#include "pch.h" #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include "vcpkg_Checks.h" namespace vcpkg::System { fs::path get_exe_path_of_current_process() { wchar_t buf[_MAX_PATH]; int bytes = GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, buf, _MAX_PATH); if (bytes == 0) std::abort(); return fs::path(buf, buf + bytes); } int cmd_execute_clean(const CWStringView cmd_line) { static const std::wstring system_root = get_environmental_variable(L"SystemRoot").value_or_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); static const std::wstring system_32 = system_root + LR"(\system32)"; static const std::wstring new_PATH = Strings::wformat(LR"(Path=%s;%s;%s\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\)", system_32, system_root, system_32); std::vector env_wstrings = { L"ALLUSERSPROFILE", L"APPDATA", L"CommonProgramFiles", L"CommonProgramFiles(x86)", L"CommonProgramW6432", L"COMPUTERNAME", L"ComSpec", L"HOMEDRIVE", L"HOMEPATH", L"LOCALAPPDATA", L"LOGONSERVER", L"NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", L"OS", L"PATHEXT", L"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE", L"PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER", L"PROCESSOR_LEVEL", L"PROCESSOR_REVISION", L"ProgramData", L"ProgramFiles", L"ProgramFiles(x86)", L"ProgramW6432", L"PROMPT", L"PSModulePath", L"PUBLIC", L"SystemDrive", L"SystemRoot", L"TEMP", L"TMP", L"USERDNSDOMAIN", L"USERDOMAIN", L"USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE", L"USERNAME", L"USERPROFILE", L"windir", // Enables proxy information to be passed to Curl, the underlying download library in cmake.exe L"HTTP_PROXY", L"HTTPS_PROXY", // Enables find_package(CUDA) in CMake L"CUDA_PATH", }; // Flush stdout before launching external process _flushall(); std::vector env_cstr; env_cstr.reserve(env_wstrings.size() + 2); for (auto&& env_wstring : env_wstrings) { const Optional value = System::get_environmental_variable(env_wstring); auto v = value.get(); if (!v || v->empty()) continue; env_wstring.push_back(L'='); env_wstring.append(*v); env_cstr.push_back(env_wstring.c_str()); } env_cstr.push_back(new_PATH.c_str()); env_cstr.push_back(nullptr); // Basically we are wrapping it in quotes const std::wstring& actual_cmd_line = Strings::wformat(LR"###("%s")###", cmd_line); auto exit_code = _wspawnlpe(_P_WAIT, L"cmd.exe", L"cmd.exe", L"/c", actual_cmd_line.c_str(), nullptr, env_cstr.data()); return static_cast(exit_code); } int cmd_execute(const CWStringView cmd_line) { // Flush stdout before launching external process _flushall(); // Basically we are wrapping it in quotes const std::wstring& actual_cmd_line = Strings::wformat(LR"###("%s")###", cmd_line); int exit_code = _wsystem(actual_cmd_line.c_str()); return exit_code; } ExitCodeAndOutput cmd_execute_and_capture_output(const CWStringView cmd_line) { // Flush stdout before launching external process fflush(stdout); const std::wstring& actual_cmd_line = Strings::wformat(LR"###("%s 2>&1")###", cmd_line); std::string output; char buf[1024]; auto pipe = _wpopen(actual_cmd_line.c_str(), L"r"); if (pipe == nullptr) { return { 1, output }; } while (fgets(buf, 1024, pipe)) { output.append(buf); } if (!feof(pipe)) { return { 1, output }; } auto ec = _pclose(pipe); return { ec, output }; } std::wstring create_powershell_script_cmd(const fs::path& script_path, const CWStringView args) { // TODO: switch out ExecutionPolicy Bypass with "Remove Mark Of The Web" code and restore RemoteSigned return Strings::wformat(LR"(powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {& '%s' %s}")", script_path.native(), args); } void print(const CStringView message) { fputs(message, stdout); } void println(const CStringView message) { print(message); putchar('\n'); } void print(const Color c, const CStringView message) { HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO consoleScreenBufferInfo{}; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &consoleScreenBufferInfo); auto original_color = consoleScreenBufferInfo.wAttributes; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, static_cast(c) | (original_color & 0xF0)); print(message); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, original_color); } void println(const Color c, const CStringView message) { print(c, message); putchar('\n'); } Optional get_environmental_variable(const CWStringView varname) noexcept { auto sz = GetEnvironmentVariableW(varname, nullptr, 0); if (sz == 0) return nullopt; std::wstring ret(sz, L'\0'); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, MAXDWORD >= ret.size()); auto sz2 = GetEnvironmentVariableW(varname, ret.data(), static_cast(ret.size())); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, sz2 + 1 == sz); ret.pop_back(); return ret; } static bool is_string_keytype(DWORD hkey_type) { return hkey_type == REG_SZ || hkey_type == REG_MULTI_SZ || hkey_type == REG_EXPAND_SZ; } Optional get_registry_string(HKEY base, const CWStringView subKey, const CWStringView valuename) { HKEY k = nullptr; LSTATUS ec = RegOpenKeyExW(base, subKey, NULL, KEY_READ, &k); if (ec != ERROR_SUCCESS) return nullopt; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; auto rc = RegQueryValueExW(k, valuename, nullptr, &dwType, nullptr, &dwBufferSize); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS || !is_string_keytype(dwType) || dwBufferSize == 0 || dwBufferSize % sizeof(wchar_t) != 0) return nullopt; std::wstring ret; ret.resize(dwBufferSize / sizeof(wchar_t)); rc = RegQueryValueExW(k, valuename, nullptr, &dwType, reinterpret_cast(ret.data()), &dwBufferSize); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS || !is_string_keytype(dwType) || dwBufferSize != sizeof(wchar_t) * ret.size()) return nullopt; ret.pop_back(); // remove extra trailing null byte return ret; } static const fs::path& get_ProgramFiles() { static const fs::path p = System::get_environmental_variable(L"PROGRAMFILES").value_or_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); return p; } const fs::path& get_ProgramFiles_32_bit() { static const fs::path p = []() -> fs::path { auto value = System::get_environmental_variable(L"ProgramFiles(x86)"); if (auto v = value.get()) { return std::move(*v); } return get_ProgramFiles(); }(); return p; } const fs::path& get_ProgramFiles_platform_bitness() { static const fs::path p = []() -> fs::path { auto value = System::get_environmental_variable(L"ProgramW6432"); if (auto v = value.get()) { return std::move(*v); } return get_ProgramFiles(); }(); return p; } }