* [cpuinfo] update to latest
* use official support of CMake find_package
* [cpuinfo] update triplet support
* [nnpack] fix cpuinfo usage
* [qnnpack] fix cpuinfo usage
* [fbgemm] fix cpuinfo usage
* [xnnpack] fix cpuinfo usage
* [cpuinfo] add license
* [nnpack] port license/dependencies
* [qnnpack] port license
* [xnnpack] port license
* [fbgemm] port license
* fix supports
* I think this should work?
* alright, arm&windows is unsupported... for now
Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <mazzucan@outlook.com>
* Bulk remove vcpkg_fail_port_install calls.
Interesting ones have been split out into separate reviews, where "interesting" means "anything more than just deleting the call to vcpkg_fail_port_install",
In support of https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/21502
* Update version database.
* Revert google benchmark changes already submitted as https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/22728
* Repair version database.
* [fbgemm] fix find_package
* install internal header for pytorch
* [fbgemm] remove GPU feature
* The source requires ATen and some other libraries ...
* [fbgemm] create a new port
* [fbgemm] patch for latest asmjit
* [fbgemm] fix wrong install for Windows
* update baseline and port SHA
* [fbgemm] make PythonInterp required
* [fbgemm] check PythonInterp in portfile.cmake
* [fbgemm] use Python instead of PythonInterp
* [fbgemm] use vcpkg_find_acquire_program for python3
* [fbgemm] update patches
* remove /MT /MD customization
* remove deprecated warnings for asmjit
* [fbgemm] update "supports"
* uwp can't be supported with cpuinfo link failure
* x86 SIMD may become available in future update
* [fbgemm] apply PR feedback
* [fbgemm] update to latest code
* removed asmjit related patch files
* [fbgemm] update version files