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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Creates a Windows virtual machine scale set, set up for vcpkg's CI.
create-vmss.ps1 creates an Azure Windows VM scale set, set up for vcpkg's CI
system. See
for more information.
This script assumes you have installed Azure tools into PowerShell by following the instructions
or are running from Azure Cloud Shell.
The name of the image to deploy into the scale set.
Update VMs, CMake to 3.20.1, CUDA to 11.3, and pwsh to 7.1.3 (#17331) * Update to CUDA 11.3 on Windows. * Update PowerShell to 7.1.3. * Update CUDA to 11.3 on Linux. * "Explode" VM provisioning scripts for more consistent feedback during deploy. This resolves the deployment script often hanging with no feedback as to why. * [libdatachannel] Fix use of deprecated result_type typedef. Submitted upstream as * [libvpx] Get the libvpx outputs from the correct place. (Perhaps VS2019 version 16.10 moved where these are placed? I've been defensive and left an attempt to find from the old location in place.) * [chromaprint] Support implementations where lrintf is an intrinsic. * Add provision-entire-image script. * [cudnn] Disable download-on-the-fly due to licensing concerns. * Add libnccl to Linux VMs. * [wangle] Disable x64-windows due to an ICE. * [cmake] Update cmake to 3.20.1 to avoid race * [libudis86] Fix passing a bogus working directory which fails on CMake 3.20.x * [dartsim] Disable unit tests, examples, and tutorials, some of which have CMake authoring errors rejected by 3.20.1. * Add thrust to the cuda installees. * [tensorflow] Put .bzl in CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR to avoid running out of disk space in CI and to respect --clean-after-build. * [dimcli] Skip port broken by changes in VS2019 project system. * [upb] Disable an additional warning. * [libhv] Fix typo DISABLE_PARALLEL => DISABLE_PARALLEL_CONFIGURE * Update pools
2021-04-27 01:27:45 +08:00
$Location = 'westus2'
$Prefix = 'PrWin-'
$Prefix += (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
$VMSize = 'Standard_D32a_v4'
$LiveVMPrefix = 'BUILD'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot/../create-vmss-helpers.psm1" -DisableNameChecking
$ResourceGroupName = Find-ResourceGroupName $Prefix
$AdminPW = New-Password
$Image = Get-AzImage -ResourceGroupName 'vcpkg-image-minting' -ImageName $ImageName
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
$VirtualNetwork = Create-LockedDownNetwork -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
$VmssIpConfigName = $ResourceGroupName + 'VmssIpConfig'
$VmssIpConfig = New-AzVmssIpConfig -SubnetId $VirtualNetwork.Subnets[0].Id -Primary -Name $VmssIpConfigName
$VmssName = $ResourceGroupName + 'Vmss'
$Vmss = New-AzVmssConfig `
-Location $Location `
-SkuCapacity 0 `
-SkuName $VMSize `
-SkuTier 'Standard' `
-Overprovision $false `
-UpgradePolicyMode Manual `
-EvictionPolicy Delete `
-Priority Spot `
-MaxPrice -1
$NicName = $ResourceGroupName + 'NIC'
New-AzNetworkInterface `
-Name $NicName `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $Location `
-Subnet $VirtualNetwork.Subnets[0]
$Vmss = Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss `
-Primary $true `
-IpConfiguration $VmssIpConfig `
-NetworkSecurityGroupId $VirtualNetwork.Subnets[0].NetworkSecurityGroup.Id `
-Name $NicName
$Vmss = Set-AzVmssOsProfile `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss `
-ComputerNamePrefix $LiveVMPrefix `
-AdminUsername 'AdminUser' `
-AdminPassword $AdminPW `
-WindowsConfigurationProvisionVMAgent $true `
-WindowsConfigurationEnableAutomaticUpdate $false
$Vmss = Set-AzVmssStorageProfile `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss `
-OsDiskCreateOption 'FromImage' `
-OsDiskCaching ReadOnly `
-DiffDiskSetting Local `
-ImageReferenceId $Image.Id
New-AzVmss `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $VmssName `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss
Write-Host "Location: $Location"
Write-Host "Resource group name: $ResourceGroupName"
Write-Host 'Finished!'