* [curl] fix build failure when VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE is set
* [libmysql] fix build failure when VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE is set
* [openssl-windows] use VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE to build release or debug only
* [icu] use VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE to build release or debug only
* [gdal] use VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE to build release or debug only
* bump versions of curl, gdal, icu, libmysql and openssl-windows
Update portfile.cmake for easier version/checksum maintenance.
Update and rename 0001 patch fixing debug build.
Update no-my-bool.patch following source file changes.
Remove no patches which are no longer required due to corresponding
changes in the GDAL source code.
Supports PROJ 4.9.x and 5.x - the latter not in vcpkg ports.
* [GEOS] Generate debug library names with `d` suffix
Currently geos.lib name is used for both, debug and optimised
GEOS libraries. This leads to situation when:
find_library(GEOS_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES geos)
finds the same library for both
This is minimal patch that works around the problem.
Next, complete fix should be submitted to GEOS upstream,
preferably using exported targets.
* [libspatialite] Add missing geos suffixes in static builds
* Bump GDAL version wherever necessary
* Update download package and checksum.
* Remove 0001-Add-support-for-MSVC1900-backported-from-GDAL2.patch
no longer necessary.
* Recalculate 000N prefix in patche filenames after the removal.
* Update 0002-Ensures-inclusion-of-PDB-in-release-dll-if-so-reques.patch
* Patch pushed upstream https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/7055
and should no longer be necessary in GDAL 2.2.3 or later
* Update 0003-Fix-openjpeg-include.patch