## # vcpkg_clean_executables_in_bin ## ## Remove specified executables found in `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin` and `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin`. If, after all specified executables have been removed, and the `bin` and `debug/bin` directories are empty, then also delete `bin` and `debug/bin` directories. ## ## ## Usage ## ```cmake ## vcpkg_clean_executables_in_bin( ## FILE_NAMES ... ## ) ## ``` ## ## ## Parameters ## ### FILE_NAMES ## A list of executable filenames without extension. ## ## ## Notes ## Generally, there is no need to call this function manually. Instead, pass an extra `AUTO_CLEAN` argument when calling `vcpkg_copy_tools`. ## ## ## Examples ## * [czmq](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/czmq/portfile.cmake) function(vcpkg_clean_executables_in_bin) # parse parameters such that semicolons in options arguments to COMMAND don't get erased cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 _vct "" "" "FILE_NAMES") if(NOT DEFINED _vct_FILE_NAMES) message(FATAL_ERROR "FILE_NAMES must be specified.") endif() foreach(file_name IN LISTS _vct_FILE_NAMES) file(REMOVE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin/${file_name}${VCPKG_TARGET_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin/${file_name}${VCPKG_TARGET_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin/${file_name}.pdb" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin/${file_name}.pdb" ) endforeach() function(try_remove_empty_directory directory) if(NOT EXISTS "${directory}") return() endif() if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${directory}") message(FATAL_ERROR "${directory} is supposed to be an existing directory.") endif() # TODO: # For an empty directory, # file(GLOB items "${directory}" "${directory}/*") # will return a list with one item. file(GLOB items "${directory}/" "${directory}/*") list(LENGTH items items_count) if(${items_count} EQUAL 0) file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${directory}") endif() endfunction() try_remove_empty_directory("${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin") try_remove_empty_directory("${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin") endfunction()