#[===[.md: # vcpkg_backup_restore_env_vars Backup or restore the environment variables ## Usage: ```cmake vcpkg_backup_env_variables(VARS [...]) vcpkg_restore_env_variables(VARS [...]) ``` ### VARS The variables to back up or restore. These are placed in the parent scope, so you must backup and restore from the same scope. ## Notes One must always call `vcpkg_backup_env_variables` before `vcpkg_restore_env_variables`; however, `vcpkg_restore_env_variables` does not change the back up variables, and so you may call `restore` multiple times for one `backup`. #]===] function(vcpkg_backup_env_variables) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "" "" "VARS") if(NOT DEFINED arg_VARS) message(FATAL_ERROR "VARS must be defined.") endif() if(DEFINED arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} was passed extra arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() foreach(envvar IN LISTS arg_VARS) if(DEFINED ENV{${envvar}}) set("z_vcpkg_env_backup_${envvar}" "$ENV{${envvar}}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() unset("z_vcpkg_env_backup_${envvar}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(vcpkg_restore_env_variables) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "" "" "VARS") if(NOT DEFINED arg_VARS) message(FATAL_ERROR "VARS must be defined.") endif() if(DEFINED arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} was passed extra arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() foreach(envvar IN LISTS arg_VARS) if(DEFINED z_vcpkg_env_backup_${envvar}) set("ENV{${envvar}}" "${z_vcpkg_env_backup_${envvar}}") else() unset("ENV{${envvar}}") endif() endforeach() endfunction()