set(VCPKG_POLICY_EMPTY_PACKAGE enabled) set(git_test_repo "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/test-git-repo") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${git_test_repo}") # LFS expects a URL for a local repository set(git_remote "file:///${git_test_repo}") vcpkg_find_acquire_program(GIT) vcpkg_list(SET git_config -c core.autocrlf=false -c -c ) vcpkg_list(SET git ${GIT} ${git_config}) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} init "test-git-repo" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}" LOGNAME "git-init" ) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} config uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant true WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-config" ) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} checkout -b main WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-new-branch" ) file(WRITE "${git_test_repo}/README.txt" "first commit") vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} add "README.txt" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-add.1" ) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} commit -m "first commit" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-commit.1" ) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${git} rev-parse HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE ref RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" ) if(NOT "${error_code}" EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to rev-parse HEAD: ${error_code}") endif() string(STRIP "${ref}" ref) file(WRITE "${git_test_repo}/README.txt" "second commit") vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} add "README.txt" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-add.2" ) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} commit -m "second commit" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-commit.2" ) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${git} rev-parse HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE head_ref RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" ) if(NOT "${error_code}" EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to rev-parse HEAD: ${error_code}") endif() string(STRIP "${head_ref}" head_ref) # test regular mode set(VCPKG_USE_HEAD_VERSION OFF) vcpkg_from_git( OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path URL "${git_remote}" REF "${ref}" HEAD_REF main ) file(READ "${source_path}/README.txt" contents) if(NOT "${contents}" STREQUAL "first commit") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the first commit. Contents were: ${contents} ") endif() # test regular mode with FETCH_REF vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} config uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant false WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-config" ) set(VCPKG_USE_HEAD_VERSION OFF) vcpkg_from_git( OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path URL "${git_remote}" REF "${ref}" FETCH_REF main HEAD_REF main ) file(READ "${source_path}/README.txt" contents) if(NOT "${contents}" STREQUAL "first commit") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the first commit. Contents were: ${contents} ") endif() vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} config uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant true WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-config" ) # test head mode set(VCPKG_USE_HEAD_VERSION ON) vcpkg_from_git( OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path URL "${git_remote}" REF "${ref}" HEAD_REF main ) file(READ "${source_path}/README.txt" contents) if(NOT "${contents}" STREQUAL "second commit") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the HEAD commit. Contents were: ${contents} ") endif() if(NOT "${VCPKG_HEAD_VERSION}" STREQUAL "${head_ref}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the right HEAD commit. Expected: ${head_ref} Actual : ${VCPKG_HEAD_VERSION} ") endif() # test head mode + no HEAD_REF -> just uses REF set(VCPKG_USE_HEAD_VERSION ON) vcpkg_from_git( OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path URL "${git_remote}" REF "${ref}" ) file(READ "${source_path}/README.txt" contents) if(NOT "${contents}" STREQUAL "first commit") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the regular commit. Contents were: ${contents} ") endif() # test new head ref file(WRITE "${git_test_repo}/README.txt" "third commit") vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} add "README.txt" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git.7" ) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} commit -m "second commit" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git.8" ) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${git} rev-parse HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE new_head_ref RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" ) if(NOT "${error_code}" EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to rev-parse HEAD: ${error_code}") endif() string(STRIP "${new_head_ref}" new_head_ref) set(VCPKG_USE_HEAD_VERSION ON) vcpkg_from_git( OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path URL "${git_remote}" REF "${ref}" HEAD_REF main ) file(READ "${source_path}/README.txt" contents) if(NOT "${contents}" STREQUAL "third commit") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the right HEAD commit. Contents were: ${contents} ") endif() if(NOT "${VCPKG_HEAD_VERSION}" STREQUAL "${new_head_ref}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the right HEAD commit. Expected: ${new_head_ref} Actual : ${VCPKG_HEAD_VERSION} ") endif() # test LFS support vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND "${GIT}" lfs --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE lfs_version_output ERROR_VARIABLE lfs_version_error RESULT_VARIABLE lfs_version_result WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" ) if(NOT lfs_version_result) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} lfs install --local WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-lfs-install" ) file(WRITE "${git_test_repo}/.gitattributes" "* text=auto\n*.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text\n") file(WRITE "${git_test_repo}/lfs_file.bin" "fourth commit") vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} add ".gitattributes" "lfs_file.bin" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-lfs-add" ) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND ${git} commit -m "fourth commit" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" LOGNAME "git-lfs-commit" ) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${git} rev-parse HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE ref RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" ) if(NOT "${error_code}" EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to rev-parse HEAD: ${error_code}") endif() string(STRIP "${ref}" ref) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${git} lfs ls-files --name-only OUTPUT_VARIABLE lfs_files RESULT_VARIABLE error_code WORKING_DIRECTORY "${git_test_repo}" ) if(NOT "${error_code}" EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed lfs ls-files: ${error_code}") endif() string(STRIP "${lfs_files}" lfs_files) if(NOT "${lfs_files}" MATCHES [[lfs_file\.bin]]) message(FATAL_ERROR "File was not added to LFS") endif() set(VCPKG_USE_HEAD_VERSION OFF) vcpkg_from_git( OUT_SOURCE_PATH source_path URL "${git_remote}" REF "${ref}" HEAD_REF main LFS ) file(READ "${source_path}/lfs_file.bin" contents) if(NOT "${contents}" STREQUAL "fourth commit") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout the fourth commit. Contents were: ${contents} ") endif() else() message(NOTICE "Git LFS is not available: some tests were skipped") endif()