Unlike many other editors, tiptap is based on a [schema](https://prosemirror.net/docs/guide/#schema) that defines how your content is structured. That enables you to define the kind of nodes that may occur in the document, its attributes and the way they can be nested.
Let me give you one example: If you paste something like `This is <strong>important</strong>` into tiptap, don’t have any extension that handles `strong` tags registered, you’ll only see `This is important`– without the strong tags.
When you’ll work with the provided extensions only, you don’t have to care that much about the schema. If you’re building your own extensions, it’s probably helpful to understand how the schema works. Let’s look at the most simple schema for a typical ProseMirror editor:
We register three nodes here. `document`, `paragraph` and `text`. `document` is the root node which allows one or more block nodes as children (`content: 'block+'`). Since `paragraph` is in the group of block nodes (`group: 'block'`) our document can only contain paragraphs. Our paragraphs allow zero or more inline nodes as children (`content: 'inline*'`) so there can only be `text` in it. `parseDOM` defines how a node can be parsed from pasted HTML. `toDOM` defines how it will be rendered in the DOM.
In tiptap every node, mark and extension is living in its own file. This allows us to split the logic. Under the hood the whole schema will be merged together:
The content attribute defines exactly what kind of content the node can have. ProseMirror is really strict with that. That means, content which doesn’t fit the schema is thrown away. It expects a name or group as a string. Here are a few examples:
You can define which marks are allowed inside of a node with the `marks` setting of the schema. Add a one or more names or groups of marks, allow all or disallow all marks like this:
Nodes can be rendered inline, too. When setting `inline: true` nodes are rendered in line with the text. That’s the case for mentions. The result is more like a mark, but with the functionality of a node. One difference is the resulting JSON document. Multiple marks are applied at once, inline nodes would result in a nested structure.
Nodes with `atom: true` aren’t directly editable and should be treated as a single unit. It’s not so likely to use that in a editor context, but this is how it would look like:
Besides the already visible text selection, there is an invisible node selection. If you want to make your nodes selectable, you can configure it like this:
Nodes get dropped when their entire content is replaced (for example, when pasting new content) by default. If a node should be kept for such replace operations, configure them as `defining`.
Typically, that applies to [`Blockquote`](/api/node/blockquote), [`CodeBlock`](/api/node/code-block), [`Heading`](/api/node/heading), and [`ListItem`](/api/node/list-item).
If you don’t want the mark to be active when the cursor is at its end, set inclusive to `false`. For example, that’s how it’s configured for [`Link`](/api/marks/link) marks:
By default all nodes can be applied at the same time. With the excludes attribute you can define which marks must not coexist with the mark. For example, the inline code mark excludes any other mark (bold, italic, and all others).
There are a few use cases where you need to work with the underlying schema. You’ll need that if you’re using the tiptap collaborative text editing features or if you want to manually render your content as HTML.
### Option 1: With an Editor
If you need this on the client side and need an editor instance anyway, it’s available through the editor:
import { Editor } from '@tiptap/core'
import Document from '@tiptap/extension-document'
import Paragraph from '@tiptap/extension-paragraph'
If you just want to have the schema *without* initializing an actual editor, you can use the `getSchema` helper function. It needs an array of available extensions and conveniently generates a ProseMirror schema for you:
import { getSchema } from '@tiptap/core'
import Document from '@tiptap/extension-document'
import Paragraph from '@tiptap/extension-paragraph'