import { EditorState, Transaction } from "prosemirror-state" import { ChainedCommands, Editor, CommandSpec } from "./Editor" import getAllMethodNames from './utils/getAllMethodNames' export default class CommandManager { editor: Editor commands: { [key: string]: any } = {} constructor(editor: Editor) { this.editor = editor } /** * Register a command. * * @param name The name of your command * @param callback The method of your command */ public registerCommand(name: string, callback: CommandSpec): Editor { if (this.commands[name]) { throw new Error(`tiptap: command '${name}' is already defined.`) } if (getAllMethodNames(this.editor).includes(name)) { throw new Error(`tiptap: '${name}' is a protected name.`) } this.commands[name] = callback return this.editor } public runSingleCommand(name: string) { const { commands, editor } = this const { state, view } = editor const command = commands[name] if (!command) { // TODO: prevent vue devtools to throw error // throw new Error(`tiptap: command '${name}' not found.`) return } return (...args: any) => { const { tr } = state const props = this.buildProps(tr) const callback = command(...args)(props) view.dispatch(tr) return callback } } public createChain(startTr?: Transaction) { const { commands, editor } = this const { state, view } = editor const callbacks: boolean[] = [] const hasStartTransaction = !!startTr const tr = hasStartTransaction ? startTr : if (!tr) { return } return new Proxy({}, { get: (_, name: string, proxy) => { if (name === 'run') { if (!hasStartTransaction) { view.dispatch(tr) } return () => callbacks.every(callback => callback === true) } const command = commands[name] if (!command) { throw new Error(`tiptap: command '${name}' not found.`) } return (...args: any) => { const props = this.buildProps(tr) const callback = command(...args)(props) callbacks.push(callback) return proxy } } }) as ChainedCommands } public buildProps(tr: Transaction) { const { editor, commands } = this const { state, view } = editor const props = { tr, editor, view, state: this.chainableState(tr, state), dispatch: () => false, chain: () => this.createChain(tr), get commands() { return Object.fromEntries(Object .entries(commands) .map(([name, command]) => { return [name, (...args: any[]) => command(...args)(props)] })) } } return props } public chainableState(tr: Transaction, state: EditorState): EditorState { let selection = tr.selection let doc = tr.doc let storedMarks = tr.storedMarks return { ...state, schema: state.schema, plugins: state.plugins, apply: state.apply.bind(state), applyTransaction: state.applyTransaction.bind(state), reconfigure: state.reconfigure.bind(state), toJSON: state.toJSON.bind(state), get storedMarks() { return storedMarks }, get selection() { return selection }, get doc() { return doc }, get tr() { selection = tr.selection doc = tr.doc storedMarks = tr.storedMarks return tr }, }; } }