import { EditorState, Plugin, PluginKey, Transaction, } from 'prosemirror-state' import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view' import { Schema, MarkType, NodeType } from 'prosemirror-model' import getAttributes from './helpers/getAttributes' import isActive from './helpers/isActive' import removeElement from './utilities/removeElement' import createDocument from './helpers/createDocument' import getHTMLFromFragment from './helpers/getHTMLFromFragment' import getText from './helpers/getText' import isNodeEmpty from './helpers/isNodeEmpty' import getTextSeralizersFromSchema from './helpers/getTextSeralizersFromSchema' import createStyleTag from './utilities/createStyleTag' import CommandManager from './CommandManager' import ExtensionManager from './ExtensionManager' import EventEmitter from './EventEmitter' import { EditorOptions, CanCommands, ChainedCommands, SingleCommands, TextSerializer, } from './types' import * as extensions from './extensions' import style from './style' export { extensions } export interface HTMLElement { editor?: Editor } export class Editor extends EventEmitter { private commandManager!: CommandManager public extensionManager!: ExtensionManager private css!: HTMLStyleElement public schema!: Schema public view!: EditorView public isFocused = false public options: EditorOptions = { element: document.createElement('div'), content: '', injectCSS: true, extensions: [], autofocus: false, editable: true, editorProps: {}, parseOptions: {}, enableInputRules: true, enablePasteRules: true, enableCoreExtensions: true, onBeforeCreate: () => null, onCreate: () => null, onUpdate: () => null, onSelectionUpdate: () => null, onTransaction: () => null, onFocus: () => null, onBlur: () => null, onDestroy: () => null, } constructor(options: Partial = {}) { super() this.setOptions(options) this.createExtensionManager() this.createCommandManager() this.createSchema() this.on('beforeCreate', this.options.onBeforeCreate) this.emit('beforeCreate', { editor: this }) this.createView() this.injectCSS() this.on('create', this.options.onCreate) this.on('update', this.options.onUpdate) this.on('selectionUpdate', this.options.onSelectionUpdate) this.on('transaction', this.options.onTransaction) this.on('focus', this.options.onFocus) this.on('blur', this.options.onBlur) this.on('destroy', this.options.onDestroy) window.setTimeout(() => { if (this.isDestroyed) { return } this.commands.focus(this.options.autofocus) this.emit('create', { editor: this }) }, 0) } /** * An object of all registered commands. */ public get commands(): SingleCommands { return this.commandManager.createCommands() } /** * Create a command chain to call multiple commands at once. */ public chain(): ChainedCommands { return this.commandManager.createChain() } /** * Check if a command or a command chain can be executed. Without executing it. */ public can(): CanCommands { return this.commandManager.createCan() } /** * Inject CSS styles. */ private injectCSS(): void { if (this.options.injectCSS && document) { this.css = createStyleTag(style) } } /** * Update editor options. * * @param options A list of options */ public setOptions(options: Partial = {}): void { this.options = { ...this.options, ...options, } if (!this.view || !this.state || this.isDestroyed) { return } if (this.options.editorProps) { this.view.setProps(this.options.editorProps) } this.view.updateState(this.state) } /** * Update editable state of the editor. */ public setEditable(editable: boolean): void { this.setOptions({ editable }) } /** * Returns whether the editor is editable. */ public get isEditable(): boolean { // since plugins are applied after creating the view // `editable` is always `true` for one tick. // that’s why we also have to check for `options.editable` return this.options.editable && this.view && this.view.editable } /** * Returns the editor state. */ public get state(): EditorState { return this.view.state } /** * Register a ProseMirror plugin. * * @param plugin A ProseMirror plugin * @param handlePlugins Control how to merge the plugin into the existing plugins. */ public registerPlugin(plugin: Plugin, handlePlugins?: (newPlugin: Plugin, plugins: Plugin[]) => Plugin[]): void { const plugins = typeof handlePlugins === 'function' ? handlePlugins(plugin, this.state.plugins) : [...this.state.plugins, plugin] const state = this.state.reconfigure({ plugins }) this.view.updateState(state) } /** * Unregister a ProseMirror plugin. * * @param name The plugins name */ public unregisterPlugin(nameOrPluginKey: string | PluginKey): void { if (this.isDestroyed) { return } const name = typeof nameOrPluginKey === 'string' ? `${nameOrPluginKey}$` // @ts-ignore : nameOrPluginKey.key const state = this.state.reconfigure({ // @ts-ignore plugins: this.state.plugins.filter(plugin => !plugin.key.startsWith(name)), }) this.view.updateState(state) } /** * Creates an extension manager. */ private createExtensionManager(): void { const coreExtensions = this.options.enableCoreExtensions ? Object.values(extensions) : [] const allExtensions = [...coreExtensions, ...this.options.extensions].filter(extension => { return ['extension', 'node', 'mark'].includes(extension?.type) }) this.extensionManager = new ExtensionManager(allExtensions, this) } /** * Creates an command manager. */ private createCommandManager(): void { this.commandManager = new CommandManager(this, this.extensionManager.commands) } /** * Creates a ProseMirror schema. */ private createSchema(): void { this.schema = this.extensionManager.schema } /** * Creates a ProseMirror view. */ private createView(): void { this.view = new EditorView(this.options.element, { ...this.options.editorProps, dispatchTransaction: this.dispatchTransaction.bind(this), state: EditorState.create({ doc: createDocument(this.options.content, this.schema, this.options.parseOptions), }), }) // `editor.view` is not yet available at this time. // Therefore we will add all plugins and node views directly afterwards. const newState = this.state.reconfigure({ plugins: this.extensionManager.plugins, }) this.view.updateState(newState) this.createNodeViews() // Let’s store the editor instance in the DOM element. // So we’ll have access to it for tests. const dom = this.view.dom as HTMLElement dom.editor = this } /** * Creates all node views. */ public createNodeViews(): void { this.view.setProps({ nodeViews: this.extensionManager.nodeViews, }) } public isCapturingTransaction = false private capturedTransaction: Transaction | null = null public captureTransaction(fn: Function) { this.isCapturingTransaction = true fn() this.isCapturingTransaction = false const tr = this.capturedTransaction this.capturedTransaction = null return tr } /** * The callback over which to send transactions (state updates) produced by the view. * * @param transaction An editor state transaction */ private dispatchTransaction(transaction: Transaction): void { if (this.isCapturingTransaction) { if (!this.capturedTransaction) { this.capturedTransaction = transaction return } transaction.steps.forEach(step => this.capturedTransaction?.step(step)) return } const state = this.state.apply(transaction) const selectionHasChanged = !this.state.selection.eq(state.selection) this.view.updateState(state) this.emit('transaction', { editor: this, transaction, }) if (selectionHasChanged) { this.emit('selectionUpdate', { editor: this, transaction, }) } const focus = transaction.getMeta('focus') const blur = transaction.getMeta('blur') if (focus) { this.emit('focus', { editor: this, event: focus.event, transaction, }) } if (blur) { this.emit('blur', { editor: this, event: blur.event, transaction, }) } if (!transaction.docChanged || transaction.getMeta('preventUpdate')) { return } this.emit('update', { editor: this, transaction, }) } /** * Get attributes of the currently selected node or mark. */ public getAttributes(nameOrType: string | NodeType | MarkType): Record { return getAttributes(this.state, nameOrType) } /** * Returns if the currently selected node or mark is active. * * @param name Name of the node or mark * @param attributes Attributes of the node or mark */ public isActive(name: string, attributes?: {}): boolean; public isActive(attributes: {}): boolean; public isActive(nameOrAttributes: string, attributesOrUndefined?: {}): boolean { const name = typeof nameOrAttributes === 'string' ? nameOrAttributes : null const attributes = typeof nameOrAttributes === 'string' ? attributesOrUndefined : nameOrAttributes return isActive(this.state, name, attributes) } /** * Get the document as JSON. */ public getJSON(): Record { return this.state.doc.toJSON() } /** * Get the document as HTML. */ public getHTML(): string { return getHTMLFromFragment(this.state.doc.content, this.schema) } /** * Get the document as text. */ public getText(options?: { blockSeparator?: string, textSerializers?: Record, }): string { const { blockSeparator = '\n\n', textSerializers = {}, } = options || {} return getText(this.state.doc, { blockSeparator, textSerializers: { ...textSerializers, ...getTextSeralizersFromSchema(this.schema), }, }) } /** * Check if there is no content. */ public get isEmpty(): boolean { return isNodeEmpty(this.state.doc) } /** * Get the number of characters for the current document. */ public getCharacterCount(): number { return this.state.doc.content.size - 2 } /** * Destroy the editor. */ public destroy(): void { this.emit('destroy') if (this.view) { this.view.destroy() } this.removeAllListeners() removeElement(this.css) } /** * Check if the editor is already destroyed. */ public get isDestroyed(): boolean { // @ts-ignore return !this.view?.docView } }