Commit Graph

737 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Billy O'Neal
Update Windows VMs for Patch Tuesday August 2022 (#26283)
* Install haskell-stack with apt instead of piping a sh.

* Update pools.

* Linux is exploding for some reason. I just found out it is getting created with a 30GB disk I'm guessing may be involved.

Did not wait for x64_windows_static_md to finish because enough was already on the floor.

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: angle:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: angle:arm64-windows (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: angle:x64-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: angle:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: angle:x64-windows-static (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: angle:x86-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: qtwebengine:x64-windows (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: qtwebengine:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: qtwebengine:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: qtwebengine:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: qtwebengine:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: qtwebengine:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: rsocket:x64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: rsocket:x64-windows-static (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
REGRESSION: gazebo:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add gazebo:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2275: 'dart::common::Signal<_Res(_ArgTypes...),Combiner>::ConnectionBodyType': expected an expression instead of a type
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2923: 'std::shared_ptr': 'dart::common::Signal<_Res(_ArgTypes...),Combiner>::ConnectionBodyType' is not a valid template type argument for parameter '_Ty'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): note: see declaration of 'dart::common::Signal<_Res(_ArgTypes...),Combiner>::ConnectionBodyType'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2955: 'std::shared_ptr': use of class template requires template argument list

We have been seeing intermittent failures in gazebo:x64-windows and I think this just repro'd that...

REGRESSION: graphicsmagick:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add graphicsmagick:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: graphicsmagick:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add graphicsmagick:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: graphicsmagick:x86-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add graphicsmagick:x86-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

D:\buildtrees\graphicsmagick\src\2e465a2909-adf106de54.clean\magick/nt_base.h(95): warning C4005: 'HAVE_FT2BUILD_H': macro redefinition
D:\buildtrees\graphicsmagick\src\2e465a2909-adf106de54.clean\magick/magick_config.h(123): note: see previous definition of 'HAVE_FT2BUILD_H'
D:\buildtrees\graphicsmagick\src\2e465a2909-adf106de54.clean\magick\effect.c(689) : fatal error C1001: Internal compiler error.
(compiler file 'D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\Compiler\Utc\src\p2\main.c', line 224)
 To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
If possible please provide a repro here:
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
 Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information


REGRESSION: mathgl:x64-windows failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add mathgl:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: mathgl:x64-windows-static failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add mathgl:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: mathgl:x86-windows failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add mathgl:x86-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

-- Performing post-build validation
The following files contain an absolute path ('D:\packages\mathgl_x64-windows', 'D:\installed', 'D:\buildtrees\mathgl'):
There should be no absolute paths in the installed package, only relative ones.

Found 1 post-build check problem(s). To submit these ports to curated catalogs, please first correct the portfile:
-- Performing post-build validation done
error: building mathgl:x64-windows failed with: POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED


REGRESSION: qtwebengine:arm64-windows failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:arm64-windows=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

Building qtwebengine[core,default-features,geolocation,spellchecker,webchannel]:arm64-windows...
-- Setting up python virtual environmnent...
-- Installing python packages: html5lib
-- Setting up python virtual environmnent...finished.
CMake Warning at ports/qtwebengine/portfile.cmake:83 (message):
  Buildtree path 'D:/buildtrees/qtwebengine' is too long.

  Consider passing --x-buildtrees-root=<shortpath> to vcpkg!

  Trying to use 'D:/buildtrees/qtwebengine/../tmp'
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  scripts/ports.cmake:147 (include)

-- Using cached qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.3.1.tar.xz.
-- Cleaning sources at D:/buildtrees/tmp/src/here-src-6-367c283e50.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source D:/downloads/qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.3.1.tar.xz
-- Using source at D:/buildtrees/tmp/src/here-src-6-367c283e50.clean
-- Found external ninja('1.10.2').
-- Configuring arm64-windows-dbg
-- Configuring arm64-windows-rel
CMake Warning at D:/installed/x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_configure.cmake:302 (message):
  The following variables are not used in CMakeLists.txt:


  Please recheck them and remove the unnecessary options from the
  `vcpkg_cmake_configure` call.

  If these options should still be passed for whatever reason, please use the
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  D:/installed/arm64-windows/share/qtbase/qt_install_submodule.cmake:108 (vcpkg_cmake_configure)
  ports/qtwebengine/portfile.cmake:102 (qt_cmake_configure)
  scripts/ports.cmake:147 (include)

-- Building arm64-windows-dbg
-- Building arm64-windows-rel
-- Installing: D:/packages/qtwebengine_arm64-windows/share/qtwebengine/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
The folder /include is empty or not present. This indicates the library was not correctly installed.
There should be no empty directories in D:\packages\qtwebengine_arm64-windows
The following empty directories were found:

This was previously blocked by qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail. Will investigate...

* Remove attempt to install extra stuff for scale set agents.

* Turn on boot diagnostics.

* Update pools.

* Back out most Linux changes.

* Analysis of

REGRESSION: graphicsmagick:x86-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add graphicsmagick:x86-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

Added this skip too.

REGRESSION: gazebo:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add gazebo:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\2022\ENTERP~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1433~1.316\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe   /TP -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB -DBOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK -DBUILDING_DLL -DBUILDING_DLL_GZ_PHYSICS -DFREEIMAGE_LIB -DH5_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB -DIGN_PROFILER_ENABLE=0 -DLIBBULLET_VERSION=3.21 -DLIBBULLET_VERSION_GT_282 -DNOMINMAX -DNOUSER -DPROTOBUF_USE_DLLS -DTINYXML2_DEBUG -DTINYXML2_IMPORT -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -DdIDEDOUBLE -Dgazebo_physics_EXPORTS -ID:\buildtrees\gazebo\src\46e867c51d-eba7a8151f.clean\test\gtest\include -ID:\buildtrees\gazebo\src\46e867c51d-eba7a8151f.clean -ID:\buildtrees\gazebo\x64-windows-dbg -ID:\installed\x64-windows\debug\..\include\libusb-1.0 -external:ID:\buildtrees\gazebo\src\46e867c51d-eba7a8151f.clean\deps\opende\include -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\debug\..\include -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\ignition\msgs5 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\ignition\math6 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\ignition\transport8 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\ignition\common3 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\ignition\fuel_tools4 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\OGRE -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\sdformat-9.8 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\bullet -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\sdformat-9.8\sdf\.. -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\ignition\cmake2 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\eigen3 -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\share\urdfdom_headers\..\..\include -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\urdfdom -external:ID:\installed\x64-windows\include\urdfdom_headers -external:W0 /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /utf-8 /GR /EHsc /MP        /wd4005 /wd4068 /wd4244 /wd4251 /wd4267 /wd4275 /wd4996 /EHsc /D_DEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1    /EHsc -I"D:/installed/x64-windows/include" /Zc:__cplusplus /permissive- /Zc:strictStrings- /Zc:externC- -std:c++17 /showIncludes /Fogazebo\physics\CMakeFiles\gazebo_physics.dir\dart\ /Fdgazebo\physics\CMakeFiles\gazebo_physics.dir\ /FS -c D:\buildtrees\gazebo\src\46e867c51d-eba7a8151f.clean\gazebo\physics\dart\
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2275: 'dart::common::Signal<_Res(_ArgTypes...),Combiner>::ConnectionBodyType': expected an expression instead of a type
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2923: 'std::shared_ptr': 'dart::common::Signal<_Res(_ArgTypes...),Combiner>::ConnectionBodyType' is not a valid template type argument for parameter '_Ty'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): note: see declaration of 'dart::common::Signal<_Res(_ArgTypes...),Combiner>::ConnectionBodyType'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2955: 'std::shared_ptr': use of class template requires template argument list
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\include\memory(1493): note: see declaration of 'std::shared_ptr'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(87): error C2955: 'std::shared_ptr': use of class template requires template argument list
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\include\memory(1493): note: see declaration of 'std::shared_ptr'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(182): error C2275: 'dart::common::Signal<void(_ArgTypes...),dart::common::signal::detail::DefaultCombiner>::ConnectionBodyType': expected an expression instead of a type
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(182): error C2923: 'std::shared_ptr': 'dart::common::Signal<void(_ArgTypes...),dart::common::signal::detail::DefaultCombiner>::ConnectionBodyType' is not a valid template type argument for parameter '_Ty'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(182): note: see declaration of 'dart::common::Signal<void(_ArgTypes...),dart::common::signal::detail::DefaultCombiner>::ConnectionBodyType'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(182): error C2955: 'std::shared_ptr': use of class template requires template argument list
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\include\memory(1493): note: see declaration of 'std::shared_ptr'
D:\installed\x64-windows\include\dart/common/detail/Signal.hpp(182): error C2955: 'std::shared_ptr': use of class template requires template argument list
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\include\memory(1493): note: see declaration of 'std::shared_ptr'

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: luajit:arm64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

This was

REGRESSION: qtwebengine:arm64-windows failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:arm64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This was previously blocked by x64-windows being skipped, so I'm just adding it to the baseline for now.
2022-08-17 16:44:51 -07:00
Evgeny Karpov
[gmp] arm64 windows build support (#26300)
* * support gmp:arm64-windows by disabling assembly optimization

* * update version

* * marks some nettle port builds as expected to fail

* Remove x64-osx skip.

Co-authored-by: Billy O'Neal <>
2022-08-16 09:33:28 -07:00
[ci.baseline.txt] add some entries for arm64-osx (#26341) 2022-08-15 11:41:35 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Audit use of TO_NATIVE_PATH. (#26201)
* Audit use of TO_NATIVE_PATH.

TO_NATIVE_PATH should only be used when (1) pasting a path into a command line, or (2) displaying a path to a user. It must not be used before calling other CMake operations like file(WRITE.


Both uses are being embedded into a command line 

117: This used TO_NATIVE_PATH but didn't actually connect the result. It's going on a command line so TO_NATIVE_PATH is appropriate.
Drive by: Added quotes around other uses (all of which seem to be going to command lines).
202: ${EXPAT_LIBRARY_REL} ${ZLIB_LIBRARY_REL} don't seem to be set even though they are used; I think this is wrong but I don't know for sure that it is so I'm leaving it alone for now.

All 3 uses are being embedded into a command line 

These are in upstream content / context so it is not edited.

Broken! Drive by fixes:
* Modernized checking VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE
* Ordered things consistently to be release then debug.
* Removed funny newlines.

Borderline OK; it goes into an MSBuild / vcxproj. I'm leaving it alone. Drive by fixes:
* Guarded debug-only copies for VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE
* Fixed supports expression


Both uses are being embedded into a command line 

I'm not sure if this one is OK but it's being embedded into a file so it's probably fine.

I'm pretty sure this one is wrong, but it's guarded by VCPKG_TARGET_IS_WINDOWS so the ability to create damage is limited.

The use is being embedded into a command line 

The use is being embedded into a command line 

Both uses are being embedded into a command line 

Some uses were unused, others are immediately used and printed to the console. 

Fixed :)

Looks unused.

Added to console message only. 

Added to console message only. 
Drive by: Fixed typo in variable name in the message.

Added to console message only. 

* Fix missing license.
2022-08-12 15:21:20 -07:00
Francisco Facioni
[breakpad] Update to 2022.07.12 (#26232)
* [breakpad] Update to 2022.07.12

* Also add arm64-windows to 'supports' because assumes IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY has a member UnwindInfoAddress which is only true on x86 and x64.


Simplifying to CNF:
!uwp & !(windows & (arm | arm64 | alpha)) // except of course alpha doesn''t exist
!uwp & (!windows | !(arm | arm64))
!uwp & (!windows | (!arm & !arm64))
!uwp & (!windows | !arm) & (!windows | !arm64)

Co-authored-by: Billy O'Neal <>
2022-08-09 13:28:25 -07:00
Francisco Facioni
[libsrt] Update to 1.5.0 (#26219)
* [libsrt] Update port to 1.5.0

* Remove unnecessary port-version and ci.baseline.txt entries.

Co-authored-by: Billy O'Neal <>
2022-08-08 12:08:40 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
[gdk-pixbuf] Enable build in CI. (#26207)
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: gdk-pixbuf:x64-windows-static (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
2022-08-05 23:51:35 -07:00
[urdfdom] Update to 3.1.0 (#25591)
* [urdfdom] Update to 3.1.0

* Enable static builds

* version

* Remove from ci baseline

* Update headers as well

* use version

* version

* Update dartsim

* version

* only dynamic

* version

* Fix version

* version

* Update dartsim

* version

* [dartsim] update to fix Windows build failure

* Add fmt dependence

* urdfdom supports

* Update ref

* license

* version

* dartsim isn't supported on 32 bits anymore

* version

* [dartsim] update to 6.12.2

* version

* maybe unused

* version

* Fix patch

* version

* cr urdfdom-headers

* dartsim

* urdfdom

* version

* license

* version
2022-08-05 23:09:54 -07:00
Stefano Sinigardi
[OpenCV] update to v4.6.0 (#25431)
* [OpenCV] update to v3.4.18 and v4.6.0
enable python2 in vcpkg-get-python-package

* fix references

* remove python2 from testing

* restore python2 tests only on windows&x64

* fix references

* [OpenCV2] add jasper patch

* fix references

* update handling multiple versions

* add usage files

* [dbow] fix build

* [dbow] fix version

* fix references

* remove ipp from vcpkg-ci-opencv for opencv3

* [OpenCV2] fix CRT linking with static libs

* fix references

* [dbow3] add support clause now that is CI tested
[cctag] enable opencv4, fix build on osx

* fix references

* [OpenCV2] fix patch

* fix references

* [libharu] bump version

* fix references

* [rtabmap] fix for opencv 4.6

* [rtabmap] fix manifest

* fix references

* remove llvm dependency to ease CI load

* version

* overwrite version

* fixes for mingw

* add mingw patch

* fix references

* [OpenCV2] fix generated config on win32

* fix references

* update version

* update version

* overwrite baseline

* cleanup after merge

* fix references

* [openmvs] trying to diagnose the problem - DO NOT MERGE

* fix references

* restore port version

* fix references

* Revert "[openmvs] trying to diagnose the problem - DO NOT MERGE"

This reverts commit 8bfd0ff4f9.

* Revert "fix references"

This reverts commit 0e915f6eef.

* skip opencv2 and opencv3

* remove again opencv2/3 from vcpkg-ci-opencv

* apply fixes from review

* fix references

* wrong checksum (tested on windows)

* Github-actions fixes (#2)

* Update opencv4.json

* fix github-actions issues

* formating vcpkg.json

* update git-trees

* fix rtabmap license

* fix references

* fix also dbow3 license

* fix references

* [cctag] remove unnecessary patch section

* fix references

Co-authored-by: Frank <>
Co-authored-by: FrankXie <>
Co-authored-by: Matthieu Penant <>
Co-authored-by: Matthieu Penant <>
2022-08-04 17:21:59 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
[glib] Support static build on Windows. (#25937)
* [glib] Support static build on Windows.

As suggested by @Neumann-A

* Remove ci.baseline.txt entries.

* ci.baseline.txt updates.

REGRESSION: atk:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add atk:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: gdk-pixbuf:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add gdk-pixbuf:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: glibmm:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add glibmm:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: glibmm:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add glibmm:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: gstreamer:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add gstreamer:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: gstreamer:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add gstreamer:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: lcm:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add lcm:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: libgxps:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add libgxps:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
Previously blocked by glib supports expression.

REGRESSION: mfl:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add mfl:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
This was not blocked before but it's an ICE; I'm going to hope it's intermittent I guess?

Drive by fixed alphabetizing boringssl.

* [mfl] Skip ICE.

* openscap was previously blocked by the supports, the others are just extending the static-md skip to static.
2022-08-03 18:59:19 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[openimageio] Update to v2.3.17.0, revise dependencies and export (#23918)
* Fix exported Imath dependency

* Drop unused deps from patches and config

* Handle DLL import in installed header

* Fix non-required find_package(OpenColorIO)

* Omit unrelocatable script

* Installation cleanup

* Update to 2.1.2

* Fix exported pc file

* Update versions

* Silence warning

* Update versions

* OpenImageIO features CI test

* Consolidate patches

* Revise OpenJPEG patching

* Revise PNG patching

* Revise libheif patching

* Revise libsquish patching

* Revise ffmpeg patching

* Fix static ffmpeg linking

* Fix webp usage

* More dependency control

* Misc cleanup

* Update copyright, add usage

* Move config to share/openimageio

* Trim dependencies

* Revise opencv dependency

* Remove find modules which might clash with opencv

* Use opencolorio config and target

* Update openimageio to

* LINKSTATIC breaks CRT lib linkage

* Catch Imath version conflicts.

This is not a regression but the result of previous opencolorio changes.
It will eventually be resolved by upgrading openexr.

* Remove llvm from opencv CI test port [skip actions]

* [libheif] Fix symbol export

* [skip actions]

* Update versions

* Add baseline =pass entries.

Co-authored-by: Billy O'Neal <>
2022-07-28 22:19:42 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[arrow] Update to 8.0.1, fix usage (#25983)
* Use expressive patch name


* glog is unused (off by default)

* Cleanup portfile, fix 'arrow[core]'

* Add CI test port

* Update to 8.0.1 [skip actions]

* Declare dependency source for substituted packages

* Trim obsolete patch chunks

* Fix static link libs export

* Use substituted targets directly, for proper export

* Fix snappy lib export to pc file

* Update versions

* Add license for test port

* Add =pass entries for the new "vcpkg-ci-Xxx" port.

Co-authored-by: Billy O'Neal <>
2022-07-27 12:39:30 -07:00
[ci.baseline.txt] add some entries for arm64-osx (#25942) 2022-07-26 10:04:13 -07:00
[nrf-ble-driver] Remove possible conflicting files (#25900)
* Fix possible conflicting license file

* version

* update license

* format

* version

* UWP can't handle drivers

* version
2022-07-22 14:39:50 -07:00
[libmicrodns] Add new port (#25660)
* [libmicrodns] Add new port

* [libmicrodns] Add version
2022-07-13 13:48:45 -07:00
[vcpkg baseline][opencensus-cpp] Set cxx standard to 14 for compatibility with abseil (#25735)
* {vcpkg baseline] Set cxx standard to 14 for compatibility with abseil

* Remove from CI baseline

* version

* license

* version
2022-07-12 14:07:02 -07:00
[vcpkg baseline][isal, spdk-isal] Fix conflict (#25679)
* [vcpkg baseline][isal, spdk-isal] Fix conflict

* format vcpkg.json

* x-add-version

* apply suggestion

* x-add-version

Co-authored-by: LilyWangLL <>
2022-07-11 16:22:28 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[liblas] Fix geotiff dependency, document usage, add feature 'tools' (#25664)
* [liblas] use supports expression

* Fix linkage and license

* Drop pointless stuff

* Simplify cleanup, minor fixes

* Fix exported config

* Add tools feature

* Install usage file

* Update versions

* Fix usage

* Update versions

* Add Windows prefix to usage

* Update versions

Co-authored-by: Leander Schulten <>
2022-07-11 15:52:46 -07:00
Henrik Gaßmann
[ned14-internal-quickcpplib] Update port @2022-07-04 (#25560)
* [quickcpplib] Update port @2022-07-04

* [quickcpplib] Invert polyfill features

* [quickcpplib] Update version database

* [quickcpplib] Exclude CI failures
2022-07-08 14:05:39 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[vcpkg script] Test pkg-config integration (#25531)
* Require cmake-user to pass CI

* Update baseline state documentation

* Test pkg-config integration

* Prefer pkgconf

* Make pkgconf required
2022-07-07 14:27:38 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[libxml2,libxslt] Revise dependency handling (#24935)
* Update mingw support expressions

* Update versions

* Use pkg-config for complete libgcrypt dependencies

* Remove crypto from default features

Align with CMake build system defaults.

* Drop unused liblzma dependency

* Update versions

* Skip installation of docs

* Update versions

* Restructure patches

* Update versions

* CI [skip actions]

* Revise libxml2 wrapper

* Omit CONFIG from find_package(LibXml2)

* Test libxml2 with, and fix for, CMake 3.7

* Update versions

* More libxml2 wrapper changes

* libxslt gcrypt variable name changes

* Install usage

* Trim portfile

* [openscap] Use vcpkg pkg-config database

* [openscap] Unbreak find_package(Threads)

* Update versions

* Update CI baseline

* REQUIRED is a literal

* Update versions

* Always load libxml2 config instead of find module [skip actions]

* [libxmlmm] Fix linking to libxml2

libxml2 needs iconv include dir on Windows.

* [libxmlmm] License field and processing

* [libxmlmm] Export unofficial CMake config

* [libxmlmm] Change target prefix, not global default

* Revert cmake-user changes


* Update versions

* Fix xslt-config

* Update versions

* Adjust tidy-html5

* Update versions

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-07-06 14:30:42 -07:00
Anders Wind
[isal] Update port (#24777)
* Update isalConfig.cmake

* Refactor build process

* Remove debug/share on non-Windows

* Fix build, fix config.cmake, correct usage info

* version

* Add supports, add license

* cleanup baseline

* version

* update supports

* version

* Correct include path

* version

* Fix lib name on non-Windows

* version

* Apply suggestion

* version

* Apply suggestions

* version

* Apply suggestion

* version

Co-authored-by: JackBoosY <>
2022-07-06 14:07:55 -07:00
Jianshen Liu
[dpdk] Update to version v22.03 (#25374) 2022-07-01 22:50:05 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Update VMs for June Patch Tuesday (#25260)
* Update PowerShell to 7.2.4.

* Update Windows SDKs.

* Add libdbus-1-dev. Resolves

* PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: chmlib:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: chmlib:x64-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: gl3w:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: glew:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: laszip:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: laszip:x64-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: opengl:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: rttr:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: rttr:x64-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: seal:arm-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: seal:x64-uwp (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).


REGRESSION: ftgl:arm-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add ftgl:arm-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: mathgl:arm-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add mathgl:arm-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: opencsg:arm-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add opencsg:arm-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

These were all previously blocked by one of the above passing-remove-from-fail-lists.

REGRESSION: ms-quic:arm-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add ms-quic:arm-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: ms-quic:x64-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add ms-quic:x64-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: ms-quic:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add ms-quic:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: ms-quic:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add ms-quic:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: ms-quic:x86-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add ms-quic:x86-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This port hates the current Windows SDK, and it is a leaf port, so I'm marking it `=fail`:

D:\buildtrees\ms-quic\src\v1.2.0-19ce393c24.clean\src\inc\quic_platform_winuser.h(564): error C2375: 'NtQueryTimerResolution': redefinition; different linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.22621.0\um\winternl.h(713): note: see declaration of 'NtQueryTimerResolution'
D:\buildtrees\ms-quic\src\v1.2.0-19ce393c24.clean\src\inc\quic_platform_winuser.h(765): error C2011: '_THREAD_NAME_INFORMATION': 'struct' type redefinition
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.22621.0\um\winternl.h(352): note: see declaration of '_THREAD_NAME_INFORMATION'
D:\buildtrees\ms-quic\src\v1.2.0-19ce393c24.clean\src\inc\quic_platform_winuser.h(773): error C2375: 'NtSetInformationThread': redefinition; different linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.22621.0\um\winternl.h(659): note: see declaration of 'NtSetInformationThread'

arm64-windows crashed. Previously opengl failed so we never got here.

Building opengl[core]:arm64-windows...
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: D:/packages/opengl_arm64-windows/lib/pkgconfig/glu.pc
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: D:/packages/opengl_arm64-windows/lib/pkgconfig/opengl.pc
-- Using cached msys-mingw-w64-i686-pkg-config-0.29.2-3-any.pkg.tar.zst.
-- Using cached msys-mingw-w64-i686-libwinpthread-git-
-- Using msys root at D:/downloads/tools/msys2/9a1ec3f33446b195
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: D:/packages/opengl_arm64-windows/debug/lib/pkgconfig/glu.pc
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: D:/packages/opengl_arm64-windows/debug/lib/pkgconfig/opengl.pc
-- Performing post-build validation
Found more than 1 architecture in file D:\packages\opengl_arm64-windows\debug\lib\GlU32.Lib
##[error]vcpkg ci failed
At C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines\test-modified-ports.ps1:173 char:5
+     throw "vcpkg ci failed"
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (vcpkg ci failed:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : vcpkg ci failed
##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
2022-06-23 15:54:56 -07:00
[tre] fix macos build (#25343) 2022-06-23 14:51:01 -07:00
[gppanel] use supports expression (#25348)
* [gppanel] use supports expression

* fix osx build

* fix license
2022-06-23 13:53:51 -07:00
[gts] use supports expression (#25346) 2022-06-23 13:50:57 -07:00
[lcm] use supports expression (#25356) 2022-06-23 13:47:33 -07:00
[openmpi] update to latest release (#25351) 2022-06-22 14:35:07 -07:00
Remove chmlib (#25357) 2022-06-21 13:36:42 -07:00
[fuzzylite] fix osx build (#25347) 2022-06-21 13:32:54 -07:00
[many ports] Remove from CI baseline (#25075)
* cppcms

* cudnn

* devicenameresolver

* epsilon

* fann

* cudnn license

* devicenameresolver version

* epsilon

* version

* Remove from ci baseline

* license

* version

* libbf

* version

* Why are those ports unsupported on static? I think because of failing post build lint

* version

* cppcms

* version

* epsilon

* version

* typo

* version

* test on static

* version

* cppcms not supported on static

* version

* cudnn

* device

* version

* try again...

* version

* version-date

* version

* [cppcms] Patch out tests & examples

* version

* Fix patch

* version

* remove debug include

* version

* [cppcms] copy pdbs

* version
2022-06-17 15:48:09 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-06-15 (#25226)
* Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-06-15. See
* Add `=pass` entries from
* Cherry pick XUnit output from which hooks up (Thanks again @dg0yt !)
* Update release process document now that we can do the full tree rebuild to test the tool release before signing.

Thank you:


for your contributions!

Fixes .
Fixes .
Fixes .
Fixes .

Full tree rebuild testing this update is:
2022-06-15 11:20:52 -07:00
[mmloader] Fix supports (#25232)
* [mmloader] Fix supports

* Fix version db

* Fix version

* version

* [mmloader] Remove from CI baseline

* unsupported on UWP

* version

* Revert version db
2022-06-14 09:50:00 -07:00
[chartdir] use versioned download link (#23732)
* Update download link

* Fix version database.

* Remove skips from ci.baseline.txt.

* Use versioned download link

Updated to use versioned download links for macOS, Linux x86 and Linux x64, in addition to Windows.

* Update portfile.cmake

* Remove support for arm and uwp

* Update ci.baseline.txt

* Update version database.

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-06-14 09:09:30 -07:00
Buck Yeh
[buck-yeh-bux-sqlite] New port (#25144)
* [bux] Add new port

* Corrections according to Create Pull Request suggested questions

* SHA512

* Mark fails into .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt

* Mark fails into .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt

* No need of "port-version": 1 in vcpkg.json

* Update version database

* Update ports/bux/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* Update ports/bux/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* Update ports/bux/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* Update ports/bux/vcpkg.json

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* Update bux.json

* Update ports/bux/vcpkg.json

* update version

* Update scripts/ci.baseline.txt

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* update bux support

* update version

* update version

* Rename bux to buck-yeh-bux

* Update version database

* [buck-yeh-bux] upgrade to v1.5.0

1. [New] `bux::C_ParaLog` is ready for a variety of parallel logging configurations, filtered or unfiltered.
2. [New] Necessary helper classes for implementation _s.t_ logger users no longer need to declare child source instances explicitly.
3. [New] Add methods to `ParaLog.h` & `SyncLog.h` to support testability.
4. [New] Add unit test cases to `ParaLog.h` & `SyncLog.h` (test_paralog & test_logger)
5. [New] Update what are found in `test/` to `test/archlinux/aur_poc/`
6. [Bug] `std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned char>` no longer allowed.
7. [Change] `CUR_FUNC_` for Windows (MSVC)
8. [Change] `tbb` is no longer implicitly needed by C++ standard library.
9. [Change] `smoke_filtlog.cpp` verifies 2-level log filters ok.

* Missing comma in versions/b-/buck-yeh-bux.json

* buck-yeh-bux 1.6.0

* Corrections made according to NancyLi1013's requests in PR #20813

* Fix SHA key in versions/b-/buck-yeh-bux.json

* Update to buxk-yeh-bux v1.6.2

* [buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client] The first release

* Add dependency to libmariadb

* Inccorect git-tree value in versions/b-/buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client.json

* linux build is enabled

* [buck-yeh-bux] Upgrade to 1.6.3 to allow u64-linux

* linux build is disabled again for not recognizing C++20 header <concpts> yet

* Mark vcpkg.json to support Linux but ci.baseline.txt to fail the CI build

* Repair buck-buck-yeh-bux in version database.

* [buck-yeh-bux] Upgrade to 1.6.5

* [buck-yeh-bux] Upgrade to 1.6.5

* Add "license" field

* Correction nade by `./vcpkg format-manifest ports/buck-yeh-bux/vcpkg.json`

* Update according to `git rev-parse HEAD:ports/buck-yeh-bux`

* [buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client] Upgrade to 1.0.3

* [buck-yeh-bux-sqlite] New port

* `vcpkg.json`/"supports" changed to "!(arm | uwp | osx | linux)" for all my ports

And remove the corresponding lines from `ci.baseline.txt`

* Update "port-version" & "git-tree"

* Update "port-version"

* Update "git-tree" but revert "port-version"

* Update ports/buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client/vcpkg.json

Co-authored-by: Cheney Wang <>

* Update ports/buck-yeh-bux/vcpkg.json

Co-authored-by: Cheney Wang <>

* Run `./vcpkg x-add-version ...` to update port-version

* Update buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client.json

* Update buck-yeh-bux.json

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>
Co-authored-by: Jonliu1993 <>
Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
Co-authored-by: Cheney Wang <>
2022-06-10 10:22:57 -07:00
[xbyak] Update to 6.60 (#25152)
* update to 6.60

* add license field

* use path from cmakelists, not the port name (which aren't necessarily the same)

* fail cases are already listed in the supports field

* add versions
2022-06-09 05:24:05 -07:00
[crashpad] Fix can't find build/build_config.h (#25106)
* [crashpad] Fix can't find build/build_config.h

* x-add-version

* remove crashpad:x64-linux=fail form ci.baseline.txt

Co-authored-by: Lily Wang <>
2022-06-07 13:57:51 -07:00
Robert Schumacher
[ci.baseline.txt] Updates for CI 20220604.1 (#25099) 2022-06-06 15:43:17 -07:00
Zac Walker
[getopt-win32] ARM64 support (#24963)
* [getopt-win32] ARM64 support

* retrigger checks

* updated git-tree sha

* Specify ports that do not support ARM but were enabled by getopt-win32 adding support.

* Upated SHA's

* Update ports/getopt-win32/portfile.cmake

Formatting indentation fix.

Co-authored-by: Mengna Li <>

* Formatting indentation fix.

* Update version database

* [getopt-win32] Use CMake

* Updating versions

Co-authored-by: Mengna Li <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Schumacher <>
2022-06-03 15:13:55 -07:00
Cheney Wang
[angle] Enable angle test in CI (#24997)
Co-authored-by: Cheney-Wang <>
2022-06-02 13:37:58 -07:00
Robert Schumacher
[ci.baseline.txt] Revert #24959 because ICE still exists (#25029) 2022-06-01 13:42:40 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[libpq] Cleanup dependencies, features and autotools patches (#24941)
* Consolidate autotools patches with pkg-config

Fixes mingw builds.

* No msbuild limitations for mingw

* Implement readline support

* Remove features which never built

* Bonjour support is osx only

* Move remaining support checks to manifest

* Remove libpq uwp fail from ci baseline

* Update versions
2022-05-27 17:03:32 -07:00
[rsocket] Remove from ci.baseline.txt (#24959)
Co-authored-by: Lily Wang <>
2022-05-27 13:24:51 -07:00
[sdformat9] Add linux to supports (#24855) 2022-05-25 12:24:02 -07:00
[kinectsdk1][kinectsdk2] Add (#24877)
* [kinectsdk1, kinectsdk2] Add

* change version-string to version

* x-add-version

* update supports

* x-add-version

* [kinectsdk1][kinectsdk2] Switch to lessmsi

Co-authored-by: Lily Wang <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Schumacher <>
2022-05-24 16:21:09 -07:00
Alexander Neumann
[OpenJPEG] Update to 2.5.0 (#24734)
* update openjpeg

* update openjpeg

* add arm patch and license

* reduce to version

* update db

* fix fastcgi to always use make

* remove from baseline

* openjpeg add tools feature

* vdb

* add supports statement. fastcgi uses stuff which only is allowed in desktop apps.

* format manfiest

* ver db

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-05-19 14:43:34 -07:00
Bill Avery
[pegtl] Update to 3.2.6 for MSVC and GCC fixes (#24761)
* [pegtl] Update to 3.2.6 for compiler fixes

* vcpkg x-add-version --all

* Remove cppgraphqlgen from baseline, as suggested in

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-05-17 17:25:56 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Update VMs for Patch Tuesday May 2022 (#24695)
* Install Ubuntu nasm package rather than building from source; 2.14 which is available in Ubuntu 20.04 is sufficient for intel-ipsec.

* Add cmake and ninja.

* Update CUDA signing key.

* Update pwsh to 7.2.3

* Remove clean downloads step obsoleted since we ripped out pacman.

* Note that haskell-stack is for bond.

* Cherry pick from : add cuda-nvml-dev-11-6

* Update pools.

* Baseline updates

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: mesa:x64-windows-static-md (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).


REGRESSION: cppgraphqlgen:arm64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add cppgraphqlgen:arm64-windows=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: cppgraphqlgen:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add cppgraphqlgen:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: cppgraphqlgen:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add cppgraphqlgen:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: cppgraphqlgen:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add cppgraphqlgen:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: cppgraphqlgen:x86-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add cppgraphqlgen:x86-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This is a compiler behavior change or bug in VS 2022 16.2:

C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\2022\ENTERP~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1432~1.313\bin\Hostx64\x86\cl.exe   /TP -DGRAPHQL_DLLEXPORTS -DIMPL_GRAPHQLSERVICE_DLL -Dgraphqlservice_EXPORTS -ID:\buildtrees\cppgraphqlgen\src\v4.3.1-9d04ffd723.clean\src\..\include -ID:\buildtrees\cppgraphqlgen\src\v4.3.1-9d04ffd723.clean\src\..\PEGTL\include -external:ID:\installed\x86-windows\include -external:W0 /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /utf-8 /GR /EHsc /MP  /D_DEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1  -MDd /W4 /WX /permissive- -std:c++20 /showIncludes /Fosrc\CMakeFiles\graphqlservice.dir\GraphQLService.cpp.obj /Fdsrc\CMakeFiles\graphqlservice.dir\ /FS -c D:\buildtrees\cppgraphqlgen\src\v4.3.1-9d04ffd723.clean\src\GraphQLService.cpp
cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/W3' with '/W4'
D:\installed\x86-windows\include\tao\pegtl/demangle.hpp(147): error C2338: static_assert failed: 'internal::dependent_true< T > && ( begin != std::string_view::npos )'
D:\buildtrees\cppgraphqlgen\src\v4.3.1-9d04ffd723.clean\include\graphqlservice/internal/SyntaxTree.h(120): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'std::string_view tao::graphqlpeg::demangle<graphql::peg::variable_value>(void) noexcept' being compiled
D:\buildtrees\cppgraphqlgen\src\v4.3.1-9d04ffd723.clean\include\graphqlservice/internal/SyntaxTree.h(53): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'std::string_view graphql::peg::ast_node::type_name<graphql::peg::variable_value>(void) noexcept' being compiled
D:\buildtrees\cppgraphqlgen\src\v4.3.1-9d04ffd723.clean\src\GraphQLService.cpp(310): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'bool graphql::peg::ast_node::is_type<graphql::peg::variable_value>(void) noexcept const' being compiled
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

This is a compiler behavior change in 17.2. @wravery do you have comments?

REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtwebengine:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtwebengine:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

qtwebengine doesn't report logs, but I'm pretty sure it's this ICE: @Neumann-A

REGRESSION: rsocket:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add rsocket:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: rsocket:x64-windows-static failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add rsocket:x64-windows-static=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: rsocket:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add rsocket:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

ICE :(

Other changes:
* Removed qt5-webengine skips because they are now skipped by a "supports" clause.
* Removed ctp skips because asset caching exists.

* [stxxl] Guard definition of log2 for current MSVCs.
2022-05-17 13:03:13 -07:00
Li Zeyang
[rttr] static compile fix (#23013)
* updated libunifex version

* remove comment

* run x-add-versions --all

* Update ports/libunifex/vcpkg.json

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* rerun x-add-version libunifex

* Update versions/l-/libunifex.json

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* update libunifex to 12-07

* x-add-version

* libunifex port update

force cpp20 as cpp17 build doesn't work with msvc. added a compile fix for externConstexpr and removed warnings with /EHsc

* Update libunifex.json

version update

* Update fix-compile-error.patch

relax clang warnings

* Update libunifex.json

git x-add-version libunifex

* remove unused

* x-add-versions

* remove old version log

* fixed static compile option

* bumped port version

* run x-add-version --all

* Hook up RTTR's actual build settings.

* Add license.

* Remove ci.baseline skips.

* Put ci.baseline.txt skips back with a comment.

* Be less pessimistic in cmake config handling, fix typo, and add indents.

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>
Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-05-16 11:39:42 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Build "fixes" 2022-05-13 (#24707)
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: akali:x64-windows-static-md (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

Probably fixed by

REGRESSION: angle:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add angle:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: angle:arm-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add angle:arm-uwp=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

ICE :(
2022-05-13 15:47:04 -07:00
[freetds, unixodbc] Update (#24279)
* [freetds] Update to 1.3.10

* version

* Add dependence on mysql

* version

* mysql patch

* version

* Add warning for required system libs

* version

* Remove mysql dependence

* version

* Fix supports

* version

* Add mysql dependence

* version

* Add feature tools

* version

* Add dependency on unixodbc

* format

* version

* remove mysql

* version

* Update unixodbc

* version

* remove man

* version

* fix cmake

* version

* test

* fix path

* version

* disable wide characters on UNIX

* add to ci baseline

* version

* don't check for UWP

* version

* remove unixodbc from ci baseline

* Fix deprecated license

* version

* Unsupported on unix

* version
2022-05-13 15:46:37 -07:00
Fix building LuaJIT on Linux (#24498)
* Fix building LuaJIT on Linux

* Update version metadata

* Fix remaining ci.baseline.txt entries:

luajit:arm64-windows: Left as "skip": The problem is that the batch files used to build here want to run a binary they built which fails, but there's no good way to say "I can run the results" in our platform expressions right now
luajit:arm64-uwp / luajit:arm-uwp: These are already stopped by the platform expression.
luajit:x64-osx: I don't know if this works yet but we should try.

* Block osx with a "supports".

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-05-05 16:01:10 -07:00
Alexander Neumann
[openblas] update to 0.3.20 (#24546)
* update openblas

* verison stuff

* Remove ci.baseline.txt entries obsoleted by "supports" expression.

Co-authored-by: Alexander Neumann <>
Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-05-05 15:42:20 -07:00
Alexander Neumann
[qtwebengine] Fix VS2022 ICE (#24532)
* qtwebengine ice fix

* move CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR only if necessary

* version stuff

* create tmp dir.

* version update

Co-authored-by: Alexander Neumann <>
2022-05-04 16:09:42 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Build Fixes 2022-05-01 (#24497)
Discovered in

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: blosc:arm64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: corrade:arm-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: corrade:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: libhydrogen:arm64-windows (C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

REGRESSION: sundials:x64-osx failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add sundials:x64-osx=fail to /Users/vagrant/Data/work/2/s/scripts/azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

File does not have the expected hash:
             url : [ ]
       File path : [ /Users/vagrant/Data/downloads/LLNL-sundials-v5.8.0.tar.gz.98418.part ]
   Expected hash : [ 30f6a7bddf813634e4266c36331673b52448b719f938f45a4efb6a96cfbeea4fe168fdded89309672b148f8ef8bc05997d838627e828573900ec169a41472372 ]
     Actual hash : [ 0b11db1b944cfce4672954aceeec3f21253b4f684031f26b8bc0a8b3b12d895e604456bd1f283767812352eb5a9202c5797f612410f654f561ca5565d719bcae ]

REGRESSION: brunocodutra-metal:x64-linux failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add brunocodutra-metal:x64-linux=fail to /agent/_work/1/s/scripts/azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This was another download failure but may as well update.

REGRESSION: plplot:x64-linux failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add plplot:x64-linux=fail to /agent/_work/1/s/scripts/azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This was another download failure with every SourceForge mirror giving a different hash O_O. I tried to do an update but it's ... involved for this library so I've separated it.
2022-05-04 15:09:15 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
[libvpx,lmdb,aubio,freetype-gl,intelrdfpmathlib,libbson,libtcod,metis,pqp,smpeg2] Build fixes 2022-04-28 (#24470)
* [libvpx,lmdb,aubio,freetype-gl,intelrdfpmathlib,libbson,libtcod,metis,pqp,smpeg2] Build fixes 2022-04-28

These results are from the most recent CI run:

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: aubio:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

I also did some investigation as to why aubio:arm-uwp didn't pass. Turns out, it's because aubio depends on ffmpeg, which failed to build because it depends on libvpx, which we never fixed for UWP following the VS2022 update. See also

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: freetype-gl:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

I also checked freetype-gl:arm-uwp, but it's blocked by glew which is blocked by opengl which appears to not be a thing on arm.

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: intelrdfpmathlib:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

The arm-uwp version of this emits errors that look like source issues; I blocked arm&windows with a supports expression:
D:\buildtrees\intelrdfpmathlib\src\athLib20U2-d2a8954428.clean\LIBRARY\src\bid_functions.h(3113): error C2719: 'x': formal parameter with requested alignment of 16 won't be aligned

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: libbson:arm-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: libbson:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: libtcod:arm-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: libtcod:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: lmdb:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

arm-uwp failed with again what looks like a source issue:
mdb.c.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __tls_used
mdb.c.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mdb_tls_cbp

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: metis:arm-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: metis:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: pqp:arm-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: pqp:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: smpeg2:arm-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: smpeg2:x64-uwp (C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt).

I also checked Linux and it says
which may be vcpkg's fault so I left that ci.baseline.txt skip alone.

REGRESSION: jansson:arm-uwp failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add jansson:arm-uwp=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: jansson:x64-uwp failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add jansson:x64-uwp=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

Already fixed by

* dos2unix the patch

* :dos2unix the other patches too
2022-04-29 21:27:24 -07:00
Alexander Neumann
[Fix uwp toolchain|world rebuild] make ninja work for uwp (#22831) 2022-04-27 18:12:48 -07:00
Benjamin Oldenburg
[skia,crashpad,zeroc-ice,vcpkg-tool-gn] New vcpkg-tool-gn and update of several ports (#24066) 2022-04-25 15:39:10 -07:00
[msix] add support expression (#24228) 2022-04-22 09:00:19 -07:00
[opentracing] no tests (#24234) 2022-04-21 10:02:47 -07:00
[libfreenect2] Fix MACOS build error (#24265)
* [libfreenect2] Fix MACOS build error

* update vcpkg.json

* update version

* Disable build example

* update version

Co-authored-by: Lily Wang <>
2022-04-20 14:43:38 -07:00
[many ports] Fix use of Readme as copyright (#24201)
* [jack2] Update to 1.9.21

* [libxmlmm] Fix license

* [volk] Fix license

* [tmxlite] Fix license

* [tinyxml2] Fix license

* [stb] Fix license

* [rtmidi] Fix license

* [pugixml] Update to 1.12.1

* [physx] Fix license

* [physx] License expression

* version

* lowercase

* null

* Format

* Remove version-string

* stb

* Format

* version

* Format

* version

* [tinyxml] port version

* version

* Fix license

* version

* [rtmidi] remove patch

* version

* [pugixml] Remove unused variable

* version

* [physx] Remove from CI baseline for testing

* [physx] update supports statement

* version

* [tmxlite] add final newline

* version

* [libxmlmm] Don't use own copyright file

* version

* Fix license copy

* version
2022-04-19 14:31:08 -07:00
[python2] add support expression (#24192)
* [python2] add support expression

* lower complexity of supports expression

Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
2022-04-19 11:47:45 -07:00
[meschach] add support expression (#24230) 2022-04-19 08:19:51 -07:00
[protozero] update to 1.7.1 (#24231) 2022-04-19 08:17:40 -07:00
[sdl1] add support expression (#24232) 2022-04-19 08:16:52 -07:00
[libcds] add support expression (#24233) 2022-04-19 08:16:20 -07:00
[duckx] Update to 1.2.2 (#24176)
* Update duckx to 1.2.2

* Update CI baseline

* Use ${PORT}

Co-authored-by: Thomas1664 <>


* Remove duckx from ci.baseline.txt

* Update CI baseline

* Switch to ONLY_STATIC_LIBRARY on Windows

* version

Co-authored-by: chausner <>
Co-authored-by: Thomas1664 <>
Co-authored-by: JackBoosY <>
2022-04-18 16:40:29 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Update VMs for April Patch Tuesday (#24131)
* Update VM base tools:

* Intel OneAPI updated
* Powershell Updated
* VS updated to install current Windows SDKs, and atlmfc for arm, and CMake/ninja

* Update pools.

* Remove passing-remove-from-fail list port.
2022-04-15 15:33:07 -07:00
nicole mazzuca
[baseline] skip directsdk:x64-windows-static-md (#24167)
Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
2022-04-15 14:52:48 -07:00
Alexander Neumann
[qtinterfaceframework|opencv] fix python stuff (#24041)
* add upstream patch

* [skip actions] add the patch file

* fine tune

* [opencv] update portfiles to use vcpkg-get-python-packages

* fix references

* try another fix

* add all deps

* add code from tensorflow about venv

* retry

* fix file path

* new approach

* unset pythonhome

* next unset

* try this instead.

* retry without the PYTHON_LIB_PATH stuff

* try and error

* next try

* retry

* typo fix

* try updating

* retry

* more try and error

* reorder

* drop qface version

* use qface 2.0.5

* bump watchdog

* fix call on !windows

* fine tuning

* refactor function signature

* update version

* fix formating

* version stuff

* create dir before usage

* fine tuning

* version stuff

* update and patch libilbc

* formating stuff

* fix version-string

* version stuff

* add license

* version update

* bump version

* version stuff

* version stuff

Co-authored-by: Alexander Neumann <>
Co-authored-by: Stefano Sinigardi <>
2022-04-14 11:08:23 -07:00
Benjamin Oldenburg
[zeroc-ice] New port (#23764)
* Initial commit

* clean up

* updated manifest and version

* Removed C++11 mapping option (feature) and made C++11 the default mapping.

* updated version

* added main target

added entries to ci.baseline.txt

* corrected ci.baseline.txt entries

* updated version

* fixed generated header path

* Updated version

* fixed include paths

* updated version

* expect x64-windows-static to fail

* added patches for clang 13

* update version

* Update ports/zeroc-ice/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>

* 2->4 spaces

* Removed v144/5 stuff

* check for .DS_Store file before deletion

* several changes

* format vcpkg.json

* update version

* remove typo

* updated version

* reformatting

* resolve review issues

* regex

* updated version

* windows-static

* allow static builds on windows and added maintainer

* updated version

* added openssl as a dependency for Ice core library

* updated version

* minor updates

Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
2022-04-13 10:48:49 -07:00
Park DongHa
[cpuinfo,fbgemm,xnnpack] update cpuinfo to latest (#23944)
* [cpuinfo] update to latest

* use official support of CMake find_package

* [cpuinfo] update triplet support

* [nnpack] fix cpuinfo usage

* [qnnpack] fix cpuinfo usage

* [fbgemm] fix cpuinfo usage

* [xnnpack] fix cpuinfo usage

* [cpuinfo] add license

* [nnpack] port license/dependencies

* [qnnpack] port license

* [xnnpack] port license

* [fbgemm] port license

* fix supports

* I think this should work?

* alright, arm&windows is unsupported... for now

Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
2022-04-12 12:47:40 -07:00
[openxr-loader] remove from CI baseline (#24057)
* [openxr-loader] remove from CI baseline

* OSX is not supported

* version

* Fix supports

* version
2022-04-11 08:47:23 -07:00
[c-ares] update to 1.18.1 (#24062)
* [c-ares] update to 1.18.1

* patch

* What's going on here?

* I see...

* version

* unsupported on UWP

* version
2022-04-11 08:39:59 -07:00
nicole mazzuca
[openxr-loader] fix ci.baseline.txt (#24073)
Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
2022-04-10 16:25:19 -07:00
[clockutils] Fix x64-windows-static-md (#23965)
* [clockutils] Fix x64-windows-static-md

* version

* fix version

* version

* use version

* version
2022-04-08 15:31:27 -07:00
[DiscordCoreAPI] Adding DiscordCoreAPI Discord bot library package. (#23895) 2022-04-07 07:55:26 -07:00
[libpff] Fix zlib import (#23953)
* [libpff] Fix Linux configure

* version

* unsupported on UNIX

* version
2022-04-06 14:16:09 -07:00
[vcpkg baseline][quickfix] Remove from CI baseline (#23878)
* Fix deprecated cmake

* Remove from CI baseline

* Fix trailing whitespaces

* version

* Also mark "supports": "!uwp"

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-03-31 19:27:44 -07:00
[vcpkg baseline][qtiterfaceframework] Change fail to skip (#23866) 2022-03-30 13:33:12 -07:00
[liblsl] Update to 1.16.0 (#21284)
* Start adapting liblsl for version 1.15.2

* Use vcpkg Boost package

* Minor updates

* Switch to master branch

* Update git-tree hash

* Fix hash

* Update git-tree hash

* Add missing boost dependencies

* Update git-tree hash

* Try to remove entries from ci.baseline.txt

* Use asio package from vcpkg

* Update git-tree hash

* Update version to upcoming 1.16.0

* Set liblsl license

* Update CI baseline

* Remove obsolete version

* Update reference

* Update CI baseline

Co-authored-by: chausner <>
2022-03-29 17:19:19 -07:00
[vcpkg baseline][qtinterfaceframework] Temporary set to fail in baseline (#23837) 2022-03-29 17:08:32 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-03-25 (#23757)
* Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-03-24

* Hook up

* Hook up

* Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-03-25

* Analysis of failures.

* [Most recent nightly build failed](
* [Validation of this tool update failed](

## Common to both:

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: chartdir:x64-windows (.\scripts\ci.baseline.txt)
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: chartdir:x64-windows-static-md (.\scripts\ci.baseline.txt)
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: chartdir:x86-windows (.\scripts\ci.baseline.txt)

Probably fixed by

PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: gmp:x64-uwp (.\scripts\ci.baseline.txt)
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: gmp:x64-windows-static-md (.\scripts\ci.baseline.txt)

Probably fixed by ?

REGRESSION: colmap:x64-windows-static-md failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add colmap:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

I don't know exactly what changed. I observe that
* this thing depends on a *lot* of stuff
* on March 14 we didn't even attempt to build this
* the x64-windows ones are already in the baseline

so I skipped it.

REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\1\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add qtdeclarative:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This is a reporting change: The new world order also includes host build failures which is why it's duplicated.

See also
See also

I'm nervous about baslining this because it seems most of the qt world is built on top of this port

I filed about this and @Neumann-A indicated this should be fixed by

REGRESSION: nettle:x64-uwp. If expected, add nettle:x64-uwp=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: nettle:x64-windows-static-md. If expected, add nettle:x64-windows-static-md=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: nettle:x64-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add nettle:x64-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: nettle:x64-windows-static-md failed with POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED. If expected, add nettle:x64-windows-static-md=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

Didn't analyze, probably fixed by ?

REGRESSION: libgpg-error:x64-uwp. If expected, add libgpg-error:x64-uwp=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: libgpg-error:x64-uwp failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add libgpg-error:x64-uwp=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

This was broken by VS2022 update:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v17.0\AppxPackage\Microsoft.AppXPackage.Targets(892,25): error MSB4086: A numeric comparison was attempted on "$(TargetPlatformMinVersion)" that evaluates to "" instead of a number, in condition "'$(TargetPlatformMinVersion)' >= '10.0.17200.0'". [C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\libgpg-error\x64-uwp-rel\error-1.42-2324ddbc71.clean\SMP\libgpg-error_winrt.vcxproj]

REGRESSION: libmikmod:x64-osx. If expected, add libmikmod:x64-osx=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.
REGRESSION: libmikmod:x64-osx failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add libmikmod:x64-osx=fail to /Users/vagrant/Data/work/2/s/scripts/azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

Broken between [2022-03-16]( and [2022-03-18]( Unfortunately I don't see obvious reasons why. Nothing else depends on this and nobody has noticed in 2 weeks, so I'm baslining it for now. (Will investigate shortly...)

## Only broken in tool update:

REGRESSION: mesa:x64-windows failed with BUILD_FAILED. If expected, add mesa:x64-windows=fail to C:\a\2\s\scripts\azure-pipelines/../ci.baseline.txt.

-- Downloading -> mesa-mesa-mesa-21.2.5-1.tar.gz...
-- Extracting source /Users/vagrant/Data/downloads/mesa-mesa-mesa-21.2.5-1.tar.gz
-- Applying patch swravx512-post-static-link.patch
-- Applying patch swr-msvc-2.patch
-- Applying patch swr-llvm13.patch
-- Applying patch radv-msvc-llvm13-2.patch
-- Applying patch d3d10sw.patch
-- Using source at /Users/vagrant/Data/buildtrees/mesa/src/esa-21.2.5-2df234d2b1.clean
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mako'
CMake Error at ports/mesa/portfile.cmake:85 (message):
  Python package 'mako' needs to be installed for port 'mesa'.

  Complete list of required python packages: setuptools;mako
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  ports/mesa/portfile.cmake:91 (vcpkg_get_python_package)
  scripts/ports.cmake:145 (include)

Looks like this is being tracked by ; perhaps that we don't have as aggressive a recycling strategy for macos boxes as we do for the others has let different machines give different results?

## Only broken without tool update:

REGRESSION: chromium-base:x64-osx. If expected, add chromium-base:x64-osx=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.

This one has been constantly flaky; I baselined it.

REGRESSION: libxml2:x64-osx. If expected, add libxml2:x64-osx=fail to .\scripts\ci.baseline.txt.

This port uses vcpkg_from_git and the upstream server was down during the build.

* Restore chartdir to the baseline, I thought had been merged.
2022-03-28 13:17:35 -07:00
[fuzzylite] Fix Linux build (#23658)
* [fuzzylite] fix unix build

* update version scheme

* version

* unsupported on UWP

* remove from CI baseline

* version

* fix typo

* version

* windows only

* version

* Add fuzzylite:x64-osx

* Fix typo

* cr

* version

* Fix string replace on static

* version

* Don't rename artifacts

* version
2022-03-25 12:18:21 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Remove passing-remove-from-fail-lists from 2022-03-19 (#23707)
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: intelrdfpmathlib:x64-linux
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: ocilib:x64-windows-static
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: skia:arm64-windows
PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: yato:x64-windows-static-md

REGRESSION: argtable3:arm-uwp
No repro. Maybe fixed by

REGRESSION: infoware:x64-windows-static

-- Found Git: C:/agent/externals/git/cmd/git.exe (found version "")
Cloning into 'pciids'...
fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:111 (message):
  Cloning/pulling pciids repository from
  failed with 128.

  The pci.ids file, downloadable from or, is required for building infoware, and cloned
  automatically from that GitHub repository by default.

  To use a local copy, set INFOWARE_PCI_IDS_PATH to its location.

Looks like this port needs to be fixed to work with artifact caching.

REGRESSION: libgpg-error:x64-uwp

       "D:\buildtrees\libgpg-error\x64-uwp-rel\error-1.42-2324ddbc71.clean\SMP\libgpg-error.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
       "D:\buildtrees\libgpg-error\x64-uwp-rel\error-1.42-2324ddbc71.clean\SMP\libgpg-error_winrt.vcxproj" (Rebuild target) (2) ->
       (_GetPackageFileExtensions target) ->
         C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v17.0\AppxPackage\Microsoft.AppXPackage.Targets(892,25): error MSB4086: A numeric comparison was attempted on "$(TargetPlatformMinVersion)" that evaluates to "" instead of a number, in condition "'$(TargetPlatformMinVersion)' >= '10.0.17200.0'". [D:\buildtrees\libgpg-error\x64-uwp-rel\error-1.42-2324ddbc71.clean\SMP\libgpg-error_winrt.vcxproj]

This looks like a VS2022 regression.

REGRESSION: chromium-base:x64-osx

This port is still having the strange behavior where building it once fails but building it again succeeds O_O

REGRESSION: libmikmod:x64-osx

This is emitting a bunch of spew about standard library symbols.

REGRESSION: qtapplicationmanager:x64-windows
Should be fixed by
2022-03-22 10:56:43 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[libdatrie] Update and fixes (#23681)
* Libdatrie fixes

* Libdatrie fixes and update to v0.2.13

* Add usage

* Create feature 'tool'

* Update versions

* Install pkg-config module

* Update versions

Co-authored-by: Thomas Heinrichs <>
2022-03-21 19:38:10 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[gdal] Update to 3.4.2 (#23475)
* Update to 3.4.2

* Disable ATL for uwp and for arm64

* Fix linking on uwp

* Fix pc file fixup

* Update versions

* Declare dependency on atlmfc.

Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <>
2022-03-21 14:02:46 -07:00
[nanorange] update to master (#23656)
* [nanorange] update to master

* remove nanorange from CI baseline

* version

* Add homepage

* version
2022-03-21 12:57:12 -07:00
[colmap] Re-enable pipeline test on OSX (#23554)
* [colmap] Re-enable pipeline test on OSX

* version

* cleanup baseline
2022-03-18 14:46:26 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Update VMs for VS2022, CUDA 11.6 (#23011)
* Update Linux VM CUDA to 11.6.

* Update Intel OneAPI

* Update Visual Studio to 2022, and remove deployment of v140 and v141 compilers.

* Update CUDA to 11.6 on Windows.

* Update pools.

* cix ci.baseline.txt

Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <>
2022-03-16 16:29:50 -07:00
[pixel] Update to master (#23550)
* Remove pixel from ci baseline

* don't build examples

* [pixel] update to master

* copy license from portfile.cmake

* version

* license

* version

* fix typo

* version

* use version-date

* version

* change version date to today

* version

* disable crt warnings on uwp

* version
2022-03-16 14:27:33 -07:00
[marl] update to 2022-03-02 (#23551)
* [marl] update to 2022-03-02

* remove from ci baseline

* version

* fix dll

* version
2022-03-16 13:55:57 -07:00
[wampcc] fix arm build (#23415) 2022-03-15 12:53:36 -07:00
[yato] fix arm build by updating (#23406) 2022-03-11 11:20:56 -08:00
[sentencepiece] Clarify supported triplets (#23438)
* Set supports expression

* version

* Fix typo

* version
2022-03-11 11:14:42 -08:00
Kai Pastor
[cmake-user] Re-enable tests with minimum cmake version 3.7.2 (#23315)
* Update minimum cmake test to 3.7.2

* Re-enable test with minimum cmake
2022-02-28 10:32:09 -08:00
Alexander Neumann
[lapack-reference] Update to 3.10 (#23228)
* udpate lapack stuff

* version stuff

* update baseline

* fix logic.

* version stuff

* Update ports/lapack-reference/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>

* version update

* move entries in ci baseline around

Co-authored-by: Alexander Neumann <>
Co-authored-by: JonLiu1993 <>
2022-02-24 10:47:52 -08:00
Billy O'Neal
[tinyexif] Remove from fail list. (#23163)
As detected by

Probably fixed by
2022-02-23 14:06:45 -08:00