# vcpkg_install_copyright The latest version of this document lives in the [vcpkg repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/maintainers/vcpkg_install_copyright.md). Merges multiple copyright files into a single file and install it. Installs a single copyright file. ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_install_copyright(FILE_LIST ... [COMMENT]) ``` ## Parameters ### FILE_LIST Specifies a list of license files with absolute paths. You must provide at least one file. ### COMMENT This optional parameter adds a comment before at the top of the file. ## Notes This function creates a file called `copyright` inside `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}` If more than one file is provided, this function concatenates the contents of multiple copyright files to a single file. The resulting `copyright` file looks similar to this: ``` LICENSE-LGPL2.txt: Lorem ipsum dolor... LICENSE-MIT.txt: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... ``` Or with `COMMENT`: ``` A meaningful comment LICENSE-LGPL2.txt: Lorem ipsum dolor... LICENSE-MIT.txt: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... ``` ## Examples ```cmake vcpkg_install_copyright(FILE_LIST "${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE/license.md" "${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE/license_gpl.md" COMMENT "This is a comment") ``` You can also collect the required files using a `GLOB` pattern: ```cmake file(GLOB LICENSE_FILES "${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSES/*") vcpkg_install_copyright(FILE_LIST ${LICENSE_FILES}) ``` ## Source [vcpkg_install_copyright.md](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/scripts/cmake/vcpkg_install_copyright.cmake)