2021-06-23 10:16:04 +08:00
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
2024-07-04 11:01:35 +08:00
if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/utility-prefix.ps1") {
. "$PSScriptRoot/utility-prefix.ps1"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SasToken)) {
2024-11-20 06:42:29 +08:00
Write-Host 'Downloading from the Internet'
2024-07-04 11:01:35 +08:00
$oneAPIBaseUrl = 'https://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/IRC_NAS/c95a3b26-fc45-496c-833b-df08b10297b9/w_HPCKit_p_2024.1.0.561_offline.exe'
} else {
2024-11-20 06:42:29 +08:00
Write-Host 'Downloading from vcpkgimageminting using SAS token'
2024-07-04 11:01:35 +08:00
$SasToken = $SasToken.Replace('"', '')
$oneAPIBaseUrl = "https://vcpkgimageminting.blob.core.windows.net/assets/w_HPCKit_p_2024.1.0.561_offline.exe?$SasToken"
$oneAPIHPCComponents = 'intel.oneapi.win.ifort-compiler'
$LocalName = 'w_HPCKit_p_2024.1.0.561_offline.exe'
try {
[bool]$doRemove = $false
[string]$LocalPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $LocalName
if (Test-Path $LocalPath) {
Write-Host "Using local Intel oneAPI..."
} else {
Write-Host "Downloading Intel oneAPI..."
$tempPath = Get-TempFilePath
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempPath -Force
$LocalPath = Join-Path $tempPath $LocalName
2024-11-20 06:42:29 +08:00
curl.exe -L -o $LocalPath $oneAPIBaseUrl
2024-07-04 11:01:35 +08:00
$doRemove = $true
2021-06-23 10:16:04 +08:00
2024-07-04 11:01:35 +08:00
[string]$extractionPath = Get-TempFilePath
Write-Host 'Extracting Intel oneAPI...to folder: ' $extractionPath
$proc = Start-Process -FilePath $LocalPath -ArgumentList @('-s ', '-x', '-f', $extractionPath) -Wait -PassThru
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if ($exitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Host 'Extraction successful!'
} else {
Write-Error "Extraction failed! Exited with $exitCode."
2021-06-23 10:16:04 +08:00
2024-07-04 11:01:35 +08:00
Write-Host 'Install Intel oneAPI...from folder: ' $extractionPath
$proc = Start-Process -FilePath "$extractionPath/bootstrapper.exe" -ArgumentList @('-s ', '--action install', "--components=$oneAPIHPCComponents" , '--eula=accept', '-p=NEED_VS2017_INTEGRATION=0', '-p=NEED_VS2019_INTEGRATION=0', '-p=NEED_VS2022_INTEGRATION=0', '--log-dir=.') -Wait -PassThru
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if ($exitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Host 'Installation successful!'
} elseif ($exitCode -eq 3010) {
Write-Host 'Installation successful! Exited with 3010 (ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED).'
} else {
Write-Error "Installation failed! Exited with $exitCode."
if ($doRemove) {
Remove-Item -Path $LocalPath -Force
} catch {
Write-Error "Installation failed! Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"