// @ts-nocheck
import {
  Node as ProseMirrorNode,
} from 'prosemirror-model'
import { Plugin, Transaction } from 'prosemirror-state'
import { InputRule } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'
import { ExtensionConfig } from './Extension'
import mergeDeep from './utilities/mergeDeep'
import {
  Attributes, NodeViewRenderer, Overwrite, RawCommands,
} from './types'
import { Editor } from './Editor'

export interface NodeConfig<Options = any> extends Overwrite<ExtensionConfig<Options>, {
   * TopNode
  topNode?: boolean,

   * Content
  content?: NodeSpec['content'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['content']),

   * Marks
  marks?: NodeSpec['marks'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['marks']),

   * Group
  group?: NodeSpec['group'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['group']),

   * Inline
  inline?: NodeSpec['inline'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['inline']),

   * Atom
  atom?: NodeSpec['atom'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['atom']),

   * Selectable
  selectable?: NodeSpec['selectable'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['selectable']),

   * Draggable
  draggable?: NodeSpec['draggable'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['draggable']),

   * Code
  code?: NodeSpec['code'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['code']),

   * Defining
  defining?: NodeSpec['defining'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['defining']),

   * Isolating
  isolating?: NodeSpec['isolating'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['isolating']),

  // TODO: extend via extension-table
   * Table Role
  tableRole?: NodeSpec['tableRole'] | ((this: { options: Options }) => NodeSpec['tableRole']),

   * Parse HTML
  parseHTML?: (
    this: {
      options: Options,
  ) => NodeSpec['parseDOM'],

   * Render HTML
  renderHTML?: ((
    this: {
      options: Options,
    props: {
      node: ProseMirrorNode,
      HTMLAttributes: { [key: string]: any },
  ) => DOMOutputSpec) | null,

   * Render Text
  renderText?: ((
    this: {
      options: Options,
      editor: Editor,
      type: NodeType,
    props: {
      node: ProseMirrorNode,
  ) => string) | null,

   * Add Attributes
  addAttributes?: (
    this: {
      options: Options,
  ) => Attributes | {},

   * Commands
  addCommands?: (this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => Partial<RawCommands>,

   * Keyboard shortcuts
  addKeyboardShortcuts?: (this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => {
    // [key: string]: any
    [key: string]: () => boolean

   * Input rules
  addInputRules?: (this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => InputRule[],

   * Paste rules
  addPasteRules?: (this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => Plugin[],

   * ProseMirror plugins
  addProseMirrorPlugins?: (this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => Plugin[],

   * Node View
  addNodeView?: ((this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => NodeViewRenderer) | null,

   * The editor is ready.
  onCreate?: ((this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => void) | null,

   * The content has changed.
  onUpdate?: ((this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => void) | null,

   * The selection has changed.
  onSelection?: ((this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => void) | null,

   * The editor state has changed.
  onTransaction?: ((
    this: {
      options: Options,
      editor: Editor,
      type: NodeType,
    props: {
      transaction: Transaction,
  ) => void) | null,

   * The editor is focused.
  onFocus?: ((
    this: {
      options: Options,
      editor: Editor,
      type: NodeType,
    props: {
      event: FocusEvent,
  ) => void) | null,

   * The editor isn’t focused anymore.
  onBlur?: ((
    this: {
      options: Options,
      editor: Editor,
      type: NodeType,
    props: {
      event: FocusEvent,
  ) => void) | null,

   * The editor is destroyed.
  onDestroy?: ((this: {
    options: Options,
    editor: Editor,
    type: NodeType,
  }) => void) | null,
}> {}

export class Node<Options = any> {
  type = 'node'

  config: Required<NodeConfig> = {
    name: 'node',
    defaultOptions: {},
    addGlobalAttributes: () => [],
    addCommands: () => ({}),
    addKeyboardShortcuts: () => ({}),
    addInputRules: () => [],
    addPasteRules: () => [],
    addProseMirrorPlugins: () => [],
    topNode: false,
    content: null,
    marks: null,
    group: null,
    inline: null,
    atom: null,
    selectable: null,
    draggable: null,
    code: null,
    defining: null,
    isolating: null,
    parseHTML: () => null,
    renderHTML: null,
    renderText: null,
    addAttributes: () => ({}),
    addNodeView: null,
    onCreate: null,
    onUpdate: null,
    onSelection: null,
    onTransaction: null,
    onFocus: null,
    onBlur: null,
    onDestroy: null,

  options!: Options

  constructor(config: NodeConfig<Options>) {
    this.config = {

    this.options = this.config.defaultOptions

  static create<O>(config: NodeConfig<O>) {
    return new Node<O>(config)

  configure(options: Partial<Options> = {}) {
    return Node
      .create<Options>(this.config as NodeConfig<Options>)

  #configure = (options: Partial<Options>) => {
    this.options = mergeDeep(this.config.defaultOptions, options) as Options

    return this

  extend<ExtendedOptions = Options>(extendedConfig: Partial<NodeConfig<ExtendedOptions>>) {
    return new Node<ExtendedOptions>({
    } as NodeConfig<ExtendedOptions>)