x ();
edgepts[epindex].pos.y = pos.y ();
prev_vec *= count;
edgepts[epindex].vec.x = prev_vec.x ();
edgepts[epindex].vec.y = prev_vec.y ();
pos += prev_vec;
edgepts[epindex].flags[RUNLENGTH] = count;
edgepts[epindex].flags[FLAGS] = 0;
edgepts[epindex].prev = &edgepts[epindex - 1];
edgepts[epindex].next = &edgepts[0];
prevdir += 64;
epdir = (DIR128) 0 - prevdir;
epdir >>= 4;
epdir &= 7;
edgepts[epindex].flags[DIR] = epdir;
edgepts[0].prev = &edgepts[epindex];
ASSERT_HOST (pos.x () == c_outline->start_pos ().x ()
&& pos.y () == c_outline->start_pos ().y ());
return &edgepts[0];
*fix2(start,area) fixes points on the outline according to a trial method*
//#pragma OPT_LEVEL 1 /*stop compiler bugs*/
void fix2( //polygonal approx
EDGEPT *start, /*loop to approimate */
int area) {
register EDGEPT *edgept; /*current point */
register EDGEPT *edgept1;
register EDGEPT *loopstart; /*modified start of loop */
register EDGEPT *linestart; /*start of line segment */
register int dir1, dir2; /*directions of line */
register int sum1, sum2; /*lengths in dir1,dir2 */
int stopped; /*completed flag */
int fixed_count; //no of fixed points
int d01, d12, d23, gapmin;
TPOINT d01vec, d12vec, d23vec;
register EDGEPT *edgefix, *startfix;
register EDGEPT *edgefix0, *edgefix1, *edgefix2, *edgefix3;
edgept = start; /*start of loop */
while ((edgept->flags[DIR] - edgept->prev->flags[DIR] + 1 & 7) < 3
&& (dir1 =
edgept->prev->flags[DIR] - edgept->next->flags[DIR] & 7) != 2
&& dir1 != 6)
edgept = edgept->next; /*find suitable start */
loopstart = edgept; /*remember start */
stopped = 0; /*not finished yet */
edgept->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED; /*fix it */
do {
linestart = edgept; /*possible start of line */
dir1 = edgept->flags[DIR]; /*first direction */
/*length of dir1 */
sum1 = edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH];
edgept = edgept->next;
dir2 = edgept->flags[DIR]; /*2nd direction */
/*length in dir2 */
sum2 = edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH];
if ((dir1 - dir2 + 1 & 7) < 3) {
while (edgept->prev->flags[DIR] == edgept->next->flags[DIR]) {
edgept = edgept->next; /*look at next */
if (edgept->flags[DIR] == dir1)
/*sum lengths */
sum1 += edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH];
sum2 += edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH];
if (edgept == loopstart)
stopped = 1; /*finished */
if (sum2 + sum1 > 2
&& linestart->prev->flags[DIR] == dir2
&& (linestart->prev->flags[RUNLENGTH] >
linestart->flags[RUNLENGTH] || sum2 > sum1)) {
/*start is back one */
linestart = linestart->prev;
linestart->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED;
if ((edgept->next->flags[DIR] - edgept->flags[DIR] + 1 & 7) >= 3
|| edgept->flags[DIR] == dir1 && sum1 >= sum2
|| (edgept->prev->flags[RUNLENGTH] < edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH]
|| edgept->flags[DIR] == dir2 && sum2 >= sum1)
&& linestart->next != edgept)
edgept = edgept->next;
/*sharp bend */
edgept->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED;
/*do whole loop */
while (edgept != loopstart && !stopped);
edgept = start;
do {
if (((edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH] >= 8) &&
(edgept->flags[DIR] != 2) && (edgept->flags[DIR] != 6)) ||
((edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH] >= 8) &&
((edgept->flags[DIR] == 2) || (edgept->flags[DIR] == 6)))) {
edgept->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED;
edgept1 = edgept->next;
edgept1->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED;
edgept = edgept->next;
while (edgept != start);
edgept = start;
do {
/*single fixed step */
if (edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED && edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH] == 1
/*and neighours free */
&& edgept->next->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED && (edgept->prev->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0
/*same pair of dirs */
&& (edgept->next->next->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0 && edgept->prev->flags[DIR] == edgept->next->flags[DIR] && edgept->prev->prev->flags[DIR] == edgept->next->next->flags[DIR]
&& (edgept->prev->flags[DIR] - edgept->flags[DIR] + 1 & 7) < 3) {
/*unfix it */
edgept->flags[FLAGS] &= ~FIXED;
edgept->next->flags[FLAGS] &= ~FIXED;
edgept = edgept->next; /*do all points */
while (edgept != start); /*until finished */
stopped = 0;
if (area < 450)
area = 450;
gapmin = area * fixed_dist * fixed_dist / 44000;
edgept = start;
fixed_count = 0;
do {
if (edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED)
edgept = edgept->next;
while (edgept != start);
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0)
edgept = edgept->next;
edgefix0 = edgept;
edgept = edgept->next;
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0)
edgept = edgept->next;
edgefix1 = edgept;
edgept = edgept->next;
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0)
edgept = edgept->next;
edgefix2 = edgept;
edgept = edgept->next;
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0)
edgept = edgept->next;
edgefix3 = edgept;
startfix = edgefix2;
do {
if (fixed_count <= 3)
break; //already too few
point_diff (d12vec, edgefix1->pos, edgefix2->pos);
d12 = LENGTH (d12vec);
if (d12 <= gapmin) {
point_diff (d01vec, edgefix0->pos, edgefix1->pos);
d01 = LENGTH (d01vec);
point_diff (d23vec, edgefix2->pos, edgefix3->pos);
d23 = LENGTH (d23vec);
if (d01 > d23) {
edgefix2->flags[FLAGS] &= ~FIXED;
/* if ( plots[EDGE] & PATHS )
else {
edgefix1->flags[FLAGS] &= ~FIXED;
/* if ( plots[EDGE] & PATHS )
edgefix1 = edgefix2;
else {
edgefix0 = edgefix1;
edgefix1 = edgefix2;
edgefix2 = edgefix3;
edgept = edgept->next;
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0) {
if (edgept == startfix)
stopped = 1;
edgept = edgept->next;
edgefix3 = edgept;
edgefix = edgefix2;
while ((edgefix != startfix) && (!stopped));
//#pragma OPT_LEVEL 2 /*stop compiler bugs*/
*poly2(startpt,area,path) applies a second approximation to the outline
*using the points which have been fixed by the first approximation*
EDGEPT *poly2( //second poly
EDGEPT *startpt, /*start of loop */
int area /*area of blob box */
) {
register EDGEPT *edgept; /*current outline point */
EDGEPT *loopstart; /*starting point */
register EDGEPT *linestart; /*start of line */
register int edgesum; /*correction count */
if (area < 1200)
area = 1200; /*minimum value */
/*1200(4) */
par1 = 4500 / (approx_dist * approx_dist);
/*1200(6) */
par2 = 6750 / (approx_dist * approx_dist);
loopstart = NULL; /*not found it yet */
edgept = startpt; /*start of loop */
do {
/*current point fixed */
if (edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED
/*and next not */
&& (edgept->next->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0) {
loopstart = edgept; /*start of repoly */
edgept = edgept->next; /*next point */
while (edgept != startpt); /*until found or finished */
if (loopstart == NULL && (startpt->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0) {
/*fixed start of loop */
startpt->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED;
loopstart = startpt; /*or start of loop */
if (loopstart) {
do {
edgept = loopstart; /*first to do */
do {
linestart = edgept;
edgesum = 0; /*sum of lengths */
do {
/*sum lengths */
edgesum += edgept->flags[RUNLENGTH];
edgept = edgept->next; /*move on */
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0
&& edgept != loopstart && edgesum < 126);
if (poly_debug)
("Poly2:starting at (%d,%d)+%d=(%d,%d),%d to (%d,%d)\n",
linestart->pos.x, linestart->pos.y, linestart->flags[DIR],
linestart->vec.x, linestart->vec.y, edgesum, edgept->pos.x,
/*reapproximate */
cutline(linestart, edgept, area);
while ((edgept->next->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED)
&& edgept != loopstart)
edgept = edgept->next; /*look for next non-fixed */
/*do all the loop */
while (edgept != loopstart);
edgesum = 0;
do {
if (edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED)
edgept = edgept->next;
//count fixed pts
while (edgept != loopstart);
if (edgesum < 3)
area /= 2; //must have 3 pts
while (edgesum < 3);
do {
linestart = edgept;
do {
edgept = edgept->next;
while ((edgept->flags[FLAGS] & FIXED) == 0);
linestart->next = edgept;
edgept->prev = linestart;
linestart->vec.x = edgept->pos.x - linestart->pos.x;
linestart->vec.y = edgept->pos.y - linestart->pos.y;
while (edgept != loopstart);
edgept = startpt; /*start of loop */
loopstart = edgept; /*new start */
return loopstart; /*correct exit */
*cutline(first,last,area) straightens out a line by partitioning
*and joining the ends by a straight line*
void cutline( //recursive refine
EDGEPT *first, /*ends of line */
EDGEPT *last,
int area /*area of object */
) {
register EDGEPT *edge; /*current edge */
TPOINT vecsum; /*vector sum */
int vlen; /*approx length of vecsum */
TPOINT vec; /*accumulated vector */
EDGEPT *maxpoint; /*worst point */
int maxperp; /*max deviation */
register int perp; /*perp distance */
int ptcount; /*no of points */
int squaresum; /*sum of perps */
edge = first; /*start of line */
if (edge->next == last)
return; /*simple line */
/*vector sum */
vecsum.x = last->pos.x - edge->pos.x;
vecsum.y = last->pos.y - edge->pos.y;
if (vecsum.x == 0 && vecsum.y == 0) {
/*special case */
vecsum.x = -edge->prev->vec.x;
vecsum.y = -edge->prev->vec.y;
/*absolute value */
vlen = vecsum.x > 0 ? vecsum.x : -vecsum.x;
if (vecsum.y > vlen)
vlen = vecsum.y; /*maximum */
else if (-vecsum.y > vlen)
vlen = -vecsum.y; /*absolute value */
vec.x = edge->vec.x; /*accumulated vector */
vec.y = edge->vec.y;
maxperp = 0; /*none yet */
squaresum = ptcount = 0;
edge = edge->next; /*move to actual point */
maxpoint = edge; /*in case there isn't one */
do {
perp = CROSS (vec, vecsum); /*get perp distance */
if (perp != 0) {
perp *= perp; /*squared deviation */
squaresum += perp; /*sum squares */
ptcount++; /*count points */
if (poly_debug)
tprintf ("Cutline:Final perp=%d\n", perp);
if (perp > maxperp) {
maxperp = perp;
maxpoint = edge; /*find greatest deviation */
vec.x += edge->vec.x; /*accumulate vectors */
vec.y += edge->vec.y;
edge = edge->next;
while (edge != last); /*test all line */
perp = LENGTH (vecsum);
ASSERT_HOST (perp != 0);
if (maxperp < 256 * MAX_INT16) {
maxperp <<= 8;
maxperp /= perp; /*true max perp */
else {
maxperp /= perp;
maxperp <<= 8; /*avoid overflow */
if (squaresum < 256 * MAX_INT16)
/*mean squared perp */
perp = (squaresum << 8) / (perp * ptcount);
/*avoid overflow */
perp = (squaresum / perp << 8) / ptcount;
if (poly_debug)
tprintf ("Cutline:A=%d, max=%.2f(%.2f%%), msd=%.2f(%.2f%%)\n",
area, maxperp / 256.0, maxperp * 200.0 / area,
perp / 256.0, perp * 300.0 / area);
if (maxperp * par1 >= 10 * area || perp * par2 >= 10 * area || vlen >= 126) {
maxpoint->flags[FLAGS] |= FIXED;
/*partitions */
cutline(first, maxpoint, area);
cutline(maxpoint, last, area);