Commit Graph

450 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alexander Neumann
[Qt] Update to 6.6.3 (#37731)
2024-04-30 11:50:26 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[vcpkg-cmake] Catch wrong MAYBE_UNUSED_VARIABLES (#38249),
Related (fix): (merged


Co-authored-by: Jim-Wang <>
2024-04-30 11:39:01 -07:00
[mvfst] remove useless cmake (#38473)
<!-- If your PR fixes issues, please note that here by adding "Fixes
#NNNNNN." for each fixed issue on separate lines. -->

<!-- If you are still working on the PR, open it as a Draft: -->

- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [x] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [x] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

<!-- If this PR adds a new port, please uncomment and fill out this

- [ ] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] The name of the port matches an existing name for this component
on if possible, and/or is strongly associated with
that component on search engines.
- [ ] Optional dependencies are resolved in exactly one way. For
example, if the component is built with CMake, all `find_package` calls
are REQUIRED, are satisfied by `vcpkg.json`'s declared dependencies, or
disabled with
- [ ] The versioning scheme in `vcpkg.json` matches what upstream says.
- [ ] The license declaration in `vcpkg.json` matches what upstream
- [ ] The installed as the "copyright" file matches what upstream says.
- [ ] The source code of the component installed comes from an
authoritative source.
- [ ] The generated "usage text" is accurate. See
for context.
- [ ] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [ ] Only one version is in the new port's versions file.
- [ ] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

END OF NEW PORT CHECKLIST (delete this line) -->
2024-04-30 11:28:55 -07:00
[folly, fizz, wangle, proxygen, mvfst, fbthrift, cachelib] update to 2024.04.22 (#38419)
<!-- If your PR fixes issues, please note that here by adding "Fixes
#NNNNNN." for each fixed issue on separate lines. -->

<!-- If you are still working on the PR, open it as a Draft: -->

- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [x] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [x] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

<!-- If this PR adds a new port, please uncomment and fill out this

- [ ] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] The name of the port matches an existing name for this component
on if possible, and/or is strongly associated with
that component on search engines.
- [ ] Optional dependencies are resolved in exactly one way. For
example, if the component is built with CMake, all `find_package` calls
are REQUIRED, are satisfied by `vcpkg.json`'s declared dependencies, or
disabled with
- [ ] The versioning scheme in `vcpkg.json` matches what upstream says.
- [ ] The license declaration in `vcpkg.json` matches what upstream
- [ ] The installed as the "copyright" file matches what upstream says.
- [ ] The source code of the component installed comes from an
authoritative source.
- [ ] The generated "usage text" is accurate. See
for context.
- [ ] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [ ] Only one version is in the new port's versions file.
- [ ] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

END OF NEW PORT CHECKLIST (delete this line) -->
2024-04-29 09:13:53 -04:00
[mygui] Fix LNK2005 duplicate function definition (#38386)
LINK Pass 1: command "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\2022\COMMUN~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1439~1.335\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\cmake_pch.cxx.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\__\__\Common\Precompiled.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\Application.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\ApplicationState.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\AreaSelectorControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\BackgroundControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\BackwardCompatibilityManager.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\CodeGenerator.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\EditorState.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\EditorToolTip.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\EditorWidgets.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\GroupMessage.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\LayoutEditor.rc.res Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\MainMenuControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\MainPaneControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\MainWorkspaceControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\MyGUI_RTTLayer.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelControllers.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelExtensionProperties.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelItems.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelMainProperties.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelProperties.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelTemplateProperties.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PanelUserData.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\Parse.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PositionSelectorControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\ProjectControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertiesPanelView.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldAlpha.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldColour.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldComboBox.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldEditBox.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldFileName.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldFont.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldManager.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldNumeric.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldPosition.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldSkin.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\PropertyFieldType.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\RecentFilesManager.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SelectorControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SeparatorPartControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SettingsGeneralControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SettingsResourcePathsControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SettingsResourcesControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SettingsUpdateResourcesControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\SettingsWidgetsControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\StatisticInfoControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\TestState.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\TextureControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\TextureToolControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\ToolsControl.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\UndoManager.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\WidgetContainer.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\WidgetCreatorManager.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\WidgetSelectorManager.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\WidgetTypes.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\WidgetsWindow.cpp.obj Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir\WorkspaceControl.cpp.obj /out:bin\LayoutEditor.exe /implib:lib\LayoutEditor.lib /pdb:bin\LayoutEditor.pdb /version:0.0 /machine:x64 /nologo /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:windows lib\MyGUICommon_d.lib F:\1\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib\SDL2.lib winmm.lib imm32.lib version.lib setupapi.lib lib\MyGUI.DummyPlatform_d.lib lib\MyGUIEngineStatic_d.lib lib\EditorFrameworkStatic_d.lib lib\MyGUICommon_d.lib F:\1\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib\SDL2.lib winmm.lib imm32.lib version.lib setupapi.lib lib\MyGUI.DummyPlatform_d.lib lib\MyGUIEngineStatic_d.lib F:\1\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\debug\lib\freetyped.lib F:\1\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\debug\lib\zlibd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir/intermediate.manifest Tools\LayoutEditor\CMakeFiles\LayoutEditor.dir/manifest.res" failed (exit code 1169) with the following output:
EditorFrameworkStatic_d.lib(ComponentFactory.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl tools::BackgroundControl::BackgroundControl(void)" (??0BackgroundControl@tools@@QEAA@XZ) already defined in BackgroundControl.cpp.obj
EditorFrameworkStatic_d.lib(BackgroundControl.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: virtual __cdecl tools::BackgroundControl::~BackgroundControl(void)" (??1BackgroundControl@tools@@UEAA@XZ) already defined in BackgroundControl.cpp.obj

bin\LayoutEditor.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

Since the complete declaration of class `BackgroundControl` has been
included in the header file, `BackgroundControl` is removed from
`FACTORY_ITEM ` to avoid repeated function definitions.

- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] ~~SHA512s are updated for each updated download.~~
- [x] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [ ] ~~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~~
- [ ] ~~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-04-25 09:20:33 -04:00
[folly, fizz, wangle, proxygen, mvfst, fbthrift, cachelib] update to 2024.04.15 (#38279)
<!-- If your PR fixes issues, please note that here by adding "Fixes
#NNNNNN." for each fixed issue on separate lines. -->

<!-- If you are still working on the PR, open it as a Draft: -->

- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [x] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [x] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

<!-- If this PR adds a new port, please uncomment and fill out this

- [ ] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [ ] The name of the port matches an existing name for this component
on if possible, and/or is strongly associated with
that component on search engines.
- [ ] Optional dependencies are resolved in exactly one way. For
example, if the component is built with CMake, all `find_package` calls
are REQUIRED, are satisfied by `vcpkg.json`'s declared dependencies, or
disabled with
- [ ] The versioning scheme in `vcpkg.json` matches what upstream says.
- [ ] The license declaration in `vcpkg.json` matches what upstream
- [ ] The installed as the "copyright" file matches what upstream says.
- [ ] The source code of the component installed comes from an
authoritative source.
- [ ] The generated "usage text" is accurate. See
for context.
- [ ] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [ ] Only one version is in the new port's versions file.
- [ ] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

END OF NEW PORT CHECKLIST (delete this line) -->


1. Apologies for the _huge_ PR, but these packages are interdependent,
making it difficult to separate them into individual PRs.
2. The main focus of this PR is to update the following ports: folly,
fizz, wangle, proxygen, mvfst, and fbthrift. Additionally, rsocket needs
to be updated due to its reliance on folly. It is concerning that
rsocket has not been updated since 2021, while folly is actively
developed and maintained.
3. This PR also consolidates some patches into a single one, as some
patches modify the same file.
4. I need to include the cachelib package in the CI baseline file
because it depends on the libaio system package. I can achieve a
successful build locally when libaio is installed. Note that cachelib is
also updated to the latest available version.

$ sudo apt search libaio
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
libaio-dev/mantic,now 0.3.113-5 amd64 [installed]
  Linux kernel AIO access library - development files

libaio1/mantic,now 0.3.113-5 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  Linux kernel AIO access library - shared library
$ vcpkg install cachelib
Computing installation plan...
The following packages will be built and installed:
  * fbthrift:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00
  * fizz:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00
  * folly[core,libaio,zlib]:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00
  * mvfst:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00
  * wangle:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00
Additional packages (*) will be modified to complete this operation.
Detecting compiler hash for triplet x64-linux...
Restored 0 package(s) from /home/miao/.cache/vcpkg/archives in 14.9 us. Use --debug to see more details.
Installing 1/6 folly[core,libaio,zlib]:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
Building folly[core,libaio,zlib]:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
-- Using cached facebook-folly-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/folly/src/ Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source /home/miao/vcpkg/downloads/facebook-folly-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz
-- Applying patch disable-non-underscore-posix-names.patch
-- Applying patch boost-1.70.patch
-- Applying patch fix-windows-minmax.patch
-- Applying patch fix-deps.patch
-- Applying patch disable-uninitialized-resize-on-new-stl.patch
-- Applying patch fix-unistd-include.patch
-- Using source at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/folly/src/
-- Found external ninja('1.11.1').
-- Configuring x64-linux
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/folly_x64-linux/share/folly/copyright
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/folly_x64-linux/lib/pkgconfig/libfolly.pc
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/folly_x64-linux/debug/lib/pkgconfig/libfolly.pc
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 17 s.
Elapsed time to handle folly:x64-linux: 6.3 min
folly:x64-linux package ABI: ce6dd8349631a07b047b6242099b65accab633afe713705b0da435414bc119c2
Installing 2/6 fizz:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
Building fizz:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
-- Using cached facebookincubator-fizz-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/fizz/src/ Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source /home/miao/vcpkg/downloads/facebookincubator-fizz-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz
-- Applying patch fix-build.patch
-- Using source at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/fizz/src/
-- Found external ninja('1.11.1').
-- Configuring x64-linux
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/fizz_x64-linux/share/fizz/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 3.1 s.
Elapsed time to handle fizz:x64-linux: 2 min
fizz:x64-linux package ABI: 844ba8f534cdb73330de3ba6c4c7429635035d093395152a1bb7daeb4cd3f511
Installing 3/6 mvfst:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
Building mvfst:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
-- Using cached facebook-mvfst-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/mvfst/src/ Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source /home/miao/vcpkg/downloads/facebook-mvfst-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz
-- Using source at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/mvfst/src/
-- Found external ninja('1.11.1').
-- Configuring x64-linux
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/mvfst_x64-linux/share/mvfst/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 9.3 s.
Elapsed time to handle mvfst:x64-linux: 5.4 min
mvfst:x64-linux package ABI: 742b1e47a5108adac566ae4ad787e73fb4ac3d1dac7c0ab290056a8884ec8585
Installing 4/6 wangle:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
Building wangle:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
-- Using cached facebook-wangle-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/wangle/src/ Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source /home/miao/vcpkg/downloads/facebook-wangle-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz
-- Applying patch fix-config-cmake.patch
-- Applying patch fix_dependency.patch
-- Using source at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/wangle/src/
-- Found external ninja('1.11.1').
-- Configuring x64-linux
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/wangle_x64-linux/share/wangle/usage
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/wangle_x64-linux/share/wangle/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 2 s.
Elapsed time to handle wangle:x64-linux: 1.4 min
wangle:x64-linux package ABI: 25eecbd80463fb623b986e0a839d936bdb7ce84418cfbb122b7c6a18f9298da8
Installing 5/6 fbthrift:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
Building fbthrift:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
-- Using cached facebook-fbthrift-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/fbthrift/src/ Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source /home/miao/vcpkg/downloads/facebook-fbthrift-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz
-- Applying patch fix-glog.patch
-- Applying patch 0002-fix-dependency.patch
-- Using source at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/fbthrift/src/
-- Found external ninja('1.11.1').
-- Configuring x64-linux
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/fbthrift_x64-linux/share/fbthrift/copyright
-- Adjusted RPATH of '/home/miao/vcpkg/packages/fbthrift_x64-linux/tools/fbthrift/thrift1' (From '/home/miao/vcpkg/packages/fbthrift_x64-linux/lib' -> To '$ORIGIN:$ORIGIN/../../lib')
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 22 s.
Elapsed time to handle fbthrift:x64-linux: 16 min
fbthrift:x64-linux package ABI: 1bc7f81cd065c797e1272ed12b0d101f500ec31707185b183489f16e17224410
Installing 6/6 cachelib:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
Building cachelib:x64-linux@2024.04.15.00...
-- Using cached facebook-CacheLib-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/cachelib/src/ Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source /home/miao/vcpkg/downloads/facebook-CacheLib-v2024.04.15.00.tar.gz
-- Applying patch fix-build.patch
-- Applying patch fix-glog.patch
-- Using source at /home/miao/vcpkg/buildtrees/cachelib/src/
-- Found external ninja('1.11.1').
-- Configuring x64-linux
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Installing: /home/miao/vcpkg/packages/cachelib_x64-linux/share/cachelib/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 9.2 s.
Elapsed time to handle cachelib:x64-linux: 6.8 min
cachelib:x64-linux package ABI: eb476b6caf2174b1be9ef3564cc9ba66c4ca2bc11e44545b090f5e3349669704
Total install time: 38 min
cachelib provides CMake targets:

  # this is heuristically generated, and may not be correct
  find_package(cachelib CONFIG REQUIRED)
  # note: 2 additional targets are not displayed.
  target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE cachelib cachelib_shm cachelib_navy cachelib_common)
2024-04-25 09:17:39 -04:00
[mongo-c-driver][libbson] Update version to 1.26.2 (#38015)
<!-- If your PR fixes issues, please note that here by adding "Fixes
#NNNNNN." for each fixed issue on separate lines. -->
<!-- If you are still working on the PR, open it as a Draft: -->

<!-- If this PR updates an existing port, please uncomment and fill out
this checklist:-->

- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~~
- [ ] ~~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~~
- [ ] ~~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-04-09 12:02:30 -04:00
Petr Kobalicek
[minio-cpp] Update to 0.2.0 (#37990) 2024-04-05 14:12:28 -07:00
Kai Pastor
[mimalloc,vcpkg-ci-mimalloc] Fix exported usage, add test port (#37499)
Resolves #37489.
2024-03-22 16:28:56 -07:00
Cheney Wang
[mongo-cxx-driver] update to 3.10.1 (#37025) 2024-03-15 18:14:21 -07:00
Kai Pastor
Don't require vcpkg-msbuild for mingw (#37336)
Amends #33105 et al.

Ports selected by grep for vcpkg-msbuild in vcpkg.json && MINGW in
2024-03-11 20:33:15 -07:00
Alexander Neumann
[vcpkg-tool-meson] Update meson to 1.3.2 (#28084) 2024-03-11 14:09:15 -07:00
[mongo-c-driver][bson] Update to 1.26.1 (#37177)
Fix #37143.

### Checklist
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [x] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.

### Test
Port usage and features test pass with following triplets:
* x64-linux
* x64-windows
2024-03-11 13:25:15 -07:00
Jia Yue Hua
[mujs] update to 1.3.4 (#37306)
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-03-11 13:10:07 -07:00
Jia Yue Hua
[minizip-ng] update to 4.0.5 (#37300)
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-03-11 13:09:51 -07:00
Jia Yue Hua
[miniupnpc] update to 2.2.6 (#37299)
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-03-11 13:09:38 -07:00
Jia Yue Hua
[materialx] update to 1.38.9 (#37297)
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-03-11 13:09:25 -07:00
Jia Yue Hua
[marble] update to 24.02.0 (#37296)
- [X] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [X] SHA512s are updated for each updated download
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [X] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [X] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-03-11 13:09:10 -07:00
[matplotplusplus] update to 1.2.1 (#36906)
- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by this
new version.
- [ ] Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.
- [ ] Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the port's
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.
2024-02-27 00:36:12 -08:00
Vitalii Koshura
[mongoose] update to 7.13 (#36897)
Signed-off-by: Vitalii Koshura <>
2024-02-22 10:22:39 -08:00
[mongo-c-driver/libbson] Update to 1.26.0 (#36826)
Fixes #36776, update `mongo-c-driver` and `libbson` to 1.26.0.

All features are tested successfully in the following triplet:

The usage test passed on `x64-windows` (header files found):
mongo-c-driver provides CMake targets:

    find_package(mongoc-1.0 CONFIG REQUIRED)
    target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE $<IF:$<TARGET_EXISTS:mongo::mongoc_shared>,mongo::mongoc_shared,mongo::mongoc_static>)

- [x] Changes comply with the [maintainer
- [x] SHA512s are updated for each updated download.
- [ ] ~The "supports" clause reflects platforms that may be fixed by
this new version.~
- [ ] ~Any fixed [CI
entries are removed from that file.~
- [ ] ~Any patches that are no longer applied are deleted from the
port's directory.~
- [x] The version database is fixed by rerunning `./vcpkg x-add-version
--all` and committing the result.
- [x] Only one version is added to each modified port's versions file.


Co-authored-by: Monica <>
2024-02-21 10:23:24 -08:00
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Grimm
[minizip] regenerate version info (#36559) 2024-02-05 11:30:05 -08:00
[mapnik] fix deps (#36511) 2024-02-01 12:08:13 -08:00
Kevin Leonardic
[minizip-ng] Update to 4.0.4 (#36408) 2024-01-29 18:19:02 -08:00
Jia Yue Hua
[mbedtls] update to 2.28.7 (#36431)
* [mbedtls] update to 2.28.7

* [mbedtls] update to 2.28.7
2024-01-29 11:44:37 -08:00
[miniaudio] update to 0.11.21 (#36387) 2024-01-26 09:41:03 -08:00
Andréa Machizaud
[materialx] Add various features to control project options (#36015)
* [materialx] Add various features to control project options

* Revert "[materialx] Add various features to control project options"

This reverts commit 2ad6c708ca.

* [materialx] Add various features to control project options
2024-01-23 11:56:29 -08:00
Gubaydullin Nurislam
[mtlt] Add new port (#36105)
* add mtl library new port

* add mtl library new port

* add mtl library new port

* [mtl] new port

* Update version database

* Update version database

* Update version database

* Update ports/mtl/vcpkg.json

Co-authored-by: Kai Pastor <>

* Update ports/mtl/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: Kai Pastor <>

* add mlt-config.cmake autogen

* Update version database

* Quick Fix CE with MSVC compiler

* Update version database

* Update ports/mtl/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: Frank <>

* Update ports/mtl/usage

Co-authored-by: Frank <>

* Remove -DMTL-CMAKE-DIR macro because is not necessary

* Update version database

* Update ports/mtl/usage

Co-authored-by: Kai Pastor <>

* Update ports/mtl/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: Kai Pastor <>

* Update ports/mtl/portfile.cmake

Co-authored-by: Kai Pastor <>

* Update database version

* Remove white spaces and add line break

* Update database version

* end line

* version

* add new version of mtl

* Update database version

* Rename port name from mtl to mtlt (last 't' is tonitaga)

* Update database version

* Update database version


Co-authored-by: Kai Pastor <>
Co-authored-by: Frank <>
Co-authored-by: Frank <>
2024-01-19 12:00:27 -08:00
Alexander Neumann
[magma] add port (#35928)
* Add magma port

* fix patch

* no cmake config to fix

* deleted wrong dir

* mark magma fail in ci baseline

* v db

* fix Cflags

* v db


Co-authored-by: MonicaLiu <>
2024-01-17 15:50:19 -08:00
[mpg123] Support system dependency CFLAGS better (#36100)
2024-01-11 15:46:53 -08:00
Lily Wang
[vcpkg baseline][mongo-c-driver] Fix the race condition during CMake configure (#36099)
* [vcpkg baseline][mongo-c-driver] Fix the race condition during CMake configure

* update version

* update fix

* update version
2024-01-11 15:37:32 -08:00
jim wang
[mongo-c-driver] update to 1.25.4 (#36070)
* update to 1.25.4

* update version

* static

* update veresion
2024-01-09 10:40:59 -08:00
Jia Yue Hua
[folly,fizz,wangle,mvfst,proxygen,fbthrift] update to 2024.01.01.00 (#36027) 2024-01-05 13:24:54 -08:00
Add port ms-ifc-sdk (#35972)
Co-authored-by: friendlyanon <>
2024-01-03 18:04:42 -08:00
Bruce Mitchener
[meshoptimizer] Update to 0.20 (#35953) 2024-01-02 14:34:38 -08:00
jim wang
[mongo-c-driver] update to 1.25.2 (#35524) 2024-01-02 14:31:28 -08:00
Weihang Ding
[minifb] Bump to 2023-09-21 (#35857)
* [minifb] Bump to 2023-09-21

* Update version database
2023-12-27 23:59:16 -08:00
Kai Pastor
[mimalloc] Fix android, clarify usage (#35713) 2023-12-18 13:21:13 -08:00
[mlpack] update to 4.3.0 (#35675)
* update mlpack

* update version

* remove features

* update git-tree


Co-authored-by: Monica <>
2023-12-14 22:59:35 -08:00
Ómar Högni Guðmarsson
[mp-units] Update to version 2.1.0 (#35689)
* Update mp-units to 2.1.0

* vcpkg database update

* Patch updated

* Update database
2023-12-14 22:52:38 -08:00
Aleksei Shpakovskii
[ms-gsl] add license (#35086) 2023-12-07 12:22:39 -08:00
[vcpkg baseline][mongo-c-driver] fix mongo-c-driver when Python3 isn't on the PATH (#35521) 2023-12-06 21:26:10 -08:00
Kai Pastor
[freeglut,gl2ps,glui,mdl-sdk] Platform support corrections (#35391)
* [freeglut] Fix android

* [glui] android unsupported, needs GL/gl.h

* [gl2ps] android unsupported, needs GL/gl.h

* [libraw] Skip arm-neon-android CI, needs ftello

* [mdl-sdk] Update 'supports'

* Update ci.baseline.txt

* [gl2ps] freeglut not needed

* [mdl-sdk] Fix static-md
2023-12-01 02:13:18 -08:00
[magnum-plugins] fix build of features (#35246) 2023-11-29 01:05:51 -08:00
[moos-core] no uwp (#35255) 2023-11-22 13:37:43 -08:00
[magic-enum] update to 0.9.5 (#35162)
* [magic-enum] update to v0.9.5

* [magic-enum] update versions
2023-11-16 19:44:07 -08:00
jim wang
[mongo-cxx-driver] update to 3.9.0 (#34994)
* update to 3.9.0

* update version

* update libbson

* update version

* Fix static compilation issue

* update version

* patch

* update version

* patch

* update version
2023-11-16 16:52:43 -08:00
Jia Yue Hua
[mygui] update to 3.4.3 (#35103)
* [mygui] update to 3.4.3

* [mygui] update to 3.4.3
2023-11-14 17:09:28 -08:00
Viktor Chlumský
[msdfgen] Update to 1.11 (#35043) 2023-11-14 12:46:04 -08:00
[matio] update to 1.5.26 (#35067)
* [matio] update to 1.5.26

* [matio] update versions
2023-11-13 10:51:17 -08:00