* [openexr,openimageio,suitesparse,theia] updates for non-win32
* [theia] use only valid cmake symbols
* [suitesparse] Fix build
* [lapack] still not properly integrating with other ports
* [lapack] intercept cmake module calls and substitute them with our defs
* [suitesparse,clapack] fixes for proper integration
* [ceres,clapack] bump CONTROL
* [suitesparse] remove unnecessary defs
* [clapack] improve wrapper logic
* [WIN32] remove wrong symbol
* [clapack] fix wrapper integration
* [Accelerate] use best framework when available
* [clapack] separate config from wrapper
* [clapack] fix paths and filenames
* [mlpack,armadillo,clapack] improve library handling
* [mlpack] remove unnecessary cmake option
* [clp,coinutils,osi,liblemon] dependencies of openmvg, improve compatibility with non-win32
* [openmvg] fix for case-sensitive filesystems
* [clp,coinutils,osi] simplify CMakeLists removing many unnecessary steps
* [sophus] Force rebuild
* [theia] fixes for linux, part1
* [io2d] remove broken sintax
* [fontconfig] bump version to remove CI cached failure
* [theia] fixes for linux, part2
* [theia] remove unnecessary empty folders and comments from portfile
* [theia] use correct build type removing forced vars in cmakelists.txt
* [openmvg] add missing suitesparse target detection
* [sophus] fix Suitesparse dependency
* [sophus,openmvg] use suitesparse lowercase for module compatibility on case-sensitive filesystems
* [suitesparse] fixes for case-sensitive filesystems
* [openmvg] use correct Eigen3 name for case-sensitive filesystems
* [sophus] trigger rebuild
* [shogun] use modern vcpkg style
* [shogun] add missing cmake system processor symbol
Adds port for octomap within vcpkg. In the development branch many
CMake related changes occured since 1.8.1 which are quite
comfortable for vcpkg integration. Due to this fact for the moment
this package is based on commit
cefed0c1d79afafa5aeb05273cf1246b093b771c an should be migrated to the
next stable version shortly after release.
Signed-off-by: Tobias Kohlbau <tobias@kohlbau.de>