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Tha, Vie, Kan, Tel etc. There is a new overlap detector that detects when diacritics cause a big increase in textline overlap. In such cases, diacritics from overlap regions are kept separate from layout analysis completely, allowing textline formation to happen without them. The diacritics are then assigned to 0, 1 or 2 close words at the end of layout analysis, using and modifying an old noise detection data path. The stored diacritics are used or not during recognition according to the character classifier's liking for them.
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// File: colpartitionrid.h
// Description: Class collecting code that acts on a BBGrid of ColPartitions.
// Author: Ray Smith
// Created: Mon Oct 05 08:42:01 PDT 2009
// (C) Copyright 2009, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "bbgrid.h"
#include "colpartition.h"
#include "colpartitionset.h"
namespace tesseract {
class TabFind;
// ColPartitionGrid is a BBGrid of ColPartition.
// It collects functions that work on the grid.
class ColPartitionGrid : public BBGrid<ColPartition,
ColPartition_C_IT> {
ColPartitionGrid(int gridsize, const ICOORD& bleft, const ICOORD& tright);
virtual ~ColPartitionGrid();
// Handles a click event in a display window.
void HandleClick(int x, int y);
// Merges ColPartitions in the grid that look like they belong in the same
// textline.
// For all partitions in the grid, calls the box_cb permanent callback
// to compute the search box, seaches the box, and if a candidate is found,
// calls the confirm_cb to check any more rules. If the confirm_cb returns
// true, then the partitions are merged.
// Both callbacks are deleted before returning.
void Merges(TessResultCallback2<bool, ColPartition*, TBOX*>* box_cb,
TessResultCallback2<bool, const ColPartition*,
const ColPartition*>* confirm_cb);
// For the given partition, calls the box_cb permanent callback
// to compute the search box, searches the box, and if a candidate is found,
// calls the confirm_cb to check any more rules. If the confirm_cb returns
// true, then the partitions are merged.
// Returns true if the partition is consumed by one or more merges.
bool MergePart(TessResultCallback2<bool, ColPartition*, TBOX*>* box_cb,
TessResultCallback2<bool, const ColPartition*,
const ColPartition*>* confirm_cb,
ColPartition* part);
// Computes and returns the total overlap of all partitions in the grid.
// If overlap_grid is non-null, it is filled with a grid that holds empty
// partitions representing the union of all overlapped partitions.
int ComputeTotalOverlap(ColPartitionGrid** overlap_grid);
// Finds all the ColPartitions in the grid that overlap with the given
// box and returns them SortByBoxLeft(ed) and uniqued in the given list.
// Any partition equal to not_this (may be NULL) is excluded.
void FindOverlappingPartitions(const TBOX& box, const ColPartition* not_this,
ColPartition_CLIST* parts);
// Finds and returns the best candidate ColPartition to merge with part,
// selected from the candidates list, based on the minimum increase in
// pairwise overlap among all the partitions overlapped by the combined box.
// If overlap_increase is not NULL then it returns the increase in overlap
// that would result from the merge.
// See colpartitiongrid.cpp for a diagram.
ColPartition* BestMergeCandidate(
const ColPartition* part, ColPartition_CLIST* candidates, bool debug,
TessResultCallback2<bool, const ColPartition*,
const ColPartition*>* confirm_cb,
int* overlap_increase);
// Split partitions where it reduces overlap between their bounding boxes.
// ColPartitions are after all supposed to be a partitioning of the blobs
// AND of the space on the page!
// Blobs that cause overlaps get removed, put in individual partitions
// and added to the big_parts list. They are most likely characters on
// 2 textlines that touch, or something big like a dropcap.
void SplitOverlappingPartitions(ColPartition_LIST* big_parts);
// Filters partitions of source_type by looking at local neighbours.
// Where a majority of neighbours have a text type, the partitions are
// changed to text, where the neighbours have image type, they are changed
// to image, and partitions that have no definite neighbourhood type are
// left unchanged.
// im_box and rerotation are used to map blob coordinates onto the
// nontext_map, which is used to prevent the spread of text neighbourhoods
// into images.
// Returns true if anything was changed.
bool GridSmoothNeighbours(BlobTextFlowType source_type, Pix* nontext_map,
const TBOX& im_box, const FCOORD& rerotation);
// Compute the mean RGB of the light and dark pixels in each ColPartition
// and also the rms error in the linearity of color.
void ComputePartitionColors(Pix* scaled_color, int scaled_factor,
const FCOORD& rerotation);
// Reflects the grid and its colpartitions in the y-axis, assuming that
// all blob boxes have already been done.
void ReflectInYAxis();
// Rotates the grid and its colpartitions by the given angle, assuming that
// all blob boxes have already been done.
void Deskew(const FCOORD& deskew);
// Transforms the grid of partitions to the output blocks, putting each
// partition into a separate block. We don't really care about the order,
// as we just want to get as much text as possible without trying to organize
// it into proper blocks or columns.
void ExtractPartitionsAsBlocks(BLOCK_LIST* blocks, TO_BLOCK_LIST* to_blocks);
// Sets the left and right tabs of the partitions in the grid.
void SetTabStops(TabFind* tabgrid);
// Makes the ColPartSets and puts them in the PartSetVector ready
// for finding column bounds. Returns false if no partitions were found.
// Each ColPartition in the grid is placed in a single ColPartSet based
// on the bottom-left of its bounding box.
bool MakeColPartSets(PartSetVector* part_sets);
// Makes a single ColPartitionSet consisting of a single ColPartition that
// represents the total horizontal extent of the significant content on the
// page. Used for the single column setting in place of automatic detection.
// Returns NULL if the page is empty of significant content.
ColPartitionSet* MakeSingleColumnSet(WidthCallback* cb);
// Mark the BLOBNBOXes in each partition as being owned by that partition.
void ClaimBoxes();
// Retypes all the blobs referenced by the partitions in the grid.
// Image blobs are sliced on the grid boundaries to give the tab finder
// a better handle on the edges of the images, and the actual blobs are
// returned in the im_blobs list, as they are not owned by the block.
void ReTypeBlobs(BLOBNBOX_LIST* im_blobs);
// The boxes within the partitions have changed (by deskew) so recompute
// the bounds of all the partitions and reinsert them into the grid.
void RecomputeBounds(int gridsize, const ICOORD& bleft,
const ICOORD& tright, const ICOORD& vertical);
// Improves the margins of the ColPartitions in the grid by calling
// FindPartitionMargins on each.
void GridFindMargins(ColPartitionSet** best_columns);
// Improves the margins of the ColPartitions in the list by calling
// FindPartitionMargins on each.
void ListFindMargins(ColPartitionSet** best_columns,
ColPartition_LIST* parts);
// Deletes all the partitions in the grid after disowning all the blobs.
void DeleteParts();
// Deletes all the partitions in the grid that are of type BRT_UNKNOWN and
// all the blobs in them.
void DeleteUnknownParts(TO_BLOCK* block);
// Deletes all the partitions in the grid that are NOT of flow type
void DeleteNonLeaderParts();
// Finds and marks text partitions that represent figure captions.
void FindFigureCaptions();
//////// Functions that manipulate ColPartitions in the grid ///////
//////// to find chains of partner partitions of the same type. ///////
// For every ColPartition in the grid, finds its upper and lower neighbours.
void FindPartitionPartners();
// Finds the best partner in the given direction for the given partition.
// Stores the result with AddPartner.
void FindPartitionPartners(bool upper, ColPartition* part);
// Finds the best partner in the given direction for the given partition.
// Stores the result with AddPartner.
void FindVPartitionPartners(bool to_the_left, ColPartition* part);
// For every ColPartition with multiple partners in the grid, reduces the
// number of partners to 0 or 1. If get_desperate is true, goes to more
// desperate merge methods to merge flowing text before breaking partnerships.
void RefinePartitionPartners(bool get_desperate);
// Finds and returns a list of candidate ColPartitions to merge with part.
// The candidates must overlap search_box, and when merged must not
// overlap any other partitions that are not overlapped by each individually.
void FindMergeCandidates(const ColPartition* part, const TBOX& search_box,
bool debug, ColPartition_CLIST* candidates);
// Smoothes the region type/flow type of the given part by looking at local
// neigbours and the given image mask. Searches a padded rectangle with the
// padding truncated on one size of the part's box in turn for each side,
// using the result (if any) that has the least distance to all neighbours
// that contribute to the decision. This biases in favor of rectangular
// regions without completely enforcing them.
// If a good decision cannot be reached, the part is left unchanged.
// im_box and rerotation are used to map blob coordinates onto the
// nontext_map, which is used to prevent the spread of text neighbourhoods
// into images.
// Returns true if the partition was changed.
bool SmoothRegionType(Pix* nontext_map,
const TBOX& im_box,
const FCOORD& rerotation,
bool debug,
ColPartition* part);
// Executes the search for SmoothRegionType in a single direction.
// Creates a bounding box that is padded in all directions except direction,
// and searches it for other partitions. Finds the nearest collection of
// partitions that makes a decisive result (if any) and returns the type
// and the distance of the collection. If there are any pixels in the
// nontext_map, then the decision is biased towards image.
BlobRegionType SmoothInOneDirection(BlobNeighbourDir direction,
Pix* nontext_map,
const TBOX& im_box,
const FCOORD& rerotation,
bool debug,
const ColPartition& part,
int* best_distance);
// Counts the partitions in the given search_box by appending the gap
// distance (scaled by dist_scaling) of the part from the base_part to the
// vector of the appropriate type for the partition. Prior to return, the
// vectors in the dists array are sorted in increasing order.
// dists must be an array of GenericVectors of size NPT_COUNT.
void AccumulatePartDistances(const ColPartition& base_part,
const ICOORD& dist_scaling,
const TBOX& search_box,
Pix* nontext_map,
const TBOX& im_box,
const FCOORD& rerotation,
bool debug,
GenericVector<int>* dists);
// Improves the margins of the ColPartition by searching for
// neighbours that vertically overlap significantly.
void FindPartitionMargins(ColPartitionSet* columns, ColPartition* part);
// Starting at x, and going in the specified direction, upto x_limit, finds
// the margin for the given y range by searching sideways,
// and ignoring not_this.
int FindMargin(int x, bool right_to_left, int x_limit,
int y_bottom, int y_top, const ColPartition* not_this);
} // namespace tesseract.