The new API will look pretty familiar too you, but there are a ton of changes though. To make the upgrade a little bit easier, here is everything you need to know:
The whole package structure has changed, we even moved to another npm namespace, so you’ll need to remove the old version entirely before upgrading to tiptap 2.
Otherwise you’ll run into an exception, for example “looks like multiple versions of prosemirror-model were loaded”.
tiptap 1 tried to hide a few required extensions from you with the default setting `useBuiltInExtensions: true`. That setting has been removed and you’re required to import all extensions. Be sure to explicitly import at least the [Document](/api/nodes/document), [Paragraph](/api/nodes/paragraph) and [Text](/api/nodes/text) extensions.
~~**We renamed the default `Document` type from `doc` to `document`.** To keep it like that, use your own implementation of the `Document` node or migrate the stored JSON to use the new name.~~
In case you’ve built some custom extensions for your project, you’re required to rewrite them to fit the new API. No worries, you can keep a lot of your work though. The `schema`, `commands`, `keys`, `inputRules` and `pasteRules` all work like they did before. It’s just different how you register them.
[We renamed a lot of settings and methods](/api/editor). Hopefully you can migrate to the new API with search & replace. Here is a list of what changed:
Most commands can be combined to one call now. That’s shorter than separate function calls in most cases. Here is an example to make the selected text bold:
The `.chain()` is required to start a new chain and the `.run()` is needed to actually execute all the commands in between. Read more about [the new tiptap commands](/api/commands) in our API documentation.
We tried to hide the `.focus()` command from you with tiptap 1 and executed that on every command. That led to issues in specific use cases, where you want to run a command, but don’t want to focus the editor.
With tiptap 2.x you have to explicitly call the `focus()` and you probably want to do that in a lot of places. Here is an example:
The reference implementation for collaborative editing uses Y.js now. That’s a whole different thing. You still can use the tiptap 1 extension, but it’s up to you to adapt it to the new extension API. If you’ve done this, don’t forget to share it with us so we can link to it from here!
Read more about [the new collaborative editing experience](/guide/collaborative-editing) in our guide.
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