2020-09-01 08:12:01 +08:00
if ( EXISTS "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/lapack-reference/copyright" )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "Can't build ${PORT} if lapack-reference is installed. Please remove lapack-reference:${TARGET_TRIPLET}, and try to install ${PORT}:${TARGET_TRIPLET} again." )
endif ( )
[openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32 (#6371)
* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
2019-06-01 06:48:17 +08:00
vcpkg_check_linkage ( ONLY_STATIC_LIBRARY )
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
vcpkg_download_distfile ( ARCHIVE
2022-01-13 04:13:55 +08:00
U R L S " h t t p s : / / w w w . n e t l i b . o r g / c l a p a c k / c l a p a c k - 3 . 2 . 1 - C M A K E . t g z "
[openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32 (#6371)
* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
2019-06-01 06:48:17 +08:00
F I L E N A M E " c l a p a c k - 3 . 2 . 1 . t g z "
S H A 5 1 2 c f 1 9 c 7 1 0 2 9 1 d d f f 3 f 6 e a d 7 d 8 6 b d f d e a e b c a 2 1 2 9 1 d 9 d f 0 9 4 b f 0 a 8 e f 5 9 9 5 4 6 b 0 0 7 7 5 7 f b 2 d b b 1 9 b 5 6 5 1 1 b b 5 3 e f 7 4 5 6 e a c 0 c 7 3 9 7 3 b 9 6 2 7 b f 4 d 0 2 9 8 2 c 8 5 6 1 2 4 4 2 8 b 4 9
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
2019-05-04 02:43:10 +08:00
vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex (
O U T _ S O U R C E _ P A T H S O U R C E _ P A T H
A R C H I V E $ { A R C H I V E }
[openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32 (#6371)
* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
2019-06-01 06:48:17 +08:00
r e m o v e _ i n t e r n a l _ b l a s . p a t c h
2020-08-13 01:28:41 +08:00
f i x - C o n f i g F i l e . p a t c h
2019-09-30 07:48:10 +08:00
f i x - i n s t a l l . p a t c h
2020-05-21 05:20:59 +08:00
s u p p o r t - u w p . p a t c h
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
2021-06-12 00:56:21 +08:00
set ( ARITH_PATH )
else ( )
endif ( )
else ( )
message ( WARNING
" U n a b l e t o c r o s s - c o m p i l e c l a p a c k f o r $ { V C P K G _ T A R G E T _ A R C H I T E C T U R E } - $ { V C P K G _ C M A K E _ S Y S T E M _ N A M E } .
N o a r i t h . h i s a v a i l a b l e a n d a r i t h c h k m u s t b e e x e c u t e d f o r t h e t a r g e t .
T o f i x t h i s i s s u e , d e f i n e C L A P A C K _ A R I T H _ P A T H i n y o u r t r i p l e t t o t h e l o c a t i o n o f a p r e - g e n e r a t e d a r i t h . h f i l e .
C o n t i n u i n g w i t h t r y i n g t o r u n a r i t h c h k a n y w a y . " )
2021-03-27 03:55:34 +08:00
endif ( )
2020-05-21 05:20:59 +08:00
endif ( )
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
vcpkg_configure_cmake (
[openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32 (#6371)
* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
2019-06-01 06:48:17 +08:00
S O U R C E _ P A T H $ { S O U R C E _ P A T H }
P R E F E R _ N I N J A
- D C M A K E _ D E B U G _ P O S T F I X = d
2021-06-12 00:56:21 +08:00
$ { A R I T H _ P A T H }
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
vcpkg_install_cmake ( )
[openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32 (#6371)
* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
2019-06-01 06:48:17 +08:00
vcpkg_copy_pdbs ( )
#TODO: fix the official exported targets, since they are broken (luckily it seems that no-one uses them for now)
2019-07-19 07:13:10 +08:00
vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets ( CONFIG_PATH share/clapack )
[openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32 (#6371)
* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
2019-06-01 06:48:17 +08:00
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
file ( REMOVE_RECURSE ${ CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR } /debug/include )
2020-09-05 09:59:21 +08:00
# Install clapack wrappers.
file ( INSTALL ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR } /vcpkg-cmake-wrapper.cmake DESTINATION ${ CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR } /share/lapack )
2017-04-12 20:00:49 +08:00
# Handle copyright
2020-05-21 05:20:59 +08:00