* improvement: has oatpp package
* [oatpp] includes _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS compile-time flag
* [oatpp] no curl submodule (until it catches up with core)
* [oatpp] now version 0.19.11. Still no libretls module because of libretls3.0 dependency.
* no accidentally added debug messages in vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake
* [oatpp] no empty depends line in CONTROL file
* [oatpp] no dump_variables() function in portfile.cmake
* [oatpp] no wwrning that only static libraries are supported
* [oatpp] uses vcpkg_check_linkage(ONLY_STATIC_LIBRARY) call
* [oatpp] curl submodule does not rely on pkg-config
* [oatpp] curl-submodule-no-pkg-config-in-vcpkg works on linux and windows
* [oatpp] portfile cleaned up
* [oatpp] no carriage returns in patch
* [oatpp]: split modules into their own ports
* [oatpp-libressl]: remove variable dump
* [libressl]: has check for UWP and ARM restored
* [libressl]: has check for UWP and ARM restored
* [libressl]: has check for UWP and ARM restored
* [oatpp-libressl]: builds if libressl works
* [oatpp]: version 1.0.0
* [oatpp]: no "Building ..." message
Co-authored-by: heymamd1 <Michael.Heyman@jhuapl.edu>