[CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$tool ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $scriptsDir = split-path -parent $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition . "$scriptsDir\VcpkgPowershellUtils.ps1" Write-Verbose "Fetching tool: $tool" $vcpkgRootDir = vcpkgFindFileRecursivelyUp $scriptsDir .vcpkg-root $downloadsDir = "$vcpkgRootDir\downloads" vcpkgCreateDirectoryIfNotExists $downloadsDir function fetchToolInternal([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$tool) { $tool = $tool.toLower() [xml]$asXml = Get-Content "$scriptsDir\vcpkgTools.xml" $toolData = $asXml.SelectSingleNode("//tools/tool[@name=`"$tool`"]") # Case-sensitive! if ($toolData -eq $null) { throw "Unkown tool $tool" } $toolPath="$downloadsDir\tools\$tool-$($toolData.requiredVersion)-windows" $exePath = "$toolPath\$($toolData.exeRelativePath)" if (Test-Path $exePath) { return $exePath } $isArchive = vcpkgHasProperty -object $toolData -propertyName "archiveRelativePath" if ($isArchive) { $downloadPath = "$downloadsDir\$($toolData.archiveRelativePath)" } else { $downloadPath = "$toolPath\$($toolData.exeRelativePath)" } [String]$url = $toolData.url if (!(Test-Path $downloadPath)) { Write-Host "Downloading $tool..." # aria2 needs 7zip & 7zr to extract. So, we need to download those trough powershell if ($tool -eq "aria2" -or $tool -eq "7zip" -or $tool -eq "7zr") { vcpkgDownloadFile $url $downloadPath } else { $aria2exe = fetchToolInternal "aria2" vcpkgDownloadFileWithAria2 $aria2exe $url $downloadPath } Write-Host "Downloading $tool... done." } $expectedDownloadedFileHash = $toolData.sha256 $downloadedFileHash = vcpkgGetSHA256 $downloadPath vcpkgCheckEqualFileHash -filePath $downloadPath -expectedHash $expectedDownloadedFileHash -actualHash $downloadedFileHash if ($isArchive) { Write-Host "Extracting $tool..." if ($tool -eq "7zip") { $sevenZipR = fetchToolInternal "7zr" $ec = vcpkgInvokeCommand "$sevenZipR" "x `"$downloadPath`" -o`"$toolPath`" -y" if ($ec -ne 0) { Write-Host "Could not extract $downloadPath" throw } } else { $sevenZipExe = fetchToolInternal "7zip" vcpkgExtractFile -sevenZipExe "$sevenZipExe" -ArchivePath $downloadPath -DestinationDir $toolPath } Write-Host "Extracting $tool... done." } if (-not (Test-Path $exePath)) { Write-Error "Could not detect or download $tool" throw } return $exePath } $path = fetchToolInternal $tool Write-Verbose "Fetching tool: $tool. Done." return "::$path::"