vcpkg_download_distfile(ARCHIVE URLS "${VERSION}.zip" FILENAME "shapelib-${VERSION}.zip" SHA512 50859bbd1ea8808aa06cd112cc16cc77c1bd29d93129180818a5ea3a753b63de4039f232d1d9f13ebd7d076e427d10036e5f00775e633eb637da511625fa29bb ) vcpkg_extract_source_archive( SOURCE_PATH ARCHIVE "${ARCHIVE}" ) vcpkg_check_features(OUT_FEATURE_OPTIONS options FEATURES contrib BUILD_SHAPELIB_CONTRIB tools BUILD_APPS ) vcpkg_cmake_configure( SOURCE_PATH "${SOURCE_PATH}" OPTIONS ${options} -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DUSE_RPATH=OFF ) vcpkg_cmake_install() vcpkg_copy_pdbs() vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup() vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig() file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/share") if(BUILD_APPS) vcpkg_copy_tools( TOOL_NAMES dbfadd dbfcreate dbfdump shpadd shpcreate shpdump shprewind shptreedump AUTO_CLEAN ) endif() if(BUILD_SHAPELIB_CONTRIB) vcpkg_copy_tools( TOOL_NAMES csv2shp dbfcat dbfinfo Shape_PointInPoly shpcat shpcentrd shpdata shpdxf shpfix shpinfo shpsort shpwkb AUTO_CLEAN ) endif() vcpkg_install_copyright( FILE_LIST "${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE-LGPL" "${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE-MIT" # Cf. web/license.html COMMENT [[ The core portions of the library are made available under two possible licenses. The licensee can choose to use the code under either the Library GNU Public License described in LICENSE-LGPL or under the MIT license described in LICENSE-MIT. Some auxiliary portions of Shapelib, notably some of the components in the contrib directory come under slightly different license restrictions. Check the source files that you are actually using for conditions. ]])