* Select fastest available FFT library depending on the platform
* Update to rubberband 3.2.1
* Also added arm64 in the portfile.cmake condition to match arm in the vcpkg.json
* Use FFTW backend on x86_windows due to Microsoft Visual Studio bug
* add port for `rubberband`
[rubberband](https://www.breakfastquay.com/rubberband/) is a small
library for stretching sounds.
This is the minimal portfile to make vcpkg happy, but probably still
needs some improvement, i.e. not picking up system libraries.
* [rubberband] Update to 2.0.2
* [rubberband] remove lv2 feature, because the install location is out of the vcpkg install tree
* [rubberband] Remove vcpkg_cmake_get_vars dependency
* [rubberband] Disable static builds on windows because of broken libsndfile dependency
Co-authored-by: Daniel Reuter <daniel.robin.reuter@googlemail.com>