In an internal version of Visual Studio, llvm install failed with
following error, the reason is missing `typename` keyword.
[4444/5079] C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\2022\ENTERP~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1438~1.331\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe /TP -DUNICODE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_UNICODE -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -ID:\b\llvm\x64-windows-dbg\tools\dsymutil -ID:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil -ID:\b\llvm\x64-windows-dbg\include -ID:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\include -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include -external:W0 /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /utf-8 /MP /Zc:inline /Zc:preprocessor /Zc:__cplusplus /Oi /bigobj /permissive- /W4 -wd4141 -wd4146 -wd4244 -wd4267 -wd4291 -wd4351 -wd4456 -wd4457 -wd4458 -wd4459 -wd4503 -wd4624 -wd4722 -wd4100 -wd4127 -wd4512 -wd4505 -wd4610 -wd4510 -wd4702 -wd4245 -wd4706 -wd4310 -wd4701 -wd4703 -wd4389 -wd4611 -wd4805 -wd4204 -wd4577 -wd4091 -wd4592 -wd4319 -wd4709 -wd5105 -wd4324 -w14062 -we4238 /D_DEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++17 -MDd /EHsc /GR /showIncludes /Fotools\dsymutil\CMakeFiles\dsymutil.dir\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp.obj /Fdtools\dsymutil\CMakeFiles\dsymutil.dir\ /FS -c D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp
FAILED: tools/dsymutil/CMakeFiles/dsymutil.dir/DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp.obj
C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\2022\ENTERP~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1438~1.331\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe /TP -DUNICODE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_UNICODE -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -ID:\b\llvm\x64-windows-dbg\tools\dsymutil -ID:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil -ID:\b\llvm\x64-windows-dbg\include -ID:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\include -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include -external:W0 /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /utf-8 /MP /Zc:inline /Zc:preprocessor /Zc:__cplusplus /Oi /bigobj /permissive- /W4 -wd4141 -wd4146 -wd4244 -wd4267 -wd4291 -wd4351 -wd4456 -wd4457 -wd4458 -wd4459 -wd4503 -wd4624 -wd4722 -wd4100 -wd4127 -wd4512 -wd4505 -wd4610 -wd4510 -wd4702 -wd4245 -wd4706 -wd4310 -wd4701 -wd4703 -wd4389 -wd4611 -wd4805 -wd4204 -wd4577 -wd4091 -wd4592 -wd4319 -wd4709 -wd5105 -wd4324 -w14062 -we4238 /D_DEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++17 -MDd /EHsc /GR /showIncludes /Fotools\dsymutil\CMakeFiles\dsymutil.dir\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp.obj /Fdtools\dsymutil\CMakeFiles\dsymutil.dir\ /FS -c D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(954): error C2275: 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc': expected an expression instead of a type
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(954): note: the template instantiation context (the oldest one first) is
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(557): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'bool llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::linkImpl<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::DWARFLinker,llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::DWARFFile,llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>(const llvm::dsymutil::DebugMap &,llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::DWARFLinker::OutputFileType)' being compiled
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(651): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::DWARFFile,std::default_delete<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::DWARFFile>>> llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::loadObject<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::DWARFFile,llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>(const llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObject &,const llvm::dsymutil::DebugMap &,llvm::remarks::RemarkLinker &)' being compiled
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(237): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::unique_ptr<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>,std::default_delete<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>>' being compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\memory(3335): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::default_delete<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>' being compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\memory(3298): note: while compiling class template member function 'void std::default_delete<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>::operator ()(_Ty *) noexcept const'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\memory(3410): note: see the first reference to 'std::default_delete<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>::operator ()' in 'std::unique_ptr<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>,std::default_delete<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>>::~unique_ptr'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(235): note: see the first reference to 'std::unique_ptr<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>,std::default_delete<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>>>::~unique_ptr' in 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::loadObject'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\memory(3299): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>' being compiled
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(1034): note: while compiling class template member function 'std::optional<int64_t> llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::getExprOpAddressRelocAdjustment(llvm::DWARFUnit &,const llvm::DWARFExpression::Operation &,uint64_t,uint64_t)'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(952): note: while compiling class template member function 'std::vector<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc,std::allocator<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc>> llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::getRelocations(const std::vector<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc,std::allocator<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc>> &,uint64_t,uint64_t)'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(1114): note: see the first reference to 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::getRelocations' in 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::applyValidRelocs'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(953): error C2923: 'std::vector': 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc' is not a valid template type argument for parameter '_Ty'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(954): note: see declaration of 'llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinkerForBinary::AddressManager<llvm::dwarflinker_parallel::AddressesMap>::ValidReloc'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(953): error C2976: 'std::vector': too few template arguments
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\vector(429): note: see declaration of 'std::vector'
D:\b\llvm\src\org-17.0.2-5fdca9a361.clean\llvm\tools\dsymutil\DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp(955): error C2641: cannot deduce template arguments for 'std::vector'
Reported upstream:
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] ~SHA512s are updated for each updated download.~
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
Co-authored-by: Monica <>
All features passed with following triplets:
Usage test passed on `x64-windows`.
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~~
- [ ] ~~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~~
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
Co-authored-by: Lily Wang <>
Update port to version 0.20.3
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~~
- [ ] ~~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~~
- [ ] ~~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
All features are tested successfully in the following triplet:
- x86-windows
- x64-windows
- x64-windows-static
Co-authored-by: Jon <>
Bug-fix update.
- [ X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ X] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.
- [ X] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [ X] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.
- [ X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [ X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
<!-- If your PR fixes issues, please note that here by adding "Fixes
#NNNNNN." for each fixed issue on separate lines. -->
<!-- If you are still working on the PR, open it as a Draft: -->
<!-- If this PR updates an existing port, please uncomment and fill out
this checklist:-->
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~~
- [ ] ~~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~~
- [ ] ~~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
This patch adds a port for libosdp - a cross-platform open source
implementation of IEC 60839-11-5 Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP).
The protocol is intended to improve interoperability among access
control and security products. It supports Secure Channel (SC) for
encrypted and authenticated communication between configured devices.
Libmagic supports some compression libraries that by default are enabled
unpredictably, if they are found in the system. This PR adds features to
the port that enable support for these compression libraries, and makes
sure the features are disabled if not specified.
Validated by building the port with all features enabled on Windows and
Linux, and importing it in a project with static library linkage on
- [ ] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [ ] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [ ] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
Starting from version 0.32, liblo has added support for importing cmake
targets, which make cmake integration easier to implement in other cmake
projects using liblo.
### Checklist
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
### Test
Port usage and features test pass with following triplets:
* x64-linux
* x64-windows
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [x] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [x] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
The update to version 5.6.0, includes the following changes
* the patches were adapted for changes in the new version (I cannot
check if the patch for iOS support was adapted correctly)
* the new tools `lzmadec` and `lzmainfo` are handled in the same manner
as the existing tools `xz` and `xzdec`
* ~nls was disabled to sidestep an issue with installing the man pages~
* ~a new feature `nls` was added to enable native language support. This
was necessary to handle a new optional dependency on `gettext` so that
the existing `tools` feature continues to work.~
* nls support was not added, yet. See discussion below for details.
I have successfully built
* `liblzma:x86-windows`,
* `liblzma:x64-windows`,
* `liblzma:x64-linux`,
* `liblzma[tools]:x64-linux`,
Note that `tools` is not supported on `windows`.
Requested by @Neustradamus
EDIT 1: added nls feature
EDIT 2: removed nls feature again
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] ~~SHA512s are updated for each updated download~~
- [ ] ~~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~~
- [ ] ~~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~~
- [ ] ~~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
Co-authored-by: jim wang <>