- [ ] Open the Parallels Control Center, and delete the active VM.
- [ ] Update the macos host
- [ ] Update or install parallels
- [ ] Download the macOS installer from the app store. See https://support.apple.com/en-us/102662
Note: This portion of the instructions is that which breaks most often depending on what Parallels and macOS are doing.
You might need to use `softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer --full-installer-version 14.2` and point Parallels
at that resulting installer in 'Applications' instead.
- [ ] Run parallels, and select that installer you just downloaded. Name the VM "vcpkg-osx-<DATE>-amd64", for example "vcpkg-osx-2024-01-18-amd64".
- [ ] When creating the VM, customize the hardware to the following:
* 12 processors
* 24000 MB of memory
* 350 GB disk
* Do not share mac camera
- [ ] Install MacOS like you would on real hardware.
* Apple ID: 'Set Up Later' / Skip
* Account name: vcpkg
* Account password: vcpkg
- [ ] Install Parallels Tools
- [ ] Restart the VM
- [ ] Change the desktop background to a solid color
- [ ] Enable remote login in System Settings -> General -> Sharing -> Remote Login
- [ ] Shut down the VM cleanly
- [ ] Set the VM 'Isolated'
- [ ] Update the Azure Agent URI in setup-box.sh to the current version. You can find this by going to the agent pool, selecting "New agent", picking macOS, and copying the link. For example https://vstsagentpackage.azureedge.net/agent/3.232.0/vsts-agent-osx-x64-3.232.0.tar.gz
- [ ] In the guest, set the vcpkg user to be able to use sudo without a password:
printf 'vcpkg\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD:\tALL\n' | sudo tee -a '/etc/sudoers.d/vcpkg'
sudo chmod 0440 '/etc/sudoers.d/vcpkg'
- [ ] Copy setup-guest, setup-box.sh, and the xcode installer renamed to 'clt.dmg' to the host, and run setup-guest.sh. For example:
- [ ] Go to https://dev.azure.com/vcpkg/public/_settings/agentqueues and create a new self hosted Agent pool named `PrOsx-YYYY-MM-DD` based on the current date. Check 'Grant access permission to all pipelines.'
- [ ] Remove the macOS installer from Applications
- [ ] Follow the "Deploying images" steps below for each machine in the fleet.
- [ ] Download the matching `.ipsw` for the macOS copy to install. See https://mrmacintosh.com/apple-silicon-m1-full-macos-restore-ipsw-firmware-files-database/ ; links there to find the .ipsw. Example: https://updates.cdn-apple.com/2024WinterFCS/fullrestores/042-78241/B45074EB-2891-4C05-BCA4-7463F3AC0982/UniversalMac_14.3_23D56_Restore.ipsw
- [ ] Determine the VM name using the form "vcpkg-osx-<date>-arm64", for example "vcpkg-osx-2024-01-22-arm64".
- [ ] Open a terminal and run the following commands to create the VM with vcpkg-osx-2024-01-22-arm64 and UniversalMac_14.3_23D56_Restore.ipsw replaced as appropriate.
- [ ] Update the Azure Agent URI in setup-box.sh to the current version. You can find this by going to the agent pool, selecting "New agent", picking macOS, and copying the link. For example https://vstsagentpackage.azureedge.net/agent/3.232.1/vsts-agent-osx-arm64-3.232.1.tar.gz
- [ ] Copy setup-box.sh and the xcode installer renamed to 'clt.dmg' to the host. For example from a dev workstation:
- [ ] Go to https://dev.azure.com/vcpkg/public/_settings/agentqueues and create a new self hosted Agent pool named `PrOsx-YYYY-MM-DD-arm64` based on the current date. Check 'Grant access permission to all pipelines.'
- [ ] Follow the "Deploying images" steps below for each machine in the fleet.
- [ ] Check for software updates in macOS system settings
- [ ] Check for software updates in Parallels' UI
- [ ] Mint a SAS token URI to the box to use from the Azure portal if you don't already have one, and download the VM. (Recommend running this via SSH from domain joined machine due to containing SAS tokens)
- [ ] Skip if this is the image building machine. Mint a SAS token URI to the box to use from the Azure portal if you don't already have one, and download the VM. (Recommend running this via SSH from domain joined machine due to containing SAS tokens)