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// File: lstmrecognizer.h
// Description: Top-level line recognizer class for LSTM-based networks.
// Author: Ray Smith
// Created: Thu May 02 08:57:06 PST 2013
// (C) Copyright 2013, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "ccutil.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "imagedata.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "networkscratch.h"
#include "recodebeam.h"
#include "series.h"
#include "strngs.h"
#include "unicharcompress.h"
struct Pix;
class ROW_RES;
class ScrollView;
class TBOX;
class WERD_RES;
namespace tesseract {
class Dict;
class ImageData;
// Enum indicating training mode control flags.
enum TrainingFlags {
// Top-level line recognizer class for LSTM-based networks.
// Note that a sub-class, LSTMTrainer is used for training.
class LSTMRecognizer {
int NumOutputs() const {
return network_->NumOutputs();
int training_iteration() const {
return training_iteration_;
int sample_iteration() const {
return sample_iteration_;
double learning_rate() const {
return learning_rate_;
bool IsHardening() const {
return (training_flags_ & TF_AUTO_HARDEN) != 0;
LossType OutputLossType() const {
if (network_ == nullptr) return LT_NONE;
StaticShape shape;
shape = network_->OutputShape(shape);
return shape.loss_type();
bool SimpleTextOutput() const { return OutputLossType() == LT_SOFTMAX; }
bool IsIntMode() const { return (training_flags_ & TF_INT_MODE) != 0; }
// True if recoder_ is active to re-encode text to a smaller space.
bool IsRecoding() const {
return (training_flags_ & TF_COMPRESS_UNICHARSET) != 0;
// Returns the cache strategy for the DocumentCache.
CachingStrategy CacheStrategy() const {
return training_flags_ & TF_ROUND_ROBIN_TRAINING ? CS_ROUND_ROBIN
// Returns true if the network is a TensorFlow network.
bool IsTensorFlow() const { return network_->type() == NT_TENSORFLOW; }
// Returns a vector of layer ids that can be passed to other layer functions
// to access a specific layer.
GenericVector<STRING> EnumerateLayers() const {
ASSERT_HOST(network_ != NULL && network_->type() == NT_SERIES);
Series* series = static_cast<Series*>(network_);
GenericVector<STRING> layers;
series->EnumerateLayers(NULL, &layers);
return layers;
// Returns a specific layer from its id (from EnumerateLayers).
Network* GetLayer(const STRING& id) const {
ASSERT_HOST(network_ != NULL && network_->type() == NT_SERIES);
ASSERT_HOST(id.length() > 1 && id[0] == ':');
Series* series = static_cast<Series*>(network_);
return series->GetLayer(&id[1]);
// Returns the learning rate of the layer from its id.
float GetLayerLearningRate(const STRING& id) const {
ASSERT_HOST(network_ != NULL && network_->type() == NT_SERIES);
if (network_->TestFlag(NF_LAYER_SPECIFIC_LR)) {
ASSERT_HOST(id.length() > 1 && id[0] == ':');
Series* series = static_cast<Series*>(network_);
return series->LayerLearningRate(&id[1]);
} else {
return learning_rate_;
// Multiplies the all the learning rate(s) by the given factor.
void ScaleLearningRate(double factor) {
ASSERT_HOST(network_ != NULL && network_->type() == NT_SERIES);
learning_rate_ *= factor;
if (network_->TestFlag(NF_LAYER_SPECIFIC_LR)) {
GenericVector<STRING> layers = EnumerateLayers();
for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); ++i) {
ScaleLayerLearningRate(layers[i], factor);
// Multiplies the learning rate of the layer with id, by the given factor.
void ScaleLayerLearningRate(const STRING& id, double factor) {
ASSERT_HOST(network_ != NULL && network_->type() == NT_SERIES);
ASSERT_HOST(id.length() > 1 && id[0] == ':');
Series* series = static_cast<Series*>(network_);
series->ScaleLayerLearningRate(&id[1], factor);
// True if the network is using adagrad to train.
bool IsUsingAdaGrad() const { return network_->TestFlag(NF_ADA_GRAD); }
// Provides access to the UNICHARSET that this classifier works with.
const UNICHARSET& GetUnicharset() const { return ccutil_.unicharset; }
// Provides access to the Dict that this classifier works with.
const Dict* GetDict() const { return dict_; }
// Sets the sample iteration to the given value. The sample_iteration_
// determines the seed for the random number generator. The training
// iteration is incremented only by a successful training iteration.
void SetIteration(int iteration) {
sample_iteration_ = iteration;
// Accessors for textline image normalization.
int NumInputs() const {
return network_->NumInputs();
int null_char() const { return null_char_; }
// Writes to the given file. Returns false in case of error.
bool Serialize(TFile* fp) const;
// Reads from the given file. Returns false in case of error.
bool DeSerialize(TFile* fp);
// Loads the dictionary if possible from the traineddata file.
// Prints a warning message, and returns false but otherwise fails silently
// and continues to work without it if loading fails.
// Note that dictionary load is independent from DeSerialize, but dependent
// on the unicharset matching. This enables training to deserialize a model
// from checkpoint or restore without having to go back and reload the
// dictionary.
bool LoadDictionary(const char* lang, TessdataManager* mgr);
// Recognizes the line image, contained within image_data, returning the
// ratings matrix and matching box_word for each WERD_RES in the output.
// If invert, tries inverted as well if the normal interpretation doesn't
// produce a good enough result. If use_alternates, the ratings matrix is
// filled with segmentation and classifier alternatives that may be searched
// using the standard beam search, otherwise, just a diagonal and prebuilt
// best_choice. The line_box is used for computing the box_word in the
// output words. Score_ratio is used to determine the classifier alternates.
// If one_word, then a single WERD_RES is formed, regardless of the spaces
// found during recognition.
// If not NULL, we attempt to translate the output to target_unicharset, but
// do not guarantee success, due to mismatches. In that case the output words
// are marked with our UNICHARSET, not the caller's.
void RecognizeLine(const ImageData& image_data, bool invert, bool debug,
double worst_dict_cert, bool use_alternates,
const UNICHARSET* target_unicharset, const TBOX& line_box,
float score_ratio, bool one_word,
PointerVector<WERD_RES>* words);
// Builds a set of tesseract-compatible WERD_RESs aligned to line_box,
// corresponding to the network output in outputs, labels, label_coords.
// one_word generates a single word output, that may include spaces inside.
// use_alternates generates alternative BLOB_CHOICEs and segmentation paths,
// with cut-offs determined by scale_factor.
// If not NULL, we attempt to translate the output to target_unicharset, but
// do not guarantee success, due to mismatches. In that case the output words
// are marked with our UNICHARSET, not the caller's.
void WordsFromOutputs(const NetworkIO& outputs,
const GenericVector<int>& labels,
const GenericVector<int> label_coords,
const TBOX& line_box, bool debug, bool use_alternates,
bool one_word, float score_ratio, float scale_factor,
const UNICHARSET* target_unicharset,
PointerVector<WERD_RES>* words);
// Helper computes min and mean best results in the output.
void OutputStats(const NetworkIO& outputs,
float* min_output, float* mean_output, float* sd);
// Recognizes the image_data, returning the labels,
// scores, and corresponding pairs of start, end x-coords in coords.
// If label_threshold is positive, uses it for making the labels, otherwise
// uses standard ctc. Returned in scale_factor is the reduction factor
// between the image and the output coords, for computing bounding boxes.
// If re_invert is true, the input is inverted back to its original
// photometric interpretation if inversion is attempted but fails to
// improve the results. This ensures that outputs contains the correct
// forward outputs for the best photometric interpretation.
// inputs is filled with the used inputs to the network, and if not null,
// target boxes is filled with scaled truth boxes if present in image_data.
bool RecognizeLine(const ImageData& image_data, bool invert, bool debug,
bool re_invert, float label_threshold, float* scale_factor,
NetworkIO* inputs, NetworkIO* outputs);
// Returns a tesseract-compatible WERD_RES from the line recognizer outputs.
// line_box should be the bounding box of the line image in the main image,
// outputs the output of the network,
// [word_start, word_end) the interval over which to convert,
// score_ratio for choosing alternate classifier choices,
// use_alternates to control generation of alternative segmentations,
// labels, label_coords, scale_factor from RecognizeLine above.
// If target_unicharset is not NULL, attempts to translate the internal
// unichar_ids to the target_unicharset, but falls back to untranslated ids
// if the translation should fail.
WERD_RES* WordFromOutput(const TBOX& line_box, const NetworkIO& outputs,
int word_start, int word_end, float score_ratio,
float space_certainty, bool debug,
bool use_alternates,
const UNICHARSET* target_unicharset,
const GenericVector<int>& labels,
const GenericVector<int>& label_coords,
float scale_factor);
// Sets up a word with the ratings matrix and fake blobs with boxes in the
// right places.
WERD_RES* InitializeWord(const TBOX& line_box, int word_start, int word_end,
float space_certainty, bool use_alternates,
const UNICHARSET* target_unicharset,
const GenericVector<int>& labels,
const GenericVector<int>& label_coords,
float scale_factor);
// Converts an array of labels to utf-8, whether or not the labels are
// augmented with character boundaries.
STRING DecodeLabels(const GenericVector<int>& labels);
// Displays the forward results in a window with the characters and
// boundaries as determined by the labels and label_coords.
void DisplayForward(const NetworkIO& inputs,
const GenericVector<int>& labels,
const GenericVector<int>& label_coords,
const char* window_name,
ScrollView** window);
// Sets the random seed from the sample_iteration_;
void SetRandomSeed() {
inT64 seed = static_cast<inT64>(sample_iteration_) * 0x10000001;
// Displays the labels and cuts at the corresponding xcoords.
// Size of labels should match xcoords.
void DisplayLSTMOutput(const GenericVector<int>& labels,
const GenericVector<int>& xcoords,
int height, ScrollView* window);
// Prints debug output detailing the activation path that is implied by the
// xcoords.
void DebugActivationPath(const NetworkIO& outputs,
const GenericVector<int>& labels,
const GenericVector<int>& xcoords);
// Prints debug output detailing activations and 2nd choice over a range
// of positions.
void DebugActivationRange(const NetworkIO& outputs, const char* label,
int best_choice, int x_start, int x_end);
// Converts the network output to a sequence of labels. Outputs labels, scores
// and start xcoords of each char, and each null_char_, with an additional
// final xcoord for the end of the output.
// The conversion method is determined by internal state.
void LabelsFromOutputs(const NetworkIO& outputs, float null_thr,
GenericVector<int>* labels,
GenericVector<int>* xcoords);
// Converts the network output to a sequence of labels, using a threshold
// on the null_char_ to determine character boundaries. Outputs labels, scores
// and start xcoords of each char, and each null_char_, with an additional
// final xcoord for the end of the output.
// The label output is the one with the highest score in the interval between
// null_chars_.
void LabelsViaThreshold(const NetworkIO& output,
float null_threshold,
GenericVector<int>* labels,
GenericVector<int>* xcoords);
// Converts the network output to a sequence of labels, with scores and
// start x-coords of the character labels. Retains the null_char_ character as
// the end x-coord, where already present, otherwise the start of the next
// character is the end.
// The number of labels, scores, and xcoords is always matched, except that
// there is always an additional xcoord for the last end position.
void LabelsViaCTC(const NetworkIO& output,
GenericVector<int>* labels,
GenericVector<int>* xcoords);
// As LabelsViaCTC except that this function constructs the best path that
// contains only legal sequences of subcodes for recoder_.
void LabelsViaReEncode(const NetworkIO& output, GenericVector<int>* labels,
GenericVector<int>* xcoords);
// Converts the network output to a sequence of labels, with scores, using
// the simple character model (each position is a char, and the null_char_ is
// mainly intended for tail padding.)
void LabelsViaSimpleText(const NetworkIO& output,
GenericVector<int>* labels,
GenericVector<int>* xcoords);
// Helper returns a BLOB_CHOICE_LIST for the choices in a given x-range.
// Handles either LSTM labels or direct unichar-ids.
// Score ratio determines the worst ratio between top choice and remainder.
// If target_unicharset is not NULL, attempts to translate to the target
// unicharset, returning NULL on failure.
BLOB_CHOICE_LIST* GetBlobChoices(int col, int row, bool debug,
const NetworkIO& output,
const UNICHARSET* target_unicharset,
int x_start, int x_end, float score_ratio);
// Adds to the given iterator, the blob choices for the target_unicharset
// that correspond to the given LSTM unichar_id.
// Returns false if unicharset translation failed.
bool AddBlobChoices(int unichar_id, float rating, float certainty, int col,
int row, const UNICHARSET* target_unicharset,
// Returns a string corresponding to the label starting at start. Sets *end
// to the next start and if non-null, *decoded to the unichar id.
const char* DecodeLabel(const GenericVector<int>& labels, int start, int* end,
int* decoded);
// Returns a string corresponding to a given single label id, falling back to
// a default of ".." for part of a multi-label unichar-id.
const char* DecodeSingleLabel(int label);
// The network hierarchy.
Network* network_;
// The unicharset. Only the unicharset element is serialized.
// Has to be a CCUtil, so Dict can point to it.
CCUtil ccutil_;
// For backward compatibility, recoder_ is serialized iff
// training_flags_ & TF_COMPRESS_UNICHARSET.
// Further encode/decode ccutil_.unicharset's ids to simplify the unicharset.
UnicharCompress recoder_;
// ==Training parameters that are serialized to provide a record of them.==
STRING network_str_;
// Flags used to determine the training method of the network.
// See enum TrainingFlags above.
inT32 training_flags_;
// Number of actual backward training steps used.
inT32 training_iteration_;
// Index into training sample set. sample_iteration >= training_iteration_.
inT32 sample_iteration_;
// Index in softmax of null character. May take the value UNICHAR_BROKEN or
// ccutil_.unicharset.size().
inT32 null_char_;
// Range used for the initial random numbers in the weights.
float weight_range_;
// Learning rate and momentum multipliers of deltas in backprop.
float learning_rate_;
float momentum_;
TRand randomizer_;
NetworkScratch scratch_space_;
// Language model (optional) to use with the beam search.
Dict* dict_;
// Beam search held between uses to optimize memory allocation/use.
RecodeBeamSearch* search_;
// == Debugging parameters.==
// Recognition debug display window.
ScrollView* debug_win_;
} // namespace tesseract.