* Update frugally-deep to version 0.15.19-p0
* Apply x-add-version
* Fix the deprecated function in portfile.cmake
* Add license MIT in vcpkg.json
* Add newline at end of file
* Re-add vcpkg_from_github
* Update portfile.cmake
* Update frugally-deep.json
Co-authored-by: Lily Wang <94091114+LilyWangLL@users.noreply.github.com>
* [fastio] Add fastio port file
* Changes to be committed:
modified: ports/fastio/portfile.cmake
modified: ports/fastio/vcpkg.json
* Changes to be committed:
modified: versions/baseline.json
* add /versions/f-/fastio.json
* [flatbuffers] support iOS build
* [flatbuffers] update baseline
* [flatbuffers] use vcpkg_copy_tools
* rebase and resolve conflict
Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <bion@microsoft.com>
* Update ffmpeg to 4.4.3
- Backport fix for h.264 hardware decoding on M1 macs
- ffmpeg links against built-in atomic, not a findable lib
* add missing extension for new patch
* version!
Co-authored-by: Martijn Otto <martijn@resolume.com>
Co-authored-by: Javier Matos Denizac <javier.matosd@gmail.com>
* [folly] update to <v2022.10.24.00>
* update version
* update fizz to the latest version
* update version
* update mvfst to the latest version
* update version
* Apply review suggesstion
* update version
Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <bion@microsoft.com>
* [ffmpeg] Update the download address of gcc under windows arm
* Never gcc download under windows arm
* update ffmpeg.json
* Removed download requirement for "cpp.exe" preprocessor
* x-add-version
* freerdp fix single config
* libassuan fix single config builds
* libcanberra fix single config build
* libmysql fix single config builds
* libobd fix single config
* libusb allow single config wrapper
* nmap single config cleanup
* spdk single config stuff
* zeroc-ice fix single config
* zopfli single config fix
* use version date
* v db
* Revert unchanged libodb-pgsql port-version bump.
Co-authored-by: Billy O'Neal <bion@microsoft.com>
I tried to build FFmpeg for ARM64 but I got an error.
The problem happens because portfile.cmake uses gcc-9.3.0 but it has been removed from repository.
So, it is just needed to update that file to the newer updated version and you will be able to build FFmpeg for ARM64 again.
* [ffmpeg] Set --disable-audiotoolbox when targeting iOS
* [ffmpeg] Bump port version to 19
* Update ffmpeg.json
Co-authored-by: Cheney Wang <38240633+Cheney-W@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update to 3.1.5
* Add feature 'tools'
* ilmbase is now imath
* [theia] Use openimageio cmake config
* [freeimage] Use OpenEXR 3 and Imath
* [opencv4] Use upstream's OpenEXR 3 support
* [opencv3] Use upstream's OpenEXR 3 support
* [opencv2] Use OpenEXR 3 and Imath
* [osg] Use OpenEXR 3
* [openvdb] Use Imath, enable OpenEXR
* [pangolin] Use OpenEXR 3
* [directxtex] Use OpenEXR 3
* [uvatlas] Disable /guard:ehcont when directxtex uses openexr
* Update versions
Co-authored-by: chausner <chausner@users.noreply.github.com>
* refine hpx port
* v db
* add tcmalloc on unix
* refine comment
* v db
* remove hardcoded mpi dep
* v db
* portfile cleanup
* v db
* add pkgconf as a dep
* v db
* [snappy] remove debug suffix and add pc file
* hpx pass through _HOST_TRIPLET for pkgconf
* v db
* fix snappy in ffmpeg
* v db
* fix name clash of output names
* v db
* remove tcmalloc
* v db
* remove bin dir; seems empty on !windows
* v db
* b v
* v db
* baseline stuff
* fix jemalloc missing msvc_compat headers
* v db
* install usage for hpx
* v db
* Update versions/f-/ffmpeg.json
* revert v db
* bump ffmpeg
* v db
* remove jemalloc since I can force it thorugh the triplet any way.
* v db
Co-authored-by: Jack·Boos·Yu <47264268+JackBoosY@users.noreply.github.com>
* [font-util] add port
* [libfontenc] add port
* [libfs] add port
* format manifest
* remove -string
* v db
* Update ports/font-util/build.patch
* v db
* use magic macro instead of magic numbers....
* v db
* [folly] update to v2022.07.11.00
* update version
* [proxygen] update to v2022.07.11.00
* update version
* Add License
* update version
* update version