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diff --git a/src/gui/util/qktxhandler.cpp b/src/gui/util/qktxhandler.cpp
index f04da929c3..d6948cc01d 100644
--- a/src/gui/util/qktxhandler.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/util/qktxhandler.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct KTXHeader {
quint32 bytesOfKeyValueData;
-static const quint32 qktxh_headerSize = sizeof(KTXHeader);
+static constexpr quint32 qktxh_headerSize = sizeof(KTXHeader);
// Currently unused, declared for future reference
struct KTXKeyValuePairItem {
@@ -71,11 +71,24 @@ struct KTXMipmapLevel {
-// Returns the nearest multiple of 'rounding' greater than or equal to 'value'
-constexpr quint32 withPadding(quint32 value, quint32 rounding)
+// Returns the nearest multiple of 4 greater than or equal to 'value'
+static const std::optional<quint32> nearestMultipleOf4(quint32 value)
- Q_ASSERT(rounding > 1);
- return value + (rounding - 1) - ((value + (rounding - 1)) % rounding);
+ constexpr quint32 rounding = 4;
+ quint32 result = 0;
+ if (qAddOverflow(value, rounding - 1, &result))
+ return std::nullopt;
+ result &= ~(rounding - 1);
+ return result;
+// Returns a view with prechecked bounds
+static QByteArrayView safeView(QByteArrayView view, quint32 start, quint32 length)
+ quint32 end = 0;
+ if (qAddOverflow(start, length, &end) || end > quint32(view.length()))
+ return {};
+ return view.sliced(start, length);
QKtxHandler::~QKtxHandler() = default;
@@ -83,8 +96,7 @@ QKtxHandler::~QKtxHandler() = default;
bool QKtxHandler::canRead(const QByteArray &suffix, const QByteArray &block)
- return (qstrncmp(block.constData(), ktxIdentifier, KTX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) == 0);
+ return block.startsWith(ktxIdentifier);
QTextureFileData QKtxHandler::read()
@@ -93,55 +105,122 @@ QTextureFileData QKtxHandler::read()
return QTextureFileData();
const QByteArray buf = device()->readAll();
- const quint32 dataSize = quint32(buf.size());
- if (dataSize < qktxh_headerSize || !canRead(QByteArray(), buf)) {
- qCDebug(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ if (buf.size() > std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Too big KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ if (!canRead(QByteArray(), buf)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid KTX file %s", logName().constData());
return QTextureFileData();
- const KTXHeader *header = reinterpret_cast<const KTXHeader *>(;
- if (!checkHeader(*header)) {
- qCDebug(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Unsupported KTX file format in %s", logName().constData());
+ if (buf.size() < qsizetype(qktxh_headerSize)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid KTX header size in %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ KTXHeader header;
+ memcpy(&header,, qktxh_headerSize);
+ if (!checkHeader(header)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Unsupported KTX file format in %s", logName().constData());
return QTextureFileData();
QTextureFileData texData;
- texData.setSize(QSize(decode(header->pixelWidth), decode(header->pixelHeight)));
- texData.setGLFormat(decode(header->glFormat));
- texData.setGLInternalFormat(decode(header->glInternalFormat));
- texData.setGLBaseInternalFormat(decode(header->glBaseInternalFormat));
+ texData.setSize(QSize(decode(header.pixelWidth), decode(header.pixelHeight)));
+ texData.setGLFormat(decode(header.glFormat));
+ texData.setGLInternalFormat(decode(header.glInternalFormat));
+ texData.setGLBaseInternalFormat(decode(header.glBaseInternalFormat));
- texData.setNumLevels(decode(header->numberOfMipmapLevels));
- texData.setNumFaces(decode(header->numberOfFaces));
+ texData.setNumLevels(decode(header.numberOfMipmapLevels));
+ texData.setNumFaces(decode(header.numberOfFaces));
+ const quint32 bytesOfKeyValueData = decode(header.bytesOfKeyValueData);
+ quint32 headerKeyValueSize;
+ if (qAddOverflow(qktxh_headerSize, bytesOfKeyValueData, &headerKeyValueSize)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in size of key value data in header of KTX file %s",
+ logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
- const quint32 bytesOfKeyValueData = decode(header->bytesOfKeyValueData);
- if (qktxh_headerSize + bytesOfKeyValueData < quint64(buf.size())) // oob check
- texData.setKeyValueMetadata(decodeKeyValues(
- QByteArrayView( + qktxh_headerSize, bytesOfKeyValueData)));
- quint32 offset = qktxh_headerSize + bytesOfKeyValueData;
+ if (headerKeyValueSize >= quint32(buf.size())) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "OOB request in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ // File contains key/values
+ if (bytesOfKeyValueData > 0) {
+ auto keyValueDataView = safeView(buf, qktxh_headerSize, bytesOfKeyValueData);
+ if (keyValueDataView.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid view in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ auto keyValues = decodeKeyValues(keyValueDataView);
+ if (!keyValues) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Could not parse key values in KTX file %s",
+ logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ texData.setKeyValueMetadata(*keyValues);
+ }
+ // Technically, any number of levels is allowed but if the value is bigger than
+ // what is possible in KTX V2 (and what makes sense) we return an error.
+ // maxLevels = log2(max(width, height, depth))
+ const int maxLevels = (sizeof(quint32) * 8)
+ - qCountLeadingZeroBits(std::max(
+ { header.pixelWidth, header.pixelHeight, header.pixelDepth }));
+ if (texData.numLevels() > maxLevels) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Too many levels in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
- constexpr int MAX_ITERATIONS = 32; // cap iterations in case of corrupt data
+ if (texData.numFaces() != 1 && texData.numFaces() != 6) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid number of faces in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
- for (int level = 0; level < qMin(texData.numLevels(), MAX_ITERATIONS); level++) {
- if (offset + sizeof(quint32) > dataSize) // Corrupt file; avoid oob read
- break;
+ quint32 offset = headerKeyValueSize;
+ for (int level = 0; level < texData.numLevels(); level++) {
+ const auto imageSizeView = safeView(buf, offset, sizeof(quint32));
+ if (imageSizeView.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "OOB request in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
- const quint32 imageSize = decode(qFromUnaligned<quint32>( + offset));
- offset += sizeof(quint32);
+ const quint32 imageSize = decode(qFromUnaligned<quint32>(;
+ offset += sizeof(quint32); // overflow checked indirectly above
- for (int face = 0; face < qMin(texData.numFaces(), MAX_ITERATIONS); face++) {
+ for (int face = 0; face < texData.numFaces(); face++) {
texData.setDataOffset(offset, level, face);
texData.setDataLength(imageSize, level, face);
// Add image data and padding to offset
- offset += withPadding(imageSize, 4);
+ const auto padded = nearestMultipleOf4(imageSize);
+ if (!padded) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ quint32 offsetNext;
+ if (qAddOverflow(offset, *padded, &offsetNext)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "OOB request in KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ return QTextureFileData();
+ }
+ offset = offsetNext;
if (!texData.isValid()) {
- qCDebug(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid values in header of KTX file %s", logName().constData());
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid values in header of KTX file %s",
+ logName().constData());
return QTextureFileData();
@@ -187,33 +266,83 @@ bool QKtxHandler::checkHeader(const KTXHeader &header)
return is2D && (isCubeMap || isCompressedImage);
-QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> QKtxHandler::decodeKeyValues(QByteArrayView view) const
+std::optional<QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray>> QKtxHandler::decodeKeyValues(QByteArrayView view) const
QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> output;
quint32 offset = 0;
- while (offset < view.size() + sizeof(quint32)) {
+ while (offset < quint32(view.size())) {
+ const auto keyAndValueByteSizeView = safeView(view, offset, sizeof(quint32));
+ if (keyAndValueByteSizeView.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid view in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
const quint32 keyAndValueByteSize =
- decode(qFromUnaligned<quint32>(view.constData() + offset));
- offset += sizeof(quint32);
+ decode(qFromUnaligned<quint32>(;
- if (offset + keyAndValueByteSize > quint64(view.size()))
- break; // oob read
+ quint32 offsetKeyAndValueStart;
+ if (qAddOverflow(offset, quint32(sizeof(quint32)), &offsetKeyAndValueStart)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ quint32 offsetKeyAndValueEnd;
+ if (qAddOverflow(offsetKeyAndValueStart, keyAndValueByteSize, &offsetKeyAndValueEnd)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ const auto keyValueView = safeView(view, offsetKeyAndValueStart, keyAndValueByteSize);
+ if (keyValueView.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid view in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
// 'key' is a UTF-8 string ending with a null terminator, 'value' is the rest.
// To separate the key and value we convert the complete data to utf-8 and find the first
// null terminator from the left, here we split the data into two.
- const auto str = QString::fromUtf8(view.constData() + offset, keyAndValueByteSize);
- const int idx = str.indexOf('\0'_L1);
- if (idx == -1)
- continue;
- const QByteArray key = str.left(idx).toUtf8();
- const size_t keySize = key.size() + 1; // Actual data size
- const QByteArray value = QByteArray::fromRawData(view.constData() + offset + keySize,
- keyAndValueByteSize - keySize);
- offset = withPadding(offset + keyAndValueByteSize, 4);
- output.insert(key, value);
+ const int idx = keyValueView.indexOf('\0');
+ if (idx == -1) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid key in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ const QByteArrayView keyView = safeView(view, offsetKeyAndValueStart, idx);
+ if (keyView.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ const quint32 keySize = idx + 1; // Actual data size
+ quint32 offsetValueStart;
+ if (qAddOverflow(offsetKeyAndValueStart, keySize, &offsetValueStart)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ quint32 valueSize;
+ if (qSubOverflow(keyAndValueByteSize, keySize, &valueSize)) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Underflow in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ const QByteArrayView valueView = safeView(view, offsetValueStart, valueSize);
+ if (valueView.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Invalid view in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ output.insert(keyView.toByteArray(), valueView.toByteArray());
+ const auto offsetNext = nearestMultipleOf4(offsetKeyAndValueEnd);
+ if (!offsetNext) {
+ qWarning(lcQtGuiTextureIO, "Overflow in KTX key-value");
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ offset = *offsetNext;
return output;
diff --git a/src/gui/util/qktxhandler_p.h b/src/gui/util/qktxhandler_p.h
index 7d54b20922..3a0b8fcf7e 100644
--- a/src/gui/util/qktxhandler_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/util/qktxhandler_p.h
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#include "qtexturefilehandler_p.h"
+#include <optional>
struct KTXHeader;
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ public:
bool checkHeader(const KTXHeader &header);
- QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> decodeKeyValues(QByteArrayView view) const;
+ std::optional<QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray>> decodeKeyValues(QByteArrayView view) const;
quint32 decode(quint32 val) const;
bool inverseEndian = false;