* [EAThread][EASTL] Added EAThread and modified EASTL
EABase has now also been seperated from EASTL.
EASTL now copies CommonCppFlags.cmake as it is used by EAThread.
* Fix EABase
* Fix EABASE include for EASTL
* Improve EASTL
Still need to fix
The /debug/lib/cmake folder should be merged with /lib/cmake into /share/eastl
Found 3 error(s). Please correct the portfile:
-- Performing post-build validation done
Error: Building package eastl:x64-windows-static failed with: POST_BUILD_CHECKS_FAILED
Please ensure you're using the latest portfiles with `.\vcpkg update`, then
submit an issue at https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/issues including:
Package: eastl:x64-windows-static
Vcpkg version: 2019.09.12-nohash
* Base pass one Thread
* Fix config errors and add `vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets`
* Add required changes for fails
* x86-windows should also fail
* Revert adding `vcpkg_fail_port_install(ON_TARGET "Windows" ...)`
* Remove `eastl:arm64-windows=fail` from ci.baseline.txt
* Merge CONTROL descriptions into one line
* Updates 2019.03.29
* Undo changes to 4 ports(rocksdb tbb thrift uwebsockets) due to failures
* [folly] Fix target files in debug mode
* Undo glog changes since it caused sophus openmvg and cartographer failures
* Undo Folly changes since it cause wangle failed
* Undo Folly portfile