# vcpkg_cmake_build **The latest version of this document lives in the [vcpkg repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/maintainers/vcpkg_cmake_build.md).** Build a cmake project with a custom install target. Conventionally, CMake uses the target `install` to build and copy binaries into the [`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.html). In rare circumstances, a project might have more specific targets that should be used instead. Ports should prefer calling [`vcpkg_cmake_install()`](vcpkg_cmake_install.md) when possible. ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_cmake_build( [TARGET ] [LOGFILE_BASE ] [DISABLE_PARALLEL] [ADD_BIN_TO_PATH] ) ``` To use this function, you must depend on the helper port [`vcpkg-cmake`](ports/vcpkg-cmake.md): ```no-highlight "dependencies": [ { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true } ] ``` ## Parameters All supported parameters to [`vcpkg_cmake_install()`] are supported by `vcpkg_cmake_build()`. See [`vcpkg_cmake_install()`] for additional parameter documentation. [`vcpkg_cmake_install()`]: vcpkg_cmake_install.md#parameters ### TARGET The CMake target to build. If this parameter is not passed, no target will be passed to the build. ### LOGFILE_BASE An alternate root name for the logs. Defaults to `build-${TARGET_TRIPLET}`. It should not contain any path separators. Logs will be generated matching the pattern `${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${LOGFILE_BASE}-.log` ## Examples ```cmake vcpkg_from_github(OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path ...) vcpkg_cmake_configure( SOURCE_PATH "${source_path}" OPTIONS -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF ) vcpkg_cmake_build(TARGET my.install.target) ``` [Search microsoft/vcpkg for Examples](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/search?q=vcpkg_cmake_build+path%3A%2Fports) ## Remarks This command replaces [`vcpkg_build_cmake()`](vcpkg_build_cmake.md). ## Source [ports/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg\_cmake\_build.cmake](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_build.cmake)