function(z_vcpkg_check_hash result file_path sha512) file(SHA512 "${file_path}" file_hash) string(TOLOWER "${sha512}" sha512_lower) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${file_hash}" "${sha512_lower}" hash_match) set("${result}" "${hash_match}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(z_vcpkg_download_distfile_test_hash file_path kind error_advice sha512 skip_sha512) if(_VCPKG_INTERNAL_NO_HASH_CHECK) # When using the internal hash skip, do not output an explicit message. return() endif() if(skip_sha512) message(STATUS "Skipping hash check for ${file_path}.") return() endif() set(hash_match OFF) z_vcpkg_check_hash(hash_match "${file_path}" "${sha512}") if(NOT hash_match) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nFile does not have expected hash:\n" " File path: [ ${file_path} ]\n" " Expected hash: [ ${sha512} ]\n" " Actual hash: [ ${file_hash} ]\n" "${error_advice}\n") endif() endfunction() function(z_vcpkg_download_distfile_show_proxy_and_fail error_code) message(FATAL_ERROR " \n" " Failed to download file with error: ${error_code}\n" " If you are using a proxy, please check your proxy setting. Possible causes are:\n" " \n" " 1. You are actually using an HTTP proxy, but setting HTTPS_PROXY variable\n" " to `https://address:port`. This is not correct, because `https://` prefix\n" " claims the proxy is an HTTPS proxy, while your proxy (v2ray, shadowsocksr\n" " , etc..) is an HTTP proxy. Try setting `http://address:port` to both\n" " HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY instead.\n" " \n" " 2. If you are using Windows, vcpkg will automatically use your Windows IE Proxy Settings\n" " set by your proxy software. See\n" " The value set by your proxy might be wrong, or have same `https://` prefix issue.\n" " \n" " 3. Your proxy's remote server is out of service.\n" " \n" " If you've tried directly download the link, and believe this is not a temporary\n" " download server failure, please submit an issue at\n" " to report this upstream download server failure.\n" " \n") endfunction() function(z_vcpkg_download_distfile_via_aria) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "SKIP_SHA512" "FILENAME;SHA512" "URLS;HEADERS" ) message(STATUS "Downloading ${arg_FILENAME}...") vcpkg_list(SET headers_param) foreach(header IN LISTS arg_HEADERS) vcpkg_list(APPEND headers_param "--header=${header}") endforeach() foreach(URL IN LISTS arg_URLS) debug_message("Download Command: ${ARIA2} ${URL} -o temp/${filename} -l download-${filename}-detailed.log ${headers_param}") vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${ARIA2} ${URL} -o temp/${arg_FILENAME} -l download-${arg_FILENAME}-detailed.log ${headers_param} OUTPUT_FILE download-${arg_FILENAME}-out.log ERROR_FILE download-${arg_FILENAME}-err.log RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DOWNLOADS}" ) if ("${error_code}" STREQUAL "0") break() endif() endforeach() if (NOT "${error_code}" STREQUAL "0") message(STATUS "Downloading ${arg_FILENAME}... Failed.\n" " Exit Code: ${error_code}\n" " See logs for more information:\n" " ${DOWNLOADS}/download-${arg_FILENAME}-out.log\n" " ${DOWNLOADS}/download-${arg_FILENAME}-err.log\n" " ${DOWNLOADS}/download-${arg_FILENAME}-detailed.log\n" ) z_vcpkg_download_distfile_show_proxy_and_fail("${error_code}") else() z_vcpkg_download_distfile_test_hash( "${DOWNLOADS}/temp/${arg_FILENAME}" "downloaded file" "The file may have been corrupted in transit." "${arg_SHA512}" ${arg_SKIP_SHA512} ) file(REMOVE ${DOWNLOADS}/download-${arg_FILENAME}-out.log ${DOWNLOADS}/download-${arg_FILENAME}-err.log ${DOWNLOADS}/download-${arg_FILENAME}-detailed.log ) get_filename_component(downloaded_file_dir "${downloaded_file_path}" DIRECTORY) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${downloaded_file_dir}") file(RENAME "${DOWNLOADS}/temp/${arg_FILENAME}" "${downloaded_file_path}") endif() endfunction() function(vcpkg_download_distfile out_var) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "SKIP_SHA512;SILENT_EXIT;QUIET;ALWAYS_REDOWNLOAD" "FILENAME;SHA512" "URLS;HEADERS" ) if(NOT DEFINED arg_URLS) message(FATAL_ERROR "vcpkg_download_distfile requires a URLS argument.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED arg_FILENAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "vcpkg_download_distfile requires a FILENAME argument.") endif() if(arg_SILENT_EXIT) message(WARNING "SILENT_EXIT has been deprecated as an argument to vcpkg_download_distfile -- remove the argument to resolve this warning") endif() if(arg_ALWAYS_REDOWNLOAD AND NOT arg_SKIP_SHA512) message(FATAL_ERROR "ALWAYS_REDOWNLOAD option requires SKIP_SHA512 as well") endif() if(NOT arg_SKIP_SHA512 AND NOT DEFINED arg_SHA512) message(FATAL_ERROR "vcpkg_download_distfile requires a SHA512 argument. If you do not know the SHA512, add it as 'SHA512 0' and re-run this command.") elseif(arg_SKIP_SHA512 AND DEFINED arg_SHA512) message(FATAL_ERROR "vcpkg_download_distfile must not be passed both SHA512 and SKIP_SHA512.") endif() if(_VCPKG_INTERNAL_NO_HASH_CHECK) set(arg_SKIP_SHA512 1) endif() if(NOT arg_SKIP_SHA512) if("${arg_SHA512}" STREQUAL "0") string(REPEAT 0 128 arg_SHA512) else() string(LENGTH "${arg_SHA512}" arg_SHA512_length) if(NOT "${arg_SHA512_length}" EQUAL "128" OR NOT "${arg_SHA512}" MATCHES "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid SHA512: ${arg_SHA512}. If you do not know the file's SHA512, set this to \"0\".") endif() endif() endif() set(downloaded_file_path "${DOWNLOADS}/${arg_FILENAME}") if(EXISTS "${downloaded_file_path}" AND NOT arg_SKIP_SHA512) set(hash_match OFF) z_vcpkg_check_hash(hash_match "${downloaded_file_path}" "${arg_SHA512}") if(NOT hash_match) get_filename_component(filename_component "${arg_FILENAME}" NAME_WE) get_filename_component(extension_component "${arg_FILENAME}" EXT) get_filename_component(directory_component "${arg_FILENAME}" DIRECTORY) string(SUBSTRING "${arg_SHA512}" 0 8 hash) set(arg_FILENAME "${directory_component}${filename_component}-${hash}${extension_component}") set(downloaded_file_path "${DOWNLOADS}/${arg_FILENAME}") endif() endif() set(download_file_path_part "${DOWNLOADS}/temp/${arg_FILENAME}") # Works around issue #3399 # Delete "temp0" directory created by the old version of vcpkg file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${DOWNLOADS}/temp0") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${DOWNLOADS}/temp") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${DOWNLOADS}/temp") # check if file with same name already exists in downloads if(EXISTS "${downloaded_file_path}" AND NOT arg_ALWAYS_REDOWNLOAD) set(advice_message "The cached file SHA512 doesn't match. The file may have been corrupted.") if(_VCPKG_NO_DOWNLOADS) string(APPEND advice_message " Downloads are disabled please provide a valid file at path ${downloaded_file_path} and retry.") else() string(APPEND advice_message " To re-download this file please delete cached file at path ${downloaded_file_path} and retry.") endif() z_vcpkg_download_distfile_test_hash( "${downloaded_file_path}" "cached file" "${advice_message}" "${arg_SHA512}" "${arg_SKIP_SHA512}" ) if(NOT vcpkg_download_distfile_QUIET) message(STATUS "Using cached ${arg_FILENAME}.") endif() # Suppress the "Downloading ${arg_URLS} -> ${arg_FILENAME}..." message set(vcpkg_download_distfile_QUIET TRUE) endif() # vcpkg_download_distfile_ALWAYS_REDOWNLOAD only triggers when NOT _VCPKG_NO_DOWNLOADS # this could be de-morgan'd out but it's more clear this way if(_VCPKG_NO_DOWNLOADS) if(NOT EXISTS "${downloaded_file_path}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Downloads are disabled, but '${downloaded_file_path}' does not exist.") endif() set("${out_var}" "${downloaded_file_path}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() if(NOT arg_DISABLE_ARIA2 AND _VCPKG_DOWNLOAD_TOOL STREQUAL "ARIA2" AND NOT EXISTS "${downloaded_file_path}") if (arg_SKIP_SHA512) set(OPTION_SKIP_SHA512 "SKIP_SHA512") endif() z_vcpkg_download_distfile_via_aria( "${OPTION_SKIP_SHA512}" FILENAME "${arg_FILENAME}" SHA512 "${arg_SHA512}" URLS "${arg_URLS}" HEADERS "${arg_HEADERS}" ) set("${out_var}" "${downloaded_file_path}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() vcpkg_list(SET urls_param) foreach(url IN LISTS arg_URLS) vcpkg_list(APPEND urls_param "--url=${url}") endforeach() if(NOT vcpkg_download_distfile_QUIET) message(STATUS "Downloading ${arg_URLS} -> ${arg_FILENAME}...") endif() vcpkg_list(SET headers_param) foreach(header IN LISTS arg_HEADERS) list(APPEND headers_param "--header=${header}") endforeach() if(arg_SKIP_SHA512) vcpkg_list(SET sha512_param "--skip-sha512") else() vcpkg_list(SET sha512_param "--sha512=${arg_SHA512}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${downloaded_file_path}" OR arg_ALWAYS_REDOWNLOAD) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND "$ENV{VCPKG_COMMAND}" x-download "${downloaded_file_path}" ${sha512_param} ${urls_param} ${headers_param} --debug --feature-flags=-manifests # there's a bug in vcpkg x-download when it finds a manifest-root OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ERROR_VARIABLE output RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DOWNLOADS}" ) if(NOT "${error_code}" EQUAL "0") message("${output}") z_vcpkg_download_distfile_show_proxy_and_fail("${error_code}") endif() endif() set("${out_var}" "${downloaded_file_path}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()