* Cherry-pick https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/15598
* Hook deploy-inteloneapi into create-vmss.ps1.
* Add script to resolve https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/17521
* Move tls settings deployment to the front and respond to script triggering a reboot.
* Go back to provisioning an extra disk to workaround https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/18379
* Disallow public access to blob storage and require TLS 1.2.
* Update Pools.
* Update tool to 2021-06-19
* [simage] Skip simage on uwp platforms as it appears broken by 16.10.
* [tensorflow-cc] Skip because changes in our MacOS hardware broke the port.
* Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/
* Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/
* Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/
* Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/
* Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/
* Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774
* Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls.
* Update nasm on Linux.
* Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share
* Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules.
* Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually.
* Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers.
* Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0.
* Update source of WDK.
* Update pools.
* [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled.
C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001).
D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error]
try {
* [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX.
Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode.
* Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
* [vcpkg] Use a crypto RNG to generate admin passwords
* Apply code review comments from Stephan and Casey.
* Extract functions into create-vmss-helpers.psm1.
* Put Wait-Shutdown back.
* [vcpkg] Bump Linux VM memory size and do all operations on the temporary disk.
* [llvm] disable optional dependencies to libxml2 and zlib
* [vcpkg] Reduce quotas on the share to something reasonable.
* [mpir] Skip on Linux because it conflicts with libgmp.
Co-authored-by: yurybura <yurybura@gmail.com>
* Adds scripts to generate scale sets for testing Linux.
* Note workaround for https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent/pull/2929
* Switches Windows validation to 'Spot' VMs.
* Opens the git port 9418.
* Removes provisioning of the no longer used 'logs' file share.
* Changes Azure region to 'westus2', which is cheaper.
* Adds +x to all the scripts in scripts/azure-pipelines.
* Use 'xml-results' for all platforms instead of 'raw xml results' on Windows.