* [freetds] Update to 1.3.10
* version
* Add dependence on mysql
* version
* mysql patch
* version
* Add warning for required system libs
* version
* Remove mysql dependence
* version
* Fix supports
* version
* Add mysql dependence
* version
* Add feature tools
* version
* Add dependency on unixodbc
* format
* version
* remove mysql
* version
* Update unixodbc
* version
* remove man
* version
* fix cmake
* version
* test
* fix path
* version
* disable wide characters on UNIX
* add to ci baseline
* version
* don't check for UWP
* version
* remove unixodbc from ci baseline
* Fix deprecated license
* version
* Unsupported on unix
* version
* Bulk remove vcpkg_fail_port_install calls.
Interesting ones have been split out into separate reviews, where "interesting" means "anything more than just deleting the call to vcpkg_fail_port_install",
In support of https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/21502
* Update version database.
* Revert google benchmark changes already submitted as https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/22728
* Repair version database.