bdbch 58e43bb2ae
switch from lerna to changesets for versioning and publishing (#5274)
* chore: get rid of lerna and install changesets

* chore: dont ignore demos in changesets

* chore: add deprecation notice for global CHANGELOG.md

* chore: remove commitlint from husky

* update package-lock

* join pre track for develop

* add new publish workflow with changesets

* update CONTRIBUTING guidelines

* fix typo in CONTRIBUTING

* update PR template

* rename release script to publish

* added pre actions

* use singular workflow for publishing
2024-06-27 17:48:30 +02:00

77 lines
2.8 KiB

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"scripts": {
"cz": "cz",
"start": "npm --prefix ./demos run start",
"dev": "npm run start",
"lint": "eslint --cache --quiet --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern ./",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix --cache --quiet --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern ./",
"lint:staged": "lint-staged",
"test:open": "cypress open --project tests",
"test:run": "cypress run --project tests",
"test": "npm run build:pm && npm run test:run",
"build": "npm run build --workspace packages",
"build:pm": "npm run build --workspace packages/pm",
"build:demos": "npm run build:demos --workspace demos",
"build:ci": "npm run build",
"publish": "npm run build && npm run publish --workspace packages --tag latest --access public",
"publish:pre": "npm run build && npm run publish --workspace packages --tag next --access public",
"clean:packages": "rm -rf ./packages/*/dist && rm -rf ./packages/pm/*/dist",
"clean:packs": "rm -rf ./packages/*/*.tgz",
"reset": "npm run clean:packages && npm run clean:packs && rm -rf ./**/.cache && rm -rf ./**/node_modules && rm -rf ./package-lock.json && npm install",
"prepare": "husky install"
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"@rollup/pluginutils": "^5.0.2"
"name": "tiptap"