# The ANGLE vcpkg port The ANGLE port's buildsystem is based off of [WebKit's approach](https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/tree/main/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE) to converting ANGLE's buildsystem to CMake. Details: - `cmake-buildsystem/CMakeLists.txt` - This is an augmented version of WebKit's [CMakeLists.txt](https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/blob/main/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/CMakeLists.txt), with vcpkg edits and additions. - `cmake-buildsystem/*.cmake` - These are configuration files based on [WebKit's approach](https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/tree/main/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE), but customized for vcpkg (and using `PlatformLinux` instead of `PlatformGTK`) ## Updating the ANGLE vcpkg port 1. Select a new ANGLE version Recommendation: Follow the recommendations in the libANGLE "[Choosing an ANGLE branch](https://github.com/google/angle/blob/master/doc/ChoosingANGLEBranch.md#matching-a-chromium-release-to-an-angle-branch)" guide, and find the branch that matches the current Chromium Stable. 2. [Find the branch](https://github.com/google/angle/branches) (usually `chromium/`) and latest commit on that branch, and update the following variables in `portfile.cmake`: - `ANGLE_COMMIT` - `ANGLE_VERSION` - `ANGLE_SHA512` 3. Check the `DEPS` file at that ANGLE commit, for the commit used in `'third_party/zlib'`, and update `ANGLE_THIRDPARTY_ZLIB_COMMIT` in `portfile.cmake` if necessary. 4. Attempt to build. You may have to tweak the `CMakeLists.txt`, `Platform*.cmake` files, etc. Check with the latest files in [WebKit's repo](https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/tree/main/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE) to see if any updates need to be ported to the vcpkg's custom files. You might also need to change the `ANGLE_WEBKIT_BUILDSYSTEM_COMMIT` in the portfile (although this should theoretically need updating less frequently). 5. Check headers against `opengl-registry` - make sure headers are similar. > angle defines some additional entrypoints. > opengl-registry should be latest before updating angle 6. Complete all the other normal steps in the [Maintainer Guide](/docs/maintainers/maintainer-guide.md)