Zdenko Podobný 369fabb7fc fix filemode;
update autotools and distribution script to repository changes;
ignore doxygen generated files and langauge data files;
2014-08-14 23:37:17 +02:00

16 lines
376 B

file_type .bl
#tessedit_use_nn F
textord_fast_pitch_test T
tessedit_single_match 0
tessedit_zero_rejection T
tessedit_minimal_rejection F
tessedit_write_rep_codes F
il1_adaption_test 1
edges_children_fix F
edges_childarea 0.65
edges_boxarea 0.9
tessedit_resegment_from_boxes T
tessedit_train_from_boxes T
#textord_repeat_extraction F
textord_no_rejects T