description: Left, right, center, whatever! Align the text however you like.
icon: align-left

# TextAlign

This extension adds a text align attribute to a specified list of nodes. The attribute is used to align the text.

:::warning Firefox bug
`text-align: justify` doesn't work together with `white-space: pre-wrap` in Firefox, [that’s a known issue](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1253840).

## Installation
npm install @tiptap/extension-text-align

## Settings

### types
A list of nodes where the text align attribute should be applied to. Usually something like `['heading', 'paragraph']`.

Default: `[]`

  types: ['heading', 'paragraph'],

### alignments
A list of available options for the text align attribute.

Default: `['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']`

  alignments: ['left', 'right'],

### defaultAlignment
The default text align.

Default: `'left'`

  defaultAlignment: 'right',

## Commands

### setTextAlign()
Set the text align to the specified value.


### unsetTextAlign()
Remove the text align value.


## Keyboard shortcuts
| Command                 | Windows/Linux                | macOS                       |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| setTextAlign('left')    | `Ctrl` `Shift` `L` | `Cmd` `Shift` `L` |
| setTextAlign('center')  | `Ctrl` `Shift` `E` | `Cmd` `Shift` `E` |
| setTextAlign('right')   | `Ctrl` `Shift` `R` | `Cmd` `Shift` `R` |
| setTextAlign('justify') | `Ctrl` `Shift` `J` | `Cmd` `Shift` `J` |

## Source code

## Usage