Robert Pösel d7528e7cea Fix linking Tesseract to project using CMake on Linux
In the past Tesseract library was wrongly named as "liblibtesseract" so it was needed to use "-llibtesseract" as argument for linker. The name was fixed in commit 52cac3a42e but the ${Tesseract_LIBRARIES} variable still wrongly holds "libtesseract" and causes linker error when one is using it in target_link_libraries(...). This commit fixes that.
2021-09-17 21:35:30 +02:00

29 lines
973 B

# ===================================================================================
# The Tesseract CMake configuration file
# ** File generated automatically, do not modify **
# Usage from an external project:
# In your CMakeLists.txt, add these lines:
# find_package(Tesseract REQUIRED)
# target_link_libraries(MY_TARGET_NAME Tesseract::libtesseract)
# This file will define the following variables:
# - Tesseract_LIBRARIES : The list of all imported targets for OpenCV modules.
# - Tesseract_INCLUDE_DIRS : The Tesseract include directories.
# ===================================================================================
set_and_check(Tesseract_INCLUDE_DIRS "@PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DIR@")
set(Tesseract_LIBRARIES tesseract)