[CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$SourcesRef, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$PortDirectory = $PSScriptRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$vcpkg = "$PSScriptRoot/../../vcpkg" ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $ManifestIn = "$PortDirectory/vcpkg.in.json" $ManifestOut = "$PortDirectory/vcpkg.json" $CMakeFragmentFile = "$PortDirectory/compute_build_only.cmake" $ExtractedSources = "${env:TEMP}/aws-sdk-cpp-generateFeatures-$SourcesRef" if (-not (Test-Path $ExtractedSources)) { if (Test-Path "$ExtractedSources.tmp") { Remove-Item -Force "$ExtractedSources.tmp" } git clone "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-cpp" "$ExtractedSources.tmp" | Out-Host git -c "$ExtractedSources.tmp" checkout $SourcesRef Move-Item "$ExtractedSources.tmp" "$ExtractedSources" } Write-Host "Using sources directory: $ExtractedSources" $subfolders = Get-ChildItem -Path "$ExtractedSources\generated\src\aws-cpp-sdk-*", "$ExtractedSources\src\aws-cpp-sdk*" | Sort-Object -Property Name $manifest = Get-Content $ManifestIn | ConvertFrom-Json $manifest | Add-Member ` -NotePropertyName '$note' ` -NotePropertyValue 'Automatically generated by generateFeatures.ps1' $manifest | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'features' -NotePropertyValue @{} $cmakefragmenttext = @("# Automatically generated by generateFeatures.ps1") function GetDescription($dir, $modulename) { if (Test-Path "$dir\CMakeLists.txt") { $descs = @(Select-String -Path "$dir\CMakeLists.txt" -Pattern "`"C\+\+ SDK for the AWS [^`"]*`"") if ($descs.count -eq 1) { $desc = $descs[0].Matches.Value -replace "`"","" "$desc" } else { "C++ SDK for the AWS $modulename service" } } else { "C++ SDK for the AWS $modulename service" } } $featureDependencies = @{} Select-String -Path "$ExtractedSources\cmake\sdksCommon.cmake" -Pattern "list\(APPEND SDK_DEPENDENCY_LIST `"([\w-]+):([\w-,]+)`"\)" -AllMatches ` | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } ` | ForEach-Object { $featureDependencies[$_.Groups[1].Value] = @($_.Groups[2].Value -split "," ` | Where-Object { $_ -ne "core" }) } foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) { $modulename = $subfolder.name -replace "^aws-cpp-sdk-","" if ($modulename -match "-tests`$") { continue } if ($modulename -match "-sample`$") { continue } if ($modulename -eq "core") { continue } $lowermodulename = $modulename.ToLower() $featureObj = @{ description = (GetDescription $subfolder $modulename) } if ($featureDependencies.ContainsKey($lowermodulename)) { $featureObj.dependencies = ,@{ name = "aws-sdk-cpp"; "default-features" = $false; "features" = $featureDependencies[$lowermodulename] } } $manifest.features.Add("$lowermodulename", $featureObj) $cmakefragmenttext += @( "if(`"$lowermodulename`" IN_LIST FEATURES)", " list(APPEND BUILD_ONLY $modulename)", "endif()" ) } [IO.File]::WriteAllText($ManifestOut, (ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -InputObject $manifest)) Write-Verbose ($cmakefragmenttext -join "`n") [IO.File]::WriteAllText($CMakeFragmentFile, ($cmakefragmenttext -join "`n") +"`n") & $vcpkg format-manifest --feature-flags=-manifests $ManifestOut